Prescribed drugs a possible cause for multiple problems?

By Susan Shotthafer

Leaving the classroom, Arron told me, “I couldn’t settle down today. I forgot to take my pill. I have ADHD.”

My thoughts returned to the recent Florida high school shooting, my research about the prescribed psychiatric drugs connection to mass shootings, and Dr. Peter Breggin’s extensive work on this topic including ADHD drug consequences.

Listening to Dennis Prager’s numerous discussions about the Florida shooting, the psychiatric drugs and mass shootings relationship appeared unknown to special guests or callers and even to Dennis.  Would nihilistic leftists and their media’s reliance on victimhood to advance Second Amendment obliteration broadcast such critical information? (more…)

When is a “kid”, a “kid”?

By Donnie Hall

If it wasn’t hard enough for a kid to be a kid these days, count on elected officials and special interests to make it even harder by setting all kind of different ages to separate childhood from maturity.  

The law says that you automatically become an adult at age 18.  By in large, this is true.  At 18, one is considered: independent from his or her parents, capable of entering into legal agreements, an adult in criminal or civil proceedings, and competent to make life-impacting decisions and render consent in many matters.  One day younger and the person remains a child for legal purposes, and thus, not competent under the law to make decisions without parental assistance unless the decision is to obtain an abortion. Here the underage girl may or may not be considered capable of making such an important decision depending on the state of residence.   (more…)

Words mean things: Democratic or Democrat?

by Dick Pilling

You know, as a conservative Republican, I have always had a problem with the fact that many people refer to the “Democratic Party” when what they really mean is the “Democrat Party”.  Just because it is comprised of those that identify as Democrats does not necessarily make it democratic.

The term democratic is defined as relating to or supporting democracy or its principles and the term democracy is defined as a system of government through elected representatives. (more…)

Republican woman challenges Democrat incumbent for House Seat

Republican woman challenges Democrat incumbent for House Seat

by Lois Krafsky-Perry

Port Angeles, WA – April 4, 2018 – Jodi Wilke of Jefferson County announced her candidacy for 24th District House of Representatives this morning at a meeting held at Joshua’s in Port Angeles, WA.  There were approximately 30 people in attendance as she shared her ideas about how to make government better in Olympia. 

Jodi, a  mother, nurse, and Zumba instructor  is challenging a Clallam County incumbent for the 24th District, Position 1 seat, in Olympia’s next session.

“There is a Republican tide rising.  We are the party that will fight for you. I hear your heart and I will fight for you,” announced Wilke, at   Joshua’s Restaurant in Port Angeles.

The Jefferson County resident championed the successful  Proposition 1 drive, on behalf of property owners and citizens of Port Townsend, involving housing units.

“We truly are the party that represents the hopes of the people”, affirmed Wilke, who is a strong supporter of the US military and  veterans.

Supporting the education needs, in the schools, is a high priority of the candidate. She also wants to make sure children are protected, while at school. Wise education funding is also important to her.

Frivolous lawsuits by our legislators is another concern, in that she believes there is a lack of public scrutiny. 

The Olympic Peninsula, in many areas struggles for growth because of policy decisions, in outlying areas, which also worries the candidate. 

Creating a safe and healthy district is  paramount to Wilke, who plans to resist higher taxes and desires more fiscal responsibility, for her constituents. 

Read more about Jodi at her website:

(Photos by Lois Perry)



Shotthafer resigns school board


An open letter to the Port Angeles School Board and Community:

A Change on the Port Angeles School board

 Dear Board Members and Superintendent Dr. Jackson:

When expressing dissatisfaction with the directions our nation travels, we often hear the suggestion, “Run for school board.” 

A powerful sense of duty to serve freedom motivated me to become a school director candidate. Transparently, I played the candidate role, making my best effort to win, while knowing if elected, I would place myself, publicly, in a most vulnerable and uncomfortable position. (more…)