Liar Liar Pants on Fire
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie…” Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Propaganda Minister.
Recent events have proved this statement to be as true now as it was when Goebbels first said it back in the run up to World War II.
For instance, President Obama telling the American people that, “if you like your health insurance, you can keep it”, would qualify as a big lie. A really big one! And, in keeping with the first sentence in the above quote, many people came to believe it, thereby attesting to the quotes veracity.
However, as illustrated by President Obama, a lie can be too big. If it is soooo big that it encompasses nearly 1/6 of our national economy – as his lie does – it will ultimately have an effect on millions upon millions of people. Sooner or later, enough people will experience a sufficiently adverse effect such that the State can no longer shield them from its consequences, thereby proving the second sentence as well.
Obviously, President Obama knows nothing about the law of holes – like, when you are in one, stop digging – and continuing to compound his mistake, he decided to lie about his, uh, lie.
First it was he didn’t really say that. And then it was he really did say that but it was taken out of context and not what he meant to say. And then it was that he was misinformed when he said it, and, therefore, he didn’t know he was lying. Which, in itself, was a lie.
Once caught in a lie, you are – and always will be – a liar. And everybody knows it. Which is why President Obama has lost favor with much of America… Except for two people of course…
Jimmie Carter likes him because he is now no longer classified as the worst president ever… And Clinton likes him because he is no longer seen as the biggest liar…
~Dick Pilling, Chair