Washington State Initiative 1634 – Keep Groceries Affordable Act of 2018
by Sue Forde
How do you stop a tax before it begins? Well, we have a way to do that on our November ballot. Simply vote “YES” on Initiative 1634 – the “Keep Groceries Affordable” initiative!
Washington state government doesn’t currently collect taxes on food and beverages, but a loophole exists to allow local governments to do so.
And Seattle used that loophole to tax sweetened carbonated drinks. (Big surprise there!) That really was the engine to get this initiative off the ground!
What’s next? Meat, dairy, all your groceries? Yes, there has been talk about taxing these items.
And how long would it be before other local governments followed, as they look for more ways to cover the cost of an ever more expensive budget brought about in part because of State unfunded mandates.
The camel’s nose is under the tent, according to many small business, restaurants, and farmers, to name a just a few, who have signed on to I-1634.
I-1634 is a “pro-active” initiative, ensuring that our groceries -the food and beverages we consume every day – are protected from any new or increased local tax, fee or assessment.
With the rising cost of living, more taxes on necessities like food hurt the low- and fixed-income families the most.
So checking the “YES” box on this initiative is really a no-brainer! Vote Yes on Initiative 1634.
And while you’re at it, vote for Republicans who will work toward lowering taxes and reducing regulations all the way around!
As you probably know by now, this election may be one of the most important ones in history. Just take a look at the Kavanaugh attack by the left, the mobs that are in various cities attacking those who don’t agree with their line of thinking, and understand that if the Democrats take control of the House and/or Senate, we are in deep trouble, as it would be a signal that those type of tactics work.
A Democrat majority in Congress would mean that the great accomplishments of President Trump would be halted, and even reversed. Democrats have also talked about impeaching our duly-elected President, as well as Justice Kavanaugh.
We can participate in a “Red Wave” to be sure that doesn’t happen, and to send the message that it is “we the people” who govern, not a Deep State who would ignore the rule of law.
Here’s just a sample of what the left is doing (thank you, Sue Landis Runyan, for the heads up on this):
” It is timely and meaningful to revisit the efforts by an organization – Organizing for Action (OFA) – which is a part of the Barack Obama official web site. The included Twitter page for OFA is very revealing. One of the inclusions is from a group in Hawaii that organized to make calls into Arizona. Other tweets are from Barack Obama.
” It doesn’t take reading many tweets to realize just the challenge set for those of us who do not want our country changed into the country that Barack Obama wants.
“Perhaps others who read some of these tweets will understand just how important it is to vote in our up coming election. https://mobile.twitter.com/OFA”
Likewise, we’ve seen what the left has done to our State. Let’s continue to work toward taking it back, so the State Constitution can have some meaning! Vote for Jodi & Jim to replace those two who are so heavily funded by the Seattle leftists.
So please be sure to get your ballot in, and strongly encourage others who want to keep our Constitutional Republic strong to do likewise.
The Clallam County Republican Party’s website has the list of the Republican candidates, as well as those nonpartisan candidates and initiatives that have been endorsed. You can see them here: www.clallamrepublicans.org They are also set out below:
The Republican candidates are: Susan Hutchison for U S Senate
Douglas Dightman for US Congress
Jodi Wilke for State Representative Position 1
Jim McEntire for State Representative Position 2
Bill Peach for County Commissioner District 3 (only those who live in Dist 3 can vote for Bill)
Mark Nichols, County Prosecuting Attorney
The nonpartisan candidates the Clallam County Republican Party has endorsed are:
Bill Benedict for County Sheriff
Dave Neupert for County District Court Judge
Julie Gardiner for Director of Dept. of Community Development
Here is where the CCRP stands on the Initiatives:
NO on Initiative 1631
YES on Initiative 1634
NO on Initiative 1639
NO on Initiative 940
If you have questions on any other issues or candidates on the ballot, I’ll be happy to share my personal thoughts about those. Just ask… 🙂 You can contact me at sueforde@clallamrepublicans.org.
Susan Hutchison, candidate for U.S. Senator, debated incumbent Maria Cantwell in the U.S. Senate race on October 8th. Susan did a stellar job of pointing out the differences between the Republicans and the Democrats, sharing how Republicans have action-packed plans for the future of Americans across the nation, while the Democrats seem to “resist” anything and everything that our President Donald Trump puts forth. Here is Susan’s opening statement at the debate:
Please Vote “No” on Initiative 1639 (I-1639) in November
By Jim McEntire
September 10, 2018
I’ve read the initiative myself and here’s a short take on what is wrong with this initiative. For an in-depth review, please see Larry Williams’ posts on Facebook. Larry’s a former Port Angeles City Councilor who now lives in Omak.
First, a couple of facts about I-1639. It was sponsored by three Washington billionaires, plus a billionaire who is from New York city. It says its purpose is to reduce gun violence by adding further restrictions on who is allowed to buy “semi-automatic assault rifles” which is the term used by those who seek more stringent gun control to get people to be scared of semi-automatic rifles of any type. This initiative is a good example of special interest legislation that comes from those who desire to have control over the common person, and to make exercise of our rights under the federal and State constitutions more difficult for the common person. (more…)
We can all agree that a housing crisis exists, both relating to availability and cost of housing. Supply and demand are the primary cost drivers of Real Estate yet government regulations, zoning, buildable land, and taxes, all create the conditions that hurt the housing market. One builder in Sequim stated that $27-30,000 in permits, impact fees and connection fees are required, and for a $60,000 lot it costs $100,000 to break ground – IF he didn’t also end up in court over a wetland dispute.. This places a modest starter home in the neighborhood of $250,000 best case scenario. Unaffordable for most middle-income people.
The unfortunate cries of the public moan about having “Affordable Housing” and often they look to the same government entities that caused this problem to somehow solve the problem. But a closer look at the way government approaches the issue of unaffordable housing reveals some disturbing facts. (more…)