WSRP Chair comments on Inslee’s announcement to run for president

BELLEVUE – Chairman Caleb Heimlich released the following statement regarding Governor Jay Inslee’s run for President.
“After a 7 year record of mismanagement and misplaced priorities, Governor Inslee is announcing his longshot bid for the Presidency. Inslee’s tenure as Governor has been marked by scandals at the Department of Corrections, Western State Hospital, a rapid rise in homelessness, and worsening traffic congestion. Governor Inslee’s signature efforts have been rejected by the voters of Washington State, including his most recent energy tax scheme that was voted down with more than 56% of the vote,” stated Heimlich.

“Governor Inslee has said that ‘Senators orate and Governors govern,’ which is ironic given that Inslee prefers pontificating to governing,” Heimlich continued.

“Taxpayers are plagued by real issues that Inslee and his administration refuse to address. Governor Inslee should do the people of Washington State a favor and resign while he pursues his vanity run for the White House.  That way, we can have a governor who actually cares about the needs of the people in this Washington,” Heimlich said.

Gun control bills make their way to the State Senate

A number of bills are making their way through the Washington State Senate.

The Substitute to Senate Bill 5062, sponsored by Senator Patty Kuderer (D-48), was filed at the request of Attorney General Bob Ferguson.  It would ban the possession of ammunition magazines with a capacity greater than 10, encompassing most standard capacity magazines commonly used by law-abiding citizens, such as with handguns popular for self-defense.  Those who own non-compliant magazines prior to the ban would only be allowed to possess them on their own property and in other limited instances such as at licensed shooting ranges and nationally sanctioned sport shooting events.  These magazines would have to be transported unloaded and locked separately from firearms and stored at home locked, making them unavailable for self-defense. (more…)

Planning Commission seeks applicants – Port Angeles

City Seeking Applicants – Planning Commission

City Seeking Applicants

The City of Port Angeles is accepting applications to fill vacancies on the Planning Commission.

Planning Commission (2 Members needed): The members of the Planning Commission review and make recommendations to the City Council on land development actions including preparation of the City’s comprehensive plan. The Commission may also make recommendations to individual City departments for adoption of land use controls. The Commission has specific authority vested by the City Council to act as hearings board and approval body for certain land use issues. Planning Commissioners are appointed to four-year terms, with a limit of two consecutive terms. The Commission meets the second and fourth Wednesday of each month, at 6:00 p.m., in the City Council Chambers.

How to Apply:
Download an application below, or pick one up from the City Manager’s Office in City Hall. For more information contact Kari Martinez-Bailey, City Clerk at 360-417-4634 or

Deadline: Open until 2/8/2018

Planning Commission Application