by Sue | Mar 26, 2019 | State Party News Releases
March 24, 2019 – BELLEVUE, WA – WSRP Chairman Caleb Heimlich issued the following statement on the passage of SB 5078 and calls on Governor Inslee to veto the legislation if it passes the House, just as former
California Governor Jerry Brown did.“Washington Democrats are attempting to restrict our choice of candidates on the presidential ballot based on their own political bias. Actions like this are a disgrace to Washington voters and a threat to our democracy – and that is why I am calling on Governor Inslee to veto Senate Bill 5078 if it passes the State House of Representatives”
“To arbitrarily change the criteria by which candidates will or will not appear on our ballot is unconstitutional and creates a dangerous precedent for ridiculous requirements that limit civic engagement.”
“Democrats are showing their true colors. They claim to support broad voter participation but their actions show otherwise. The sad reality is that hypocritical partisan Democrats will stop at nothing, including preventing legitimately nominated candidates from appearing on the ballot, to further their leftist agenda.”
by Sue | Mar 15, 2019 | Alerts about pending WA State Legislation, Education, Taxation
by Jami Lund,
Freedom Foundation
March 7, 2019
Gov. Jay Inslee’s school levy property tax increase, Senate Bill 5313, continues its path through the Washington State Legislature.
This is due to the crisis in school budgets created by union bargaining. Although districts were expected to stop using levy funds on salary enhancements, the combination of union hard bargaining and acquiescent school boards rendered these laws meaningless. Now many districts are going broke because the large pay raises they awarded are unfunded and unsustainable.
by Sue | Mar 9, 2019 | Legislative News, Sex Ed in the Schools
The Washington State Legislature is moving toward passing a bill for “comprehensive” sex education, K-12. Senate Bill 5395 has passed the Senate, and the House is addressing its version of the bill (HB1407).
The Family Policy Institute of Washington (FPIW) has warned about the bill, which Republicans strongly opposed:
“SB 5395 requires that every school district and every school teach dangerous Comprehensive Sexual Education starting in Kindergarten. This bill requires that instruction and materials be inclusive of, and use language and strategies that recognize, all protected classes – that would include Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender ‘protected classes.’ Further, the Comprehensive Sexual Education must be an integral part of the school’s curriculum and be ‘skills-based.’ (more…)
by Sue | Mar 2, 2019 | Olympia News and Views, Taxation
Here are bad bills that have advanced in some capacity in the Legislature this year. Opposite chamber companion bills are noted in some instances.
Bills that would increase your cost of living
House Bill 1110 would create a new low carbon fuel standard program similar to California’s model. This program would: add to the price of gas and goods; not significantly improve our environment; and not generate any new funding for transportation infrastructure.
Senate Bill 5116 would require to phase out fossil fuel electricity generation and move to 100 percent clean energy resources by 2045, and create penalty and incentive structures to move off of fossil fuel resources. The costs of this plan would fall on families and employers through higher energy bills. (House Bill 1211). Learn about the Republican alternative: Carbon Free Washington Act.
Senate Bill 5313 would raise local K-12 property-tax authority, which could result in a property tax increase of $2.5 billion per year. This would lead to huge inequities in taxpayer levy rates and result in meaningful disparities in educational enrichment opportunities for students in less-wealthy areas. Sen. John Braun highlights this bill in his recent Economic Sense newsletter.
House Bill 1105 would impose a new property tax to pay for a government-sponsored hotline to help property owners facing foreclosure. (No Senate companion)
House Bill 1590 would give councilmanic authority to local jurisdictions to raise sales and use tax for affordable housing and homelessness projects. (No Senate companion)
Bills that are bad for employees and employers
House Bill 1515, in its initial form, would have changed the criteria for being classified as an independent contractor for wage, tax and benefit purposes. While this measure was amended to create a work group on employee classification, the results of this group could be used in support of the initial policy in the future.
House Bill 1491, which has been called restrictive scheduling, would require food service, hospitality and retail establishments with more than 250 employees worldwide to provide employees 14 days’ notice of work schedules and compensate employees for schedule changes, along with several additional requirements. (Senate Bill 5717)
House Bill 1575 would make it easier for unions to deduct union dues from public employees. It would also make it harder for employees to exercise their right to not join a union and opt-out if they join and then later want to get out. (Senate Bill 5623)
A bill that takes away local control for school districts
Senate Bill 5395 would require every public school to provide comprehensive sexual health education that meets certain requirements. This approach would take control away from local school boards and their communities. (House Bill 1407)
Bills that are bad for our state health care system
House Bill 1523 would require the Washington Health Benefit Exchange to develop standardized health plans and expressly limit choice over time in favor of one-size-fits-all plans meeting specific government requirements. This approach would: result in providers leaving networks and shifting the cost of health care to self-funded plans; make health care for many Washingtonians more expensive; and destabilize the marketplace. (Senate Bill 5526) Watch Rep. Joe Schmick’s video on this legislation here.
House Bill 1870 would codify Obamacare in state statute. This would lock our state into a health care system that continues to struggle and has since its inception. (Senate Bill 5805)
Senate Bill 5822 would direct the Health Care Authority to convene a work group to study the establishment of a universal health care system in Washington. (House Bill 1877)
A bill that infringes on Second Amendment rights
House Bill 1068 would prohibit high capacity firearm magazines over 15 rounds. You can find a list of all gun-related bills introduced in the House at this website.
A bill that is offensive to agricultural communities
Senate Bill 5693 — While the bill title says, creating transparency in agricultural supply chains, this article’s headline explains the measure more clearly: “Bill would require Washington farmers to report slaves.” Those who testified against this measure are right: It’s offensive to our farmers and agricultural communities. (No House companion)