Posted on April 11, 2011

‘What Would Reagan Do?’ Videos Launched

Ronald Reagan’s son Michael Reagan is hosting a new series of videos that explore how the 40th president of the United States would deal with today’s issues — “What Would Reagan Do?”

One video focuses on the labor strife pitting Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker against the state’s public employees unions, and references how President Reagan handled the strike by air traffic controllers during his administration — he terminated them.

Other videos focus on the unrest in Libya, and the “Federal Pay Gap.”

Michael Reagan, a former radio talk show host, is spokesman for The Reagan Nation and chairman and president of The Reagan Legacy Foundation.

The “What Would Reagan Do?” videos can be found at the website

The website states: “RightChange was founded with the mission of holding America’s elected leaders accountable for their actions. RightChange cuts through political spin using politicians’ own words and actions with simple video-based illustrations that rebut liberal ideology with common sense arguments. We provide Americans with the facts they need to develop their own conclusions.”
