CAPR recommendations on upcoming bills for week of Feb. 26, 2023

CAPR recommendations on upcoming bills for week of Feb. 26, 2023

There are still many bills heading through the committees toward a debate and vote on the floors of the House and Senate – and time to let your voice be heard as the highest authority – the voting citizen.

Following are the bills affecting us all – both bad and good – from the Citizens’ Alliance for Property Rights (CAPR). You can click on the links as indicated to make your comments heard. Please do your part in letting our elected representatives (who represent YOU), what your thoughts are and urge them to vote wisely.

If you’d like to receive daily reports from CAPR to your email box directly, you can get CAPR Legislative alerts by going to



and click on the links to weigh in on those of highest importance to you!

Bills that need attention in Olympia

Bills that need attention in Olympia

So far since the Legislature began on January 9th, there have been over 1,475 bills submitted to various committees.  We’ll be continuing to cover the ones that are the best and the worst, for your input.  It is very important to try and stop bad bills from getting out of committee, so time is of the essence in commenting or just giving a “pro” or “con” message on each of them.  Sending a message to our legislators DOES make a difference; when they hear from a lot of us, they tend to listen, realizing the bills won’t fly under the radar.  Here are several bills that need our attention from the WA State Republican Party.  (You can follow more bills from this source here: Olympia Watch)

From Olympia Watch:

This week in Olympia, Democrats continue to push terrible bills that will increase taxes even further, further harm ‘affordable housing’ goals, and cement election fraud into Washington’s elections.

Along with their terrible bills, Democrats are ignoring bipartisan common-sense bills, along with Republican sponsored bills, that would help get our state moving in the right direction.

Republicans and Democrats have been able to come together to support bipartisan police pursuit reforms along with Emergency Powers reforms to bring back legislative oversight on the Emergency process. These bills are being blocked by Democrat leadership – further proof that if our state is to champion bipartisanship, we need a Republican majority. 

Instead, Democrats are fighting to implement bills like:

It is imperative that you TAKE ACTION and register a CON position to stop radical Democrats in Olympia from making these bad bills LAW. You can view a full and updating list of bad bills on our Olympia Watch page.  Scroll down the page and click on “bad bills” and “good bills” with easy access to weigh in with our legislators.

Democrat Senator Manka Dhingra was appointed as Chair of the Law and Justice Committee, and is single handedly STOPPING police pursuit reform from being heard. Reach out to Senator Dhingra here and ask her to move on this important and bipartisan bill!  We’d also ask that you register your PRO position here on this good piece of legislation coming out of Olympia.

From Influencing Olympia:

A Great Article on HB 1333: Domestic Terrorism Bill in WA State by Wes Cormier in the GHWeekly.

Especially bad bills are SB 5489 and SB 5599 – allowing children to come to Washington State for “gender-affirming” surgery without permission or knowledge of their parents. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THESE and other bills, and an easy way to comment on them.


CAPR recommendations on upcoming bills for week of Feb. 26, 2023

CAPR recommendations on upcoming bills for week of Jan. 29, 2023

There are a myriad of bills coming through the State Legislature, and many of them will affect your lives.  Please be sure to read through, and comment on those that will make your life better or worse.  These are “your” (“our”) “representatives, so they need to hear from us about what the actions they are taking.

Citizens Alliance for Property Rights (CAPR) is a great organization looking out for private property and Constitutional citizens’ rights. Here is their list of recommendations on upcoming and current bills in the WA State Legislature for this week:

Click on the link below for a downloadable PDF version that will allow you to review bills and comment.

Bills before the Washington State Legislature – Week of Jan. 29, 2023.

Of special note, please comment on these bills scheduled for Monday and Tuesday (Jan 30-31):

Monday 1/30/2023 at 1:30p

State Gov’t & Elections Committee

Senate Hearing Rm 2 and Virtual
J.A. Cherberg
Olympia, WA

Public Hearing
  1. CON SB 5209 – Establishing universal civic duty voting. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify (this forces all legal voters in the state of WA to have to have to be registered vote whether they want to or not. It forces the auditor to contact the voter to see if the voter wants to remain on the voter rolls or submit a waiver to be removed from the voter rolls. It should always be the will of a sovereign citizen to decide whether or not they want to register to vote. This also puts more burden on the auditor’s office to follow through on waivers. 
  2. CON SB 5378 – Concerning voter education. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify (you already have this information in a former email from last week. It is an attempt that the creation of this Bill by the OSOS and cosponsored by others will keep RCV from being able to happen in WA state by making it too complex and too expensive to educate the people on alternate voting systems. However, this has never stopped NGOs, non profits or oligarch/businesses from interfering with our election process and providing the tools necessary no matter what the cost. If this bill succeeds and somehow education and resources are funded for jurisdictions to do alternate voting systems, this bill will end up being a precursor to Ranked Choice Voting. It could also be a hindrance to moving away from top-two/open primary going back to original model where each party puts forward one candidate chosen by their own party members. Discern and Vote your conscience). 
  3. CON SB 5459 – Concerning requests for records containing election information. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify (the govt needs to remain transparent to the people with public records request and keeping gov’t responses at the lowest level possible closest to “We the People”. For example,  keeping more accountability at the Auditor’s office as it is easier for the people to hold an Auditor accountable to the people at the lower local county level than a SOS at the higher state  level.

Transportation Committee at 4p:

CON SSB 5112 – Updating processes related to voter registration. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify 

Comp Bill HB 1229 (you will be voting on the Substitute SB 5112)

This bill adds more complexity to an already complex and convoluted system which just increases voters’ mistrust in the system. See more detail here for CON:

Tuesday 1/31/2023 at 1:30p 


House Hearing Rm E and Virtual
John L. O’Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Possible Executive Session
  1. CON HB 1333 – Establishing the domestic violent extremism commission.(This committee excludes looking at domestic violent extremism against whites or Christians who were excluded in the research. This committee will also establish a reeducation program to those committing crimes of DVE and gives an additional $50K stipend to rural newspaper publishers, increasing their pay so they can be compensated for helping educate the people in those rural communities via the newspaper. 
  2. CON HB 1330 – Adjusting the threshold for requiring candidate contribution certifications relating to foreign nationals. (Establishes criteria to make sure donations are not from foreign nationals above $2500. But the requirement should be noninterference in U.S. Elections by foreign nationals. Period.)

Wednesday 2/1/2023 at 1:30p


House Hearing Rm E and Virtual
John L. O’Brien Building
Olympia, WA

Possible Executive Session
  1. CON HB 1475 – Increasing access to elections by allowing certain populations to return ballots using an online ballot portal. (Returning ballots via an internet portal puts your vote at risk and vulnerable to be hacked. It also gives others access to tour confidential vote. Someone had to have a key to unencrypted it and it will be attached to your PII.)
  2. PRO HB 1426 – Concerning campaign contributions by controlled entities. (I watched testimony on some of this last week. Many were PRO because regulates multiple LLCs controlled by one owner to aggregate their contributions from the multiple LLC’s when making contributions to a candidate. This has gotten out of control with people creating LLCs just to find creative ways to funnel additional campaign contributions. This restricts abuse of campaign contributions through multiple LLC’s which aren’t legitimate businesses. They also have to be in operation for a year before they can make a contribution )
  3. CON HB 1442 – Defining synthetic media in campaigns for elective office, and providing relief for candidates and campaigns. (this keeps candidates from being able to use media from an opponent to create memes, mis or disinfo in advertising against the opponent in a campaign,  creating additional regulations. Who determines what it true or not? This will violate 1A rights. The candidate who believes s/he has been wronged will be able to have recourse and request remedy as a result). 
  4. CON HB 1443 – Updating the process for online voter registration by allowing voter applicants to provide the last four digits of social security number for authentication. (This bill allows for online registration and submitting documentation online to register to vote. Instead a voter should be required to come in person to register to vote and submit the required documentation proving they are a legal citizen and eligible.


from Jen Haugland (Duenkel)

House Bill 1592 Relating to using ranked choice voting in the presidential primary
Sponsored by Representatives Mena, Gregerson, Ramel, and Fitzgibbon

This is what is new (its a short bill, easy reading material, but note the new sections and underlined). Here is my summary from my understanding:

  • If there are more than two candidates in a presidential primary election your county will use RCV. Otherwise it goes back to your top-two method.
  • Your county auditor will not be allowed to tabulate the results of the presidential primary that is completed with RCV. Instead under new section 1 c & d the auditor will have to send the date the Cast Vote Records to the OSOS for tabulation and it will be the authority of the SOS to tabulate the results using the instant run-off voting method and then the state shall make available to the voters in our county the preliminary and final results including each round of counting ballots. The SOS shall also make available cast vote record data in a publicly accessible electronic format in a manner based on precincts except when precinct results violates a voters right to a secret ballot. The SOS will determine the number of ranks a voter will have for the primary election (I’m assuming this is based on the number of presidential candidates in the primary. The SOS will determine the ballot. If a voter has 5 candidates to rank then you will be allowed to rank the 5 choices. I believe this eliminates Mickey Mouse as a write-in option from here on out.)
  • This bill also gives specific rules for auditors on how ballots will be counted in RCV: Voters must rank their 1,2,3,4,5 choices. (basically, when a voter is confused or misses ranking votes by all the choices. FYI this has been defined by researchers as “voter fatigue” and a method of disenfranchising the voter). If you voted for 1 and 1 gets eliminated after the RCV method has been calculated in the race, then your number 1 vote no longer counts and it drops down to what your number 2 choice was, and so on, etc. Also, if a voter picks 1 and 1, then both of those votes will be thrown out and your votes do not count, but your 3,4,5 have potential to be considered. If a voter picks 1, omitting choice 2,3), none of his or her remaining choices will be counted. No skipping allowed of two or more consecutive.
  • if a local party chooses to allow voters to select delegates who can be uncommitted to go to their National Convention just like the delegates who would be committed, the party will have to identify a threshold by % of votes that candidate must receive in order to win that delegation slot, otherwise they will not be a delegate to the convention. RCV screws with the vote % so much so, that you could have less than 50% and it will eliminate you and give it it delegate choice number 2.
  • Finally, the Voting System Machines will now have a loophole that allows for certification of just equipment to be certified within systems, since the EAC has only allowed the VSTL’s to certify completed Voting Systems. For example, Mason County has the Clear Ballot Voting System which includes a scanner, tabulator, etc. If one of those items in the system gets upgraded or changed out the VSM is no longer officially certified unless the whole system is resubmitted to the EAC testing company (we have ProV&V) in order to be tested and certified again according to the EAC. This is based on the HAVA Act of 2002. The Legislature is going to make it legal for allowing for changes to be made within the VSM so that just that one changed machine has to be certified… not he whole system. This violates the federal mandates that were created when Congress created the Election Assistance Commission (EAC) to oversee and to protect our constitutional rights of voters with the machine vote systems.

WE are in SERIOUS trouble with this HB. Contact both Representatives Dan Griffey and Travis Couture to vote NO against this bill. It must not get out of committee.

In case you didn’t see the video example of how RCV works here it is again:

One Person, One Vote. No Compromise. Hold the Line.


Note from Editor: A number of years ago, Ranked Choice Voting (also known as Instant Runoff Voting) was brought to Clallam County through the Home Rule Charter Commission. The people of our county voted it down, and with good reason.

Here is a link to the article we ran at that time:

Rep. Mike Chapman has signed on to the Ranked Choice Voting bill. Be sure to let your voice be heard…

CAPR recommendations on upcoming bills for week of Feb. 26, 2023

CAPR recommendations on upcoming bills for week of Jan. 23, 2023

Citizens Alliance for Property Rights (CAPR) is a great organization looking out for private property and Constitutional citizens’ rights. Here is their list of recommendations on upcoming and current bills in the WA State Legislature for this week:

Click on the link for a downloadable PDF version that will allow you to review bills and comment.

Bills before the Washington State Legislature – Week of Jan. 23, 2023.


CAPR recommendations on upcoming bills for week of Feb. 26, 2023

CAPR recommendations on upcoming bills for week of Jan. 15, 2023

Citizens Alliance for Property Rights (CAPR) is a great organization looking out for private property and Constitutional citizens’ rights.  Here is their list of recommendations on upcoming and current bills in the WA State Legislature for this week:

Click on the link for a downloadable PDF version that will allow you to review bills and comment.

Bills before the Washington Legislature