Prager University: A Herculean Crusade for American Values

Prager University: A Herculean Crusade for American Values

by Susan Shotthafer

Just under Mother Jones’s, banner reading “Help Elect More Democrats, another article reads, Inside the Right-Wing YouTube Empire That’s Quietly Turning Millennials into Conservatives.

After Trumps’ November victory, Mother Jones reported, when people asking question about the Electoral College, “People turned to the New York Times and the Washington Post, Fox News, and even the Constitution for answers. But few sources were as widely consulted as Prager U’s Do You Understand the Electoral College.”  Receiving 850,000 views before November’s election, two weeks later, fifty million people had had viewed this presentation. Phenomenal?

Illustrating Prager U’s effectiveness, Dennis Prager explains that until releasing this video, polls tallied increasing numbers of people supporting abandonment of the electoral college in favor of popular vote for U.S President. After the video, support for removal of the electoral college began steady decline.

Inside the Right-Wing YouTube Empire That’s Quietly Turning Millennials Into Conservatives

Frequent first responses when hearing about Prager University’s lawsuit against Google’s restriction of videos is, “Google is a private company, so how can PragerU win?

The simple answer: Can United Airlines; the Hilton or Marie Callenders legally deny service because of someone’s gender, race, religious beliefs. or political views?  However, apparently, businesses can now discriminate because of political preference, Sarah Huckabee, for example.

Google’s claim to provide a platform for all views is false. Google has blocked 8o Prager U videos in homes filtering out pornography and adult material, libraries and schools. Google’s reason for is that the PragerU content is” inappropriate” for children—an absurdity. The truthful reason—PragerU threatens leftists’ agenda.

Responding to the ruling a Prager University states the crux of their argument:

[T]he judge made a “startling omission” when she described YouTube’s own self-description as a “community where everyone’s voice can be heard” no matter their “point of view” as non-binding “mere ‘puffery.’”

PragerU lost its first court battle but the judge left open the door for appeal that PragerU has now filed.

To counteract leftist university and public-school indoctrination, Dennis Prager founded Prager University in 2011. Primarily, Prager U’s states it missions as, “We Teach what Isn’t Taught” by presenting the “values that shaped America and made U. S. the strongest force the world has ever known.” First, videos were released monthly.  A year or so ago, PragerU began releasing a new video weekly.  You can learn more about Prager U’s impact and vison, at What We Do.

Last reported, videos numbered 250. Sixty percent of viewers are under 35 years old. Twenty-five percent of Americans have viewed the videos.  PragerU acquired 60 million viewers in 2017. On December 15, 2017, PragerU surpassed one billon views, including many from foreign countries, Views soar at about a thousand per minute, now at 1,560,618, — 10:15 a.m. 8-27-18.  Watching the numbers grow at the website is like watching our national debt clock.

PragerU presenters are scientists, theologians, historians, university professors, and represent many more disciplines. In addition to videos and video transcripts, PragerU provides lesson plans and other resources.  The next time you write a report or letter to the editor, try Prager University for reliable sources. Promote liberty and all American values by supporting Prager University with a donation and by signing their petition.

Links for More Info

This next link contains a list of 80 videos now restricted and the petition you can sign to help Prager University.

YouTube continues to restrict many Prager U videos. Fight back!

This link contains the first Prager University video providing background info bout Google’s restricted list

Who Will Google Silence Next?

Dennis Prager Explains Prager University Lawsuit Against YouTube: ‘If America Looks Good, It’s Restricted’

This last link provides more detail about Prager U’s appeal and Google discriminatory restrictions of Prager U videos

Prager U files appeal in censorship case against YouTube

Prager U Sues YouTube For Discriminating Against Conservative Videos

What is Net Neutrality?

What is Net Neutrality?

All that we’ve heard about Net Neutrality is that it’s a “good thing.  But is it?  What this video by Prager University to learn more about it.

Death of a Nation: Can We Save America a Second Time?

Death of a Nation: Can We Save America a Second Time?

We went to see Death of a Nation, and it far exceeded our expectations as to the message, the history, and the need to be vigilant, with suggested action.

I highly recommend it – it’s an excellent well-produced, fast-moving film that young people, especially, should see, to learn some of the accurate history of our nation they aren’t getting in school, (lots of surprises) with a warning about our present course, and what we can do to get back on track. 

It’s playing at the Deer Park Theater through the Sept. 6th – with two showings on Monday, 9/3  at 1:30 and 4, and on the other days at 4 p.m.  Sept. 6th is the last day.

If you haven’t already seen it, please make a point to get there if you can – and take children / grandchildren with you, if that’s possible! 

Sue Forde