from Hillsdale College

Posted 3/17/2014

The Constitution Minute is a series of brief, informative radio messages designed to improve your understanding of the meaning and history of the U.S. Constitution. Each Minute features Dr. Larry Arnn or another Hillsdale faculty member—the same ones who teach our students on campus—explaining one key constitutional principle.

All of the Constitution Minutes are available through the links below. If you are interested in learning more about the Constitution,  sign up for a free online course from Hillsdale College. Register now for this free, ten-week, online course.

List of Minutes:

  1. How did America’s Founders understand the words, “All men are created equal”?
  2. What is the difference between natural rights and entitlements?
  3. Did America’s Founders intend to create a separation between church and state?
  4. Why does the Constitution limit government?
  5. President Larry Arnn discusses bureaucratic despotism.
  6. The continuing relevance of the Constitution.
  7. What is the Relationship of the Three Branches of Government Under the Constitution?
  8. Why is Federalism crucial to free government?
  9. President Larry Arnn discusses the presidential oath of office.