2017 Bills Currently in Progress – WA State Legislature

From Washington Votes.org

The bills below are posted as of January 18, 2017.  For current status, please click on WashingtonVotes.org.

Please note that the following legislative actions have been taken.


House Bill 1000: Concerning the use of deadly force by law enforcement and corrections officers

Introduced by Rep. Beth Doglio (Federal Way) (D) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1001: Concerning utility easements on state-owned aquatic lands

Introduced by Rep. Jeff Morris (Mt. Vernon) (D) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1002: Concerning public funds being used for elective abortions

Introduced by Rep. David Taylor (Moxee) (R) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1003: Establishing parental notification requirements for abortion

Introduced by Rep. Matt Shea (Spokane Valley) (R) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1004: Protecting the constitutionally guaranteed right to the lawful possession of firearms during a state of emergency

Introduced by Rep. Matt Shea (Spokane Valley) (R) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1005: Creating accountability in agency rule-making authority

Introduced by Rep. David Taylor (Moxee) (R) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.




House Bill 1006: Protecting the right to work

Introduced by Rep. Matt Shea (Spokane Valley) (R) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1007: Accommodating the civil rights of religious objectors to mandatory payments to labor organizations

Introduced by Rep. Matt Shea (Spokane Valley) (R) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1008: Concerning the acquisition of land by state natural resources agencies

Introduced by Rep. Matt Shea (Spokane Valley) (R) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1009: Clarifying that the authority to mitigate environmental impacts under the state environmental policy act applies only to significant adverse environmental impacts

Introduced by Rep. Matt Shea (Spokane Valley) (R) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1010: Directing the department of ecology to submit an annual report to the legislature detailing the department’s participation in interagency agreements

Introduced by Rep. Matt Shea (Spokane Valley) (R) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1011: Allowing the use of gender-segregated facilities

Introduced by Rep. David Taylor (Moxee) (R) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1012: Eliminating the use of the high school science assessment as a graduation prerequisite

Introduced by Rep. David Taylor (Moxee) (R) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1013: Reducing overlap between the state environmental policy act and other laws

Introduced by Rep. Matt Shea (Spokane Valley) (R) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1014: Establishing a peer review process to ensure robust economic analysis of department of ecology administrative rules

Introduced by Rep. Matt Shea (Spokane Valley) (R) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1015: Prohibiting restrictions on the carrying of a concealed pistol by persons with a valid concealed pistol license in certain facilities

Introduced by Rep. Matt Shea (Spokane Valley) (R) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1016: Requiring a finding of guilt prior to the forfeiture of private property

Introduced by Rep. David Taylor (Moxee) (R) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1017: Addressing the siting of schools and school facilities

Introduced by Rep. Bob McCaslin Jr. (Spokane Valley) (R) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1018: Modifying the maximum amount for grants provided to airports and air navigation facilities

Introduced by Rep. Tom Dent (Moses Lake) (R) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.





House Bill 1019: Concerning state fire services mobilization

Introduced by Rep. Tom Dent (Moses Lake) (R) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1020: Allowing beer and/or wine specialty shop licensees to sell products made by distillers that produce sixty thousand gallons or less of spirits per year

Introduced by Rep. Norm Johnson (Yakima) (R) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1021: Funding education first

Introduced by Rep. Drew MacEwen (Union) (R) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1022: Enhancing crime victim participation in the criminal justice system process

Introduced by Rep. Drew MacEwen (Union) (R) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1023: Concerning military student participation in varsity extracurricular activities

Introduced by Rep. Drew MacEwen (Union) (R) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1024: Authorizing cities and counties to facilitate the maintenance and repair of private roadways impacting the public interest

Introduced by Rep. Drew MacEwen (Union) (R) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1025: Establishing priorities for enactment of appropriations and tax legislation

Introduced by Rep. David Taylor (Moxee) (R) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1026: Requiring the submission of a waiver to the federal government to create the Washington health security trust

Introduced by Rep. Sherry Appleton (Poulsbo) (D) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1027: Addressing surplus line broker licensing

Introduced by Rep. Andrew Barkis (Olympia) (R) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1028: Reducing air pollution associated with asphalt production in urban areas

Introduced by Rep. Gerry Pollet (Seattle) (D) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1029: Modifying the election and authority of regional transit authority board members

Introduced by Rep. Mark Harmsworth (Mill Creek) (R) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1030: Authorizing the replacement of Interstate 405 express toll lanes with a general purpose lane and a high occupancy vehicle lane

Introduced by Rep. Mark Harmsworth (Mill Creek) (R) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1031: Concerning the use of unmanned aerial systems near certain protected marine species

Introduced by Rep. Kristine Lytton (Anacortes) (D) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1032: Expanding access to the state need grant by modifying awards for students attending private four-year institutions of higher education

Introduced by Rep. Cindy Ryu (Shoreline) (D) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1033: Expanding access to the state need grant by modifying awards for students attending private four-year institutions of higher education

Introduced by Rep. Matt Manweller (Ellensburg) (R) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1034: Concerning legal actions against the state by state officials

Introduced by Rep. Matt Manweller (Ellensburg) (R) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1034: Concerning surname changes after the solemnization of a marriage

Passed 76 to 21 in the House on March 2, 2015

See Who Voted “Yes” and Who Voted “No” at http://www.washingtonvotes.org/RollCall.aspx?ID=706984


House Bill 1035: Ensuring the accuracy of prevailing wage survey data provided by interested parties

Introduced by Rep. Matt Manweller (Ellensburg) (R) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1036: Concerning business practices of registered tow truck operators by authorizing electronic records creation and storage

Introduced by Rep. Mark Harmsworth (Mill Creek) (R) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1037: Concerning notice sent by and certain release of information affecting registered tow truck operators

Introduced by Rep. Derek Stanford (Bothell) (D) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1038: Increasing the number of tasting rooms allowed under a domestic winery license

Introduced by Rep. Cary Condotta (East Wenatchee) (R) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1039: Allowing sales of growlers of wine

Introduced by Rep. Sharon Wylie (Vancouver) (D) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1040: Providing small winery tax relief

Introduced by Rep. Sharon Wylie (Vancouver) (D) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1041: Facilitating compliance with the federal REAL ID act by modifying driver’s license and identicard design and fees

Introduced by Rep. Judy Clibborn (Mercer Island) (D) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1042: Eliminating the office of the insurance commissioner’s school district or educational service district annual report

Introduced by Rep. Larry Springer (Kirkland) (D) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1043: Addressing nonpublic personal health information

Introduced by Rep. June Robinson (Everett) (D) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1044: Concerning the funding of homeownership projects through the housing trust fund

Introduced by Rep. Drew MacEwen (Union) (R) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1045: Addressing licensing and enforcement provisions applicable to money transmitters and currency exchanges under the uniform money services act

Introduced by Rep. Steve Kirby (Tacoma) (D) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1046: Concerning certificates of academic and individual achievement

Introduced by Rep. Drew MacEwen (Union) (R) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1047: Protecting the public’s health by creating a system for safe and secure collection and disposal of unwanted medications

Introduced by Rep. Strom Peterson (Edmonds) (D) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1048: Promoting a sustainable, local renewable energy industry through modifying renewable energy system tax incentives and providing guidance for renewable energy system component recycling

Introduced by Rep. Jeff Morris (Mt. Vernon) (D) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1049: Concerning unmanned aircraft

Introduced by Rep. Jeff Morris (Mt. Vernon) (D) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1050: Concerning the financing of Chehalis basin flood damage reduction and habitat restoration projects

Introduced by Rep. Richard DeBolt (Chehalis) (R) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1051: Concerning financing essential public infrastructure

Introduced by Rep. Richard DeBolt (Chehalis) (R) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1052: Repealing the requirement that credentialing authorities suspend a person’s occupational credential for nonpayment or default of certain student loans

Introduced by Rep. David Sawyer (Tacoma) (D) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1053: Addressing the Washington state credit union act

Introduced by Rep. Kristine Reeves (D) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1054: Concerning the age of individuals at which sale or distribution of tobacco and vapor products may be made

Introduced by Rep. Paul Harris (Vancouver) (R) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1055: Concerning pro bono legal services for military service members, veterans, and their families

Introduced by Rep. Christine Kilduff (University Place) (D) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1056: Concerning consumer protections for military service members on active duty

Introduced by Rep. Christine Kilduff (University Place) (D) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1057: Providing information to students about education loans

Introduced by Rep. Tina Orwall (Des Moines) (D) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1058: Changing provisions relating to court-ordered restitution in certain criminal cases

Introduced by Rep. Drew MacEwen (Union) (R) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1059: Delaying implementation of revisions to the school levy lid

Introduced by Rep. Kristine Lytton (Anacortes) (D) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1060: Concerning the administration of marijuana to students for medical purposes

Introduced by Rep. Brian Blake (Longview) (D) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1061: Concerning collection agency transaction fees for processing electronic payments

Introduced by Rep. Derek Stanford (Bothell) (D) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1062: Concerning determination of the benchmark rate in Snohomish county for certain community residential services

Introduced by Rep. John Lovick (Mill Creek) (D) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1063: Allowing certain federally recognized tribes to enter into agreements regarding fuel taxes

Introduced by Rep. Jeff Morris (Mt. Vernon) (D) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1064: Removing expiration dates, obsolete dates, and an outdated statutory reference from the enforcement provisions of the underground utility damage prevention act

Introduced by Rep. Jeff Morris (Mt. Vernon) (D) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1065: Concerning penalties for marijuana offenses

Introduced by Rep. Steve Kirby (Tacoma) (D) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1066: Authorizing funeral planning and funeral services as noninsurance benefits under group life and disability insurance policies

Introduced by Rep. Steve Kirby (Tacoma) (D) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1067: Making 2017-2019 fiscal biennium operating appropriations

Introduced by Rep. Timm Ormsby (Spokane) (D) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1068: Making 2017 supplemental operating appropriations

Introduced by Rep. Timm Ormsby (Spokane) (D) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1069: Concerning procedures for enforcing outpatient civil commitment orders

Introduced by Rep. Laurie Jinkins (Tacoma) (D) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1070: Concerning filing fee surcharges for funding dispute resolution centers

Introduced by Rep. Laurie Jinkins (Tacoma) (D) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1071: Repealing an expiration date for legislation enacted in 2015 regarding pawnbroker fees and interest rates

Introduced by Rep. Steve Kirby (Tacoma) (D) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1072: Concerning determination of the constitutionality of legislative acts

Introduced by Rep. John Koster (R) on January 9, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1073: Concerning commercial transportation services freight deliverers

Introduced by Rep. Steve Kirby (Tacoma) (D) on January 10, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1074: Creating the community wildfire protection assessment

Introduced by Rep. Kristine Lytton (Anacortes) (D) on January 10, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1075: Concerning the capital budget

Introduced by Rep. Steve Tharinger (Sequim) (D) on January 10, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1076: Permitting the donation of home-prepared foods to charitable organizations

Introduced by Rep. Paul Graves (Fall City) (R) on January 10, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1077: Establishing rules for motorized suction dredge mining in rivers and streams equal to other hydraulic projects by modifying a hydraulic project approval exemption

Introduced by Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon (West Seattle) (D) on January 10, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1078: Concerning human trafficking, prostitution, and commercial sexual abuse of a minor

Introduced by Rep. Mike Pellicciotti (D) on January 10, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1079: Creating a criminal no-contact order for human trafficking and promoting prostitution-related offenses

Introduced by Rep. Tina Orwall (Des Moines) (D) on January 10, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1080: Concerning state general obligation bonds and related accounts

Introduced by Rep. Steve Tharinger (Sequim) (D) on January 11, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1081: Authorizing funeral planning and funeral services as noninsurance benefits under group life and disability insurance policies

Introduced by Rep. Brandon Vick (Camas) (R) on January 11, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1082: Prohibiting regulation of the amount of rent for commercial properties

Introduced by Rep. Matt Manweller (Ellensburg) (R) on January 11, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1083: Creating an exemption from the intents and affidavits requirements when paying prevailing wages

Introduced by Rep. Matt Manweller (Ellensburg) (R) on January 11, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1084: Identifying certain water rights held by municipal water suppliers as water rights available for municipal water supply purposes

Introduced by Rep. Matt Shea (Spokane Valley) (R) on January 11, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1085: Regulating the minimum dimensions of habitable spaces in single-family residential areas

Introduced by Rep. Brian Blake (Longview) (D) on January 11, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1086: Promoting the completion of environmental impact statements within two years

Introduced by Rep. Brian Blake (Longview) (D) on January 11, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1087: Reducing the penalty for possession of controlled substances

Introduced by Rep. Sherry Appleton (Poulsbo) (D) on January 11, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1088: Allowing for more than one vacation of a misdemeanor and gross misdemeanor conviction

Introduced by Rep. Sherry Appleton (Poulsbo) (D) on January 11, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1089: Amending the schedule for updates to the comprehensive plan of Kitsap county

Introduced by Rep. Sherry Appleton (Poulsbo) (D) on January 11, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1090: Concerning breed-based dog regulations

Introduced by Rep. Sherry Appleton (Poulsbo) (D) on January 11, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1091: Authorizing tribal court judges to solemnize marriages

Introduced by Rep. Sherry Appleton (Poulsbo) (D) on January 11, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1092: Authorizing home production of recreational marijuana

Introduced by Rep. Sherry Appleton (Poulsbo) (D) on January 11, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1093: Clarifying legal financial obligation provisions

Introduced by Rep. Sherry Appleton (Poulsbo) (D) on January 11, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1094: Concerning medical marijuana patients and their employers

Introduced by Rep. David Sawyer (Tacoma) (D) on January 11, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1095: Concerning antifreeze products

Introduced by Rep. Sherry Appleton (Poulsbo) (D) on January 11, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1096: Removing the limit on the total number of marijuana retail outlets that may be licensed

Introduced by Rep. Sherry Appleton (Poulsbo) (D) on January 11, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1097: Concerning tribal consultation regarding hunting rights and activities

Introduced by Rep. David Sawyer (Tacoma) (D) on January 11, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1098: Establishing a process for qualifying patients age eighteen and over and designated providers to purchase their lawful marijuana plants and seeds from marijuana retailers with a medical marijuana endorsement

Introduced by Rep. David Sawyer (Tacoma) (D) on January 11, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1099: Addressing local governments’ unofficial moratoria on state-licensed marijuana retail outlets

Introduced by Rep. David Sawyer (Tacoma) (D) on January 11, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1100: Concerning concealed pistol license renewal notices

Introduced by Rep. David Taylor (Moxee) (R) on January 11, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1101: Simplifying the population growth criteria for planning required by the growth management act

Introduced by Rep. David Taylor (Moxee) (R) on January 11, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1102: Concerning technology-enhanced government surveillance

Introduced by Rep. David Taylor (Moxee) (R) on January 11, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1103: Concerning the transfer of federal land to the state

Introduced by Rep. David Taylor (Moxee) (R) on January 11, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1104: Concerning unlawful entry onto private property

Introduced by Rep. David Taylor (Moxee) (R) on January 11, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1105: Concerning passenger-carrying vehicles for railroad employees

Introduced by Rep. Derek Stanford (Bothell) (D) on January 11, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1106: Regulating water pollution discharges from motorized mineral prospecting activities

Introduced by Rep. Gael Tarleton (Seattle) (D) on January 11, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1107: Eliminating the term “branch” as an identifying factor for extensions of the public institutions of higher education

Introduced by Rep. Larry Haler (Richland) (R) on January 11, 2017  



House Bill 1129: Providing associate degree education to enhance education opportunities and public safety

Introduced by Rep. Larry Haler (Richland) (R) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1130: Making the customized training program permanent

Introduced by Rep. Larry Haler (Richland) (R) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1131: Concerning actions for damage to real property resulting from construction, alteration, or repair on adjacent property

Introduced by Rep. Christine Kilduff (University Place) (D) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1132: Concerning dispute resolution between seed buyers and dealers

Introduced by Rep. Vincent Buys (Lynden) (R) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1133: Limiting the uses of the fire protection contractor license fund

Introduced by Rep. Dan Griffey (Allyn) (R) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.





House Bill 1134: Banning the sale of assault weapons and large capacity magazines

Introduced by Rep. Strom Peterson (Edmonds) (D) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1135: Limiting oil spill contingency planning requirements to those railroads that haul oils used as fuel

Introduced by Rep. Mary Dye (Pomeroy) (R) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1136: Exempting short-line railroads that haul nonfuel oils from oil spill contingency planning requirements

Introduced by Rep. Mary Dye (Pomeroy) (R) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1137: Defining independent contractor relationships in the context of real estate licensing

Introduced by Rep. Steve Kirby (Tacoma) (D) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1138: Expanding collection of offender DNA samples

Introduced by Rep. Brad Klippert (Kennewick) (R) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1139: Concerning the methods of services provided by the office of public guardianship

Introduced by Rep. Christine Kilduff (University Place) (D) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1140: Extending surcharges on court filing fees for deposit in the judicial stabilization trust account to July 1, 2021

Introduced by Rep. Laurie Jinkins (Tacoma) (D) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1141: Concerning a restricted driver’s license for persons who fail to comply with a child support order

Introduced by Rep. Matt Manweller (Ellensburg) (R) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1142: Enhancing the ability of a coroner to perform his or her duties

Introduced by Rep. Matt Manweller (Ellensburg) (R) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1143: Concerning fairness and equity in local employment laws and contracts related to work hours and scheduling

Introduced by Rep. Matt Manweller (Ellensburg) (R) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1144: Amending state greenhouse gas emission limits for consistency with the most recent assessment of climate change science

Introduced by Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon (West Seattle) (D) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1145: Concerning unpaid accounts

Introduced by Rep. Larry Springer (Kirkland) (D) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1146: Making 2015-2017 supplemental transportation appropriations

Introduced by Rep. Judy Clibborn (Mercer Island) (D) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1147: Making transportation appropriations for the 2017-2019 fiscal biennium

Introduced by Rep. Judy Clibborn (Mercer Island) (D) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1148: Extending the expiration date for reporting requirements on timber purchases

Introduced by Rep. Jim Walsh (Aberdeen) (R) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1149: Providing an exemption from certain maximum vehicle length limitations

Introduced by Rep. Mike Chapman (Federal Way) (D) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1150: Clarifying procedures for appointment to the Chehalis board created by chapter 194, Laws of 2016

Introduced by Rep. Richard DeBolt (Chehalis) (R) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1151: Clarifying residency requirements for licensed marijuana businesses

Introduced by Rep. Sharon Wylie (Vancouver) (D) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1152: Concerning licensing agreements and consulting contracts for licensed marijuana businesses

Introduced by Rep. Brian Blake (Longview) (D) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1153: Concerning crimes against vulnerable persons

Introduced by Rep. Roger Goodman (KirkLand) (D) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1154: Ensuring the competitiveness of Washington state’s fishing and seafood processing industries by supporting the recapitalization of fishing fleets through certain tax preferences

Introduced by Rep. Gael Tarleton (Seattle) (D) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1155: Making felony sex offenses a crime that may be prosecuted at any time after its commission

Introduced by Rep. Dan Griffey (Allyn) (R) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1156: Modifying the population criteria for allowing wheeled all-terrain vehicles on county roadways

Introduced by Rep. Drew MacEwen (Union) (R) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1157: Modifying the operation of motorcycles on roadways laned for traffic

Introduced by Rep. Drew MacEwen (Union) (R) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1158: Restoring the fair treatment of underserved groups in public employment, education, and contracting

Introduced by Rep. Sharon Tomiko Santos (Seattle) (D) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1159: Concerning employment after public service in state government

Introduced by Rep. Mike Pellicciotti (Algona) (D) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1160: Enacting recommendations of the sunshine committee

Introduced by Rep. Larry Springer (Kirkland) (D) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1161: Concerning county auditors

Introduced by Rep. Sherry Appleton (Poulsbo) (D) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1162: Concerning requirements for providing notice regarding court review of initial detention decisions under the involuntary treatment act

Introduced by Rep. Christine Kilduff (University Place) (D) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1163: Concerning domestic violence

Introduced by Rep. Roger Goodman (KirkLand) (D) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1164: Concerning public awareness of tax exemptions for over-the-counter drugs dispensed to patients pursuant to a prescription

Introduced by Rep. Sharon Wylie (Vancouver) (D) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1165: Modifying theater license provisions

Introduced by Rep. David Sawyer (Tacoma) (D) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1166: Concerning fire protection district tax levies

Introduced by Rep. Dan Griffey (Allyn) (R) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1167: Concerning fire commissioner compensation

Introduced by Rep. Dan Griffey (Allyn) (R) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1168: Supporting student success at community and technical colleges by increasing fulltime faculty

Introduced by Rep. Mia Gregerson (Des Moines) (D) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1169: Enacting the student opportunity, assistance, and relief act

Introduced by Rep. Tina Orwall (Des Moines) (D) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1170: Maintaining and facilitating court-based and school-based efforts to promote attendance and reduce truancy

Introduced by Rep. Tina Orwall (Des Moines) (D) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1171: Directing the completion of a study of certain environmental impacts, including ultrafine particulate emissions, associated with aircraft traffic in areas impacted by airport operations

Introduced by Rep. Tina Orwall (Des Moines) (D) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1172: Encouraging low-water landscaping practices as a drought alleviation tool

Introduced by Rep. Tina Orwall (Des Moines) (D) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1173: Addressing military service credit for members of the Washington state patrol retirement system

Introduced by Rep. Dick Muri (Steilacoom) (R) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1174: Requiring the superintendent of public instruction to develop an elective firearms safety and hunter education course for high school students

Introduced by Rep. Dick Muri (Steilacoom) (R) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1175: Increasing the rate of sales and use tax that may be imposed by certain transportation benefit districts

Introduced by Rep. Dick Muri (Steilacoom) (R) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1176: Concerning the alcoholic beverage mead

Introduced by Rep. Dick Muri (Steilacoom) (R) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1177: Supporting access to state recreation lands by disabled veterans

Introduced by Rep. Dick Muri (Steilacoom) (R) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1178: Enacting the protection of the rights of religious exercise and conscience from government discrimination act

Introduced by Rep. Matt Shea (Spokane Valley) (R) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1179: Concerning compensation for part-time academic employees at community colleges

Introduced by Rep. Gerry Pollet (Seattle) (D) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1180: Enhancing recreational opportunities for veterans with disabilities

Introduced by Rep. Brian Blake (Longview) (D) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1181: Prohibiting the creation and maintenance of a database concerning pistol sales or transfers

Introduced by Rep. Brian Blake (Longview) (D) on January 12, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1182: Addressing civil service qualifications

Introduced by Rep. Drew Stokesbary (Auburn) (R) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1183: Authorizing specified local governments, including municipalities and federally recognized Indian tribes to designate a portion of their territory as a creative district

Introduced by Rep. Joan McBride (Kirkland) (D) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1184: Modifying patronizing a prostitute provisions

Introduced by Rep. Tina Orwall (Des Moines) (D) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1185: Addressing business practices that involve offering free or reduced-priced goods or services relative to the insurance code’s prohibition on offering rebates or inducements to purchase insurance.

Introduced by Rep. Larry Haler (Richland) (R) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1186: Concerning the provision of and reimbursement for certain court interpreter services.

Introduced by Rep. Sharon Tomiko Santos (Seattle) (D) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1187: Concerning water-sewer districts

Introduced by Rep. Mia Gregerson (Des Moines) (D) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1188: Concerning the use of child passenger restraint systems

Introduced by Rep. Steve Bergquist (Renton) (D) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1189: Concerning exemptions from the massage therapy law

Introduced by Rep. Shelly Short (Addy) (R) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1190: Prohibiting a government database of law abiding owners of legal firearms

Introduced by Rep. David Taylor (Moxee) (R) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1191: Eliminating the fee on the retail sale of vehicle tires

Introduced by Rep. David Taylor (Moxee) (R) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1192: Prohibiting the department of fish and wildlife from requiring public access as a condition of receiving compensation under chapter 77.36 RCW

Introduced by Rep. David Taylor (Moxee) (R) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1193: Creating the Fourth Amendment protection act

Introduced by Rep. David Taylor (Moxee) (R) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1194: Creating a legislative page scholarship program

Introduced by Rep. Dave Hayes (Camano Island) (R) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1195: Concerning surrender of person under surety’s bond

Introduced by Rep. Christine Kilduff (University Place) (D) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1196: Modifying the process for prevailing parties to recover judgments in small claims court

Introduced by Rep. Roger Goodman (KirkLand) (D) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1197: Concerning respite services for caregivers of people with mental illness

Introduced by Rep. Gael Tarleton (Seattle) (D) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1198: Concerning substance abuse monitoring for podiatric physicians and surgeons

Introduced by Rep. Paul Harris (Vancouver) (R) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1199: Allowing youth courts to have jurisdiction over transit infractions

Introduced by Rep. Morgan Irwin (Enumclaw) (R) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1200: Concerning the crime of voyeurism

Introduced by Rep. Gina R. McCabe (Goldendale) (R) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1201: Concerning the taxing authority of public facilities districts

Introduced by Rep. Monica Jurado Stonier (Vancouver) (D) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1202: Prohibiting the use of international law to infringe on property rights

Introduced by Rep. Jesse Young (Gig Harbor) (R) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1203: Exempting school districts from the state portion of sales and use taxes on school construction

Introduced by Rep. Jesse Young (Gig Harbor) (R) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1204: Requiring the display of the national league of families’ POW/MIA flag on certain days

Introduced by Rep. Jesse Young (Gig Harbor) (R) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1205: Providing a right of first repurchase for surplus transportation property

Introduced by Rep. Jesse Young (Gig Harbor) (R) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1206: Repealing the state estate tax

Introduced by Rep. Jesse Young (Gig Harbor) (R) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1207: Requiring agreements between state agencies and the federal government to be reported to the legislature

Introduced by Rep. Jesse Young (Gig Harbor) (R) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1208: Concerning charter school students participating in interschool athletics and extracurricular activities

Introduced by Rep. Norm Johnson (Yakima) (R) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1209: Concerning municipal access to local financial services

Introduced by Rep. Steve Bergquist (Renton) (D) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1210: Strengthening funding for oil spill programs in Washington by increasing revenue to the oil spill prevention account

Introduced by Rep. Jessyn Farrell (Kenmore) (D) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1211: Addressing prescription drug insurance continuity of care

Introduced by Rep. Laurie Jinkins (Tacoma) (D) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1212: Concerning the possession and transfer of marijuana, marijuana plants, useable marijuana, marijuana-infused products, and marijuana concentrates

Introduced by Rep. Brian Blake (Longview) (D) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1213: Promoting the use of greywater in urban buildings

Introduced by Rep. Jessyn Farrell (Kenmore) (D) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1214: Increasing the number of state need grant recipients by awarding the community and technical college rate in certain financial aid programs for a student’s first two years of postsecondary credit

Introduced by Rep. Mark Hargrove (Covington) (R) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1215: Authorizing innovation schools

Introduced by Rep. Mark Hargrove (Covington) (R) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1216: Concerning unlawful entry on certain properties

Introduced by Rep. Brad Klippert (Kennewick) (R) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1217: Concerning the burdening of exercises of religion and freedom of conscience

Introduced by Rep. Brad Klippert (Kennewick) (R) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1218: Modifying when towing fees terminate

Introduced by Rep. Jake Fey (Tacoma) (D) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1219: Concerning deficiency claims after auction of a private property vehicle impound

Introduced by Rep. Ed Orcutt (Kalama) (R) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1220: Concerning the flying of flags on campuses of Washington state institutions of higher education

Introduced by Rep. Brad Klippert (Kennewick) (R) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1221: Concerning the solemnization of marriages by commissioners of courts of limited jurisdiction

Introduced by Rep. Jay Rodne (North Bend) (R) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1222: Creating a bistate bridge project legislative work group

Introduced by Rep. Liz Pike (Camas) (R) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1223: Extending the term of validity for a driver’s instruction permit

Introduced by Rep. Liz Pike (Camas) (R) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1224: Granting local governments the authority to make challenges related to growth management planning subject to direct review in superior court

Introduced by Rep. Liz Pike (Camas) (R) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1225: Requiring planning for the availability of mineral resources for future generations under the growth management act

Introduced by Rep. Liz Pike (Camas) (R) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1226: Improving the convenience of electronic waste collection

Introduced by Rep. Liz Pike (Camas) (R) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1227: Concerning correctional industries’ insurance costs

Introduced by Rep. Liz Pike (Camas) (R) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1228: Limiting industrial insurance benefits for injuries or diseases caused by use of intoxicating liquor or drugs

Introduced by Rep. Liz Pike (Camas) (R) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1229: Ensuring that fishing opportunities in Washington are consistent with the economic contributions provided by the fishing user groups

Introduced by Rep. Liz Pike (Camas) (R) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1230: Modifying qualifications for disabled veterans to receive fee exempt license plates

Introduced by Rep. Liz Pike (Camas) (R) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1231: Removing the expiration date of the business and occupation tax deduction for cooperative finance organizations

Introduced by Rep. Kristine Lytton (Anacortes) (D) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1232: Concerning the timing and content of disclosures by continuing care retirement communities

Introduced by Rep. Judy Clibborn (Mercer Island) (D) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1233: Enabling electric utilities to prepare for the distributed energy future

Introduced by Rep. Jeff Morris (Mt. Vernon) (D) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1234: Addressing private health plan coverage of contraceptives

Introduced by Rep. June Robinson (Everett) (D) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1235: Assessing physical education practices in public schools

Introduced by Rep. Marcus Riccelli (Spokane) (D) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1236: Encouraging courts to require that children subject to truancy petitions complete and submit assignments

Introduced by Rep. Brad Klippert (Kennewick) (R) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1237: Modifying collective bargaining law to authorize providing additional compensation to academic employees at community and technical colleges

Introduced by Rep. Mike Sells (Everett) (D) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1238: Creating new full-time tenure track positions at the state’s four-year public institutions of higher education

Introduced by Rep. Gerry Pollet (Seattle) (D) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1239: Concerning requests for medical records to support an application for social security benefits

Introduced by Rep. Pat Sullivan (Covington) (D) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



House Bill 1240: Revising the responsibilities of the joint administrative rules review committee to increase legislative oversight of agency rule making

Introduced by Rep. John Koster (Arlington) (R) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1241: Increasing legislative oversight of agency rule making

Introduced by Rep. John Koster (Arlington) (R) on January 13, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



Senate Bill 5062: Extending the period for which a bond levy may be increased

Introduced by Sen. Sam Hunt (Olympia) (D) on January 11, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



Senate Bill 5063: Clarifying the taxation of pet adoption fees

Introduced by Sen. Joe Fain (Auburn) (R) on January 11, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



Senate Bill 5064: Concerning freedom of expression rights of students at public schools and institutions of higher education

Introduced by Sen. Joe Fain (Auburn) (R) on January 11, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



Senate Bill 5065: Concerning government performance and accountability

Introduced by Sen. Mark Miloscia (Algona) (R) on January 11, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



Senate Bill 5066: Concerning state budgeting through zero-based budget reviews

Introduced by Sen. Mark Miloscia (Algona) (R) on January 11, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5067: Enacting the Washington voting rights act

Introduced by Sen. Mark Miloscia (Algona) (R) on January 11, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5068: Establishing a voting rights act to promote equal voting opportunity in certain political subdivisions by authorizing district-based elections in cities, towns, code cities, and counties

Introduced by Sen. Mark Miloscia (Algona) (R) on January 11, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5069: Providing associate degree education to enhance education opportunities and public safety

Introduced by Sen. Maureen Walsh (R) on January 11, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5070: Concerning paraeducators

Introduced by Sen. Ann Rivers (VanCouver) (R) on January 11, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5071: Concerning family medicine residency application criteria

Introduced by Sen. Karen Keiser (Kent) (D) on January 11, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5072: Concerning graduate medical education

Introduced by Sen. Karen Keiser (Kent) (D) on January 11, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5073: Concerning recommendations from the joint legislative task force on the use of deadly force in community policing

Introduced by Sen. David Frockt (Seattle) (D) on January 11, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5074: Aligning eligibility for the college bound scholarship program with the state need grant program

Introduced by Sen. David Frockt (Seattle) (D) on January 11, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5075: Concerning dispute resolution between seed buyers and dealers


House Bill 1158: Restoring the fair treatment of underserved groups in public employment, education, and contracting

Referred to the House Capital Budget Committee on January 16, 2017

House Bill 1242: Concerning patients’ access to investigational medical products

Introduced by Rep. Brandon Vick (Camas) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1243: Prohibiting the sale, donation, or use of aborted fetal body parts

Introduced by Rep. Brad Klippert (Kennewick) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1244: Preventing purveyors of public water systems from intentional fluoridation in excess of concentrations that are currently recommended by the department of health

Introduced by Rep. David Taylor (Moxee) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1245: Providing a tax incentive for the labeling of products

Introduced by Rep. David Taylor (Moxee) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1246: Concerning school bus safety

Introduced by Rep. Gina R. McCabe (Goldendale) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1247: Concerning eligibility for lifetime veteran’s disability passes

Introduced by Rep. Gina R. McCabe (Goldendale) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1248: Correcting a conflict between state and federal law regarding class I correctional industries work programs

Introduced by Rep. Dan Griffey (Allyn) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1249: Recognizing hydroelectricity as an eligible renewable resource in the energy independence act

Introduced by Rep. Dan Griffey (Allyn) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1250: Authorizing retail marijuana outlets to give a free lockable drug box to adults age twenty-one years and over and to qualifying patients age eighteen years and over subject to restrictions

Introduced by Rep. Dan Griffey (Allyn) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1251: Concerning the appointment of counsel for youth in dependency court proceedings

Introduced by Rep. Noel Frame (Seattle) (D) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1252: Transferring authority for low-level radioactive waste management from the department of ecology to the department of health

Introduced by Rep. Larry Haler (Richland) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1253: Making higher education more affordable by providing incentives for the use of open source instructional materials

Introduced by Rep. Jesse Young (Gig Harbor) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1254: Establishing a competitive educational grant program to promote confidence, public speaking, and leadership skills in students

Introduced by Rep. Jesse Young (Gig Harbor) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1255: Directing the department of transportation to identify opportunities and, if appropriate, submit an invitation for bids or request for proposals to contract with concessionaires to operate on and collect tolls for the Tacoma Narrows bridge

Introduced by Rep. Jesse Young (Gig Harbor) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1256: Reforming the school assessment system to focus on teaching and learning

Introduced by Rep. Jesse Young (Gig Harbor) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1257: Concerning the release of wild beavers

Introduced by Rep. Joel Kretz (Wauconda) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1258: Concerning persons with a disability present at the scene of an accident

Introduced by Rep. Gina R. McCabe (Goldendale) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1259: Concerning standards for detention of persons with mental disorders or chemical dependency

Introduced by Rep. Brad Klippert (Kennewick) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1260: Providing for the vacation of misdemeanor marijuana offense convictions

Introduced by Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon (West Seattle) (D) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1261: Concerning the sale of tobacco products in open, unsecured displays

Introduced by Rep. William (Bill) Jenkin (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1262: Concerning accessible parking spaces for people with disabilities

Introduced by Rep. Joan McBride (Kirkland) (D) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1263: Concerning powered automatic doors in buildings accessible to the public

Introduced by Rep. Joan McBride (Kirkland) (D) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1264: Specifying medical assistance coverage for hearing devices for adults

Introduced by Rep. Joan McBride (Kirkland) (D) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1265: Providing tax relief to females by exempting feminine hygiene products from retail sales and use tax

Introduced by Rep. Melanie Stambaugh (Puyallup) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1266: Concerning petroleum storage tank systems

Introduced by Rep. Strom Peterson (Edmonds) (D) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1267: Creating the wastewater treatment plant operator certification account

Introduced by Rep. Richard DeBolt (Chehalis) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1268: Exempting the construction of certain pedestrian infrastructure from the requirements of the state environmental policy act

Introduced by Rep. Mark Harmsworth (Mill Creek) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1269: Concerning access to express toll lanes on Interstate 405 for certain persons undergoing medical treatment

Introduced by Rep. Mark Harmsworth (Mill Creek) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1270: Improving public safety by encouraging the voluntary purchase and voluntary use of firearm safety products

Introduced by Rep. Mark Harmsworth (Mill Creek) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1271: Creating a more equitable penalty for failure to comply with discover pass requirements by setting the penalty at a level equal to the sales price for a discover pass

Introduced by Rep. Mark Harmsworth (Mill Creek) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1272: Creating a motor vehicle registration hiatus for certain motor vehicles that are not operated on public roads

Introduced by Rep. Mark Harmsworth (Mill Creek) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1273: Concerning the alignment of state statutes with federal standards for the issuance of nondomiciled commercial drivers’ licenses and nondomiciled commercial learners’ permits

Introduced by Rep. Cindy Ryu (Shoreline) (D) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1274: Concerning the member requirement for bona fide charitable or nonprofit organizations

Introduced by Rep. David Sawyer (Tacoma) (D) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1275: Including fish passage barrier removal projects that comply with the forest practices rules in the streamlined permit process provided in RCW 77.55.181

Introduced by Rep. Brian Blake (Longview) (D) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1276: Creating a pilot project to test a three-part aim solution that improves health and health care in a manner that lowers overall health care costs in a normally distributed population

Introduced by Rep. Jay Rodne (North Bend) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1277: Providing immunity from liability for professional or trade associations providing emergency response volunteers

Introduced by Rep. Matt Shea (Spokane Valley) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1278: Enacting the physical therapy licensure compact

Introduced by Rep. Nicole Macri (Seattle) (D) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1279: Concerning school safety drills

Introduced by Rep. Eric Pettigrew (Seattle) (D) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1280: Including referred and diverted youth in establishing community juvenile accountability program guidelines

Introduced by Rep. Ruth Kagi (Lake Forest Park) (D) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1281: Modifying the appointment process for trustees of rural county library districts in counties with one million or more residents

Introduced by Rep. Joe Fitzgibbon (West Seattle) (D) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1282: Concerning career and technical education funding

Introduced by Rep. Gael Tarleton (Seattle) (D) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1283: Eliminating the collection of anticipated taxes and assessments

Introduced by Rep. Mike Chapman (Federal Way) (D) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1284: Requiring creation of a statewide school emergency panic button program

Introduced by Rep. John Lovick (Mill Creek) (D) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1285: Modifying oath requirements for interpreters in legal proceedings

Introduced by Rep. Paul Graves (Fall City) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1286: Modifying certain vehicle service fees

Introduced by Rep. Jake Fey (Tacoma) (D) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1287: Addressing collective bargaining

Introduced by Rep. Bruce Chandler (Granger) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1288: Additional contribution rates for contributions made after the date the service is rendered for individual employers of the Washington state retirement systems

Introduced by Rep. Bruce Chandler (Granger) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1289: Concerning plaques for certain state-funded capital budget projects

Introduced by Rep. Marcus Riccelli (Spokane) (D) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1290: Removing references to faith-based exemptions regarding criminal mistreatment of children and vulnerable adults

Introduced by Rep. Christine Kilduff (University Place) (D) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1291: Concerning health care for Pacific Islanders residing in Washington under a compact of free association

Introduced by Rep. Sharon Tomiko Santos (Seattle) (D) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1292: Modifying theft of rental, leased, lease-purchased, or loaned property provisions

Introduced by Rep. Drew Stokesbary (Auburn) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1293: Concerning witnessing a student’s college bound scholarship pledge when efforts to obtain a parent’s or guardian’s signature are unsuccessful

Introduced by Rep. Lillian Ortiz-Self (Mukilteo) (D) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1294: Requiring development of a model ethnic studies curriculum

Introduced by Rep. Lillian Ortiz-Self (Mukilteo) (D) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1295: Improving language access for public school students and families

Introduced by Rep. Lillian Ortiz-Self (Mukilteo) (D) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1296: Consolidating and simplifying the annual report and annual survey used for economic development tax incentives

Introduced by Rep. Terry Nealey (Dayton) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1297: Concerning distillery promotional items and spirit sample sales

Introduced by Rep. Gael Tarleton (Seattle) (D) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1298: Prohibiting employers from asking about arrests or convictions before an applicant is determined otherwise qualified for a position

Introduced by Rep. Lillian Ortiz-Self (Mukilteo) (D) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1299: Including cattle feedlots implementing best management practices within the statutory exemption for odor or fugitive dust caused by agricultural activity

Introduced by Rep. Brian Blake (Longview) (D) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1300: Simplifying and enforcing employee status under employment laws to ensure fairness to employers and employees and address the underground economy

Introduced by Rep. Marcus Riccelli (Spokane) (D) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1301: Concerning the employee antiretaliation act

Introduced by Rep. Cindy Ryu (Shoreline) (D) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1302: Providing damages for wage violations

Introduced by Rep. Noel Frame (Seattle) (D) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1303: Concerning educational interpreters

Introduced by Rep. Melanie Stambaugh (Puyallup) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1304: Concerning individuals receiving both employment and community access services

Introduced by Rep. Christine Kilduff (University Place) (D) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1305: Concerning unlawful entry on certain properties

Introduced by Rep. Andrew Barkis (Olympia) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5159: Addressing community safety at eastern and western state hospitals

Introduced by Sen. Michael Baumgartner (Spokane) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5160: Concerning prescription drug insurance continuity of care

Introduced by Sen. Ann Rivers (VanCouver) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5161: Modifying theater license provisions

Introduced by Sen. Karen Keiser (Kent) (D) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5162: Creating the wastewater treatment plant operator certification account

Introduced by Sen. John McCoy (Tulalip) (D) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5163: Addressing unknown changes to the federal affordable care act and the four-year balanced budget requirement

Introduced by Sen. Karen Keiser (Kent) (D) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5164: Authorizing grocery store license endorsements allowing beer and wine tastings at certain grocery stores that specialize in the sale of meat, poultry, seafood, or cheese

Introduced by Sen. Karen Keiser (Kent) (D) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5165: Concerning snack bar licenses

Introduced by Sen. Doug Ericksen (Ferndale) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5166: Concerning a sales tax exemption provided to state and local governments, public school districts, and public charter schools on construction when the funds were obtained from indebtedness

Introduced by Sen. Doug Ericksen (Ferndale) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5167: Prohibiting the use of mandatory project labor agreements by regional transit authorities

Introduced by Sen. Doug Ericksen (Ferndale) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5168: Prohibiting the use of mandatory project labor agreements

Introduced by Sen. Doug Ericksen (Ferndale) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5169: Classifying fantasy sports contests as contests of skill

Introduced by Sen. Doug Ericksen (Ferndale) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5170: Concerning independent remedial actions under the model toxics control act

Introduced by Sen. Doug Ericksen (Ferndale) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5171: Concerning certain uses of state-owned aquatic lands

Introduced by Sen. Doug Ericksen (Ferndale) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5172: Concerning department of ecology’s reporting requirements on greenhouse gas emissions

Introduced by Sen. Doug Ericksen (Ferndale) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5173: Concerning loss prevention reviews by state agencies

Introduced by Sen. Maralyn Chase (Edmonds) (D) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5174: Amending the consumer protection act to prohibit labor organizations from engaging in unfair or deceptive acts or practices

Introduced by Sen. Jan Angel (Port Orchard) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5175: Modifying the process for prevailing parties to recover judgments in small claims court

Introduced by Sen. Mike Padden (Spokane Valley) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5176: Creating the Washington state preservation of liberty act condemning the unlawful detention of United States citizens and lawful resident aliens under the national defense authorization act

Introduced by Sen. Bob Hasegawa (Renton) (D) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5177: Requiring long-term care workers to be trained to recognize hearing loss

Introduced by Sen. Barbara Bailey (Oak Harbor) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5178: Requiring the department of health to develop a hearing loss education program for health care professionals

Introduced by Sen. Barbara Bailey (Oak Harbor) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5179: Requiring coverage for hearing instruments under public employee and medicaid programs

Introduced in the Senate on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5180: Establishing the legislative advisory committee on aging

Introduced by Sen. Barbara Bailey (Oak Harbor) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5181: Notifying residents of long-term care facilities that they may install and conduct electronic monitoring in their rooms

Introduced by Sen. Barbara Bailey (Oak Harbor) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5182: Providing local governments with options to preserve affordable housing in their communities

Introduced by Sen. Joe Fain (Auburn) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5183: Concerning career and technical education funding

Introduced by Sen. Christine Rolfes (Kitsap County) (D) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5184: Modifying patronizing a prostitute provisions

Introduced by Sen. Mike Padden (Spokane Valley) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5185: Providing immunity from liability for professional or trade associations providing emergency response volunteers

Introduced by Sen. Lynda Wilson (Clark County) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5186: Concerning the collection of blood samples for forensic testing

Introduced by Sen. Mike Padden (Spokane Valley) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5187: Concerning county auditors

Introduced by Sen. Jan Angel (Port Orchard) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5188: Concerning removal of land from the current use property tax classification due to certain natural disasters

Introduced by Sen. Jan Angel (Port Orchard) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5189: Eliminating the collection of anticipated taxes and assessments

Introduced by Sen. Judy Warnick (Grant) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5190: Concerning the member requirement for bona fide charitable or nonprofit organizations

Introduced by Sen. Steve Conway (South Tacoma) (D) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5191: Enacting the physical therapy licensure compact

Introduced by Sen. David Frockt (Seattle) (D) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5192: Extending the time period for voter registration

Introduced by Sen. Patty Kuderer (Bellevue) (D) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5193: Concerning the taxing authority of public facilities districts

Introduced by Sen. Joe Fain (Auburn) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5194: Authorizing, under one license, the sale of spirits, beer, and wine at retail for offpremises consumption

Introduced by Sen. Curtis King (Yakima) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5195: Clarifying the appropriate format for signed written authorizations for special parking privileges

Introduced by Sen. Sam Hunt (Olympia) (D) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5196: Including cattle feedlots implementing best management practices within the statutory exemption for odor or fugitive dust caused by agricultural activity

Introduced by Sen. Judy Warnick (Grant) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5197: Requiring additional security review of the all payer claims database

Introduced by Sen. Randi Becker (Eatonville) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5198: Concerning fire suppression methodologies

Introduced by Sen. Randi Becker (Eatonville) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5199: Concerning fire suppression volunteers

Introduced by Sen. Randi Becker (Eatonville) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5200: Allowing spouses to combine volunteer hours for purposes of receiving a complimentary discover pass

Introduced by Sen. Randi Becker (Eatonville) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5201: Concerning individuals receiving both employment and community access services

Introduced by Sen. Steve O’Ban (Pierce County) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5202: Authorizing nationally recognized college assessments for high school assessment purposes

Introduced by Sen. Michael Baumgartner (Spokane) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5203: Allowing youth courts to have jurisdiction over transit infractions

Introduced by Sen. Lynda Wilson (Clark County) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5204: Modifying a property tax exemption for industrial and manufacturing industries in targeted areas

Introduced by Sen. Joe Fain (Auburn) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5205: Concerning the excise taxation of martial arts

Introduced by Sen. Joe Fain (Auburn) (R) on January 16, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

http://www.washingtonvotes.org/Legislation.aspx?ID=174639You requested to receive this information from Washington Votes

House Bill 1027: Addressing surplus line broker licensing

Substitute offered to the House Rules Committee on January 17, 2017 Modifies licensing requirements for resident and nonresident surplus line insurance brokers..

House Bill 1045: Addressing licensing and enforcement provisions applicable to money transmitters and currency exchanges under the uniform money services act

Substitute offered to the House Rules Committee on January 17, 2017 Requires certain disclosure for virtual currency money transmitters. ? Requires a surety bond for online currency exchangers. ? Modifies the surety bond requirements for money transmitters and adds exempted entities..

House Bill 1053: Addressing the Washington state credit union act

Reported to the House Rules Committee on January 17, 2017 Modifies credit union governance provisions related to supervisory committees and special membership meetings. ? Modifies low-income credit union designations and secondary accounts..

House Bill 1253: Making higher education more affordable by providing incentives for the use of open source instructional materials

Referred to the House Finance Committee on January 17, 2017

House Bill 1306: Authorizing the termination of all legal responsibilities of a nonparent if genetic testing shows by clear and convincing evidence that a man is not the genetic father of a child

Introduced by Rep. Matt Shea (Spokane Valley) (R) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1307: Authorizing local authorities to establish dual speed limits

Introduced by Rep. Matt Shea (Spokane Valley) (R) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1308: Making human decapitation an aggravating circumstance for purposes of aggravated first degree murder

Introduced by Rep. Matt Shea (Spokane Valley) (R) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1309: Concerning removal of land from the current use property tax classification due to certain natural disasters

Introduced by Rep. Mike Steele (Chelan) (R) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1310: Creating a program to provide students and the community with the means to report anonymously concerning unsafe or violent activities, or the threat of these activities

Introduced by Rep. Matt Manweller (Ellensburg) (R) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1311: Creating a business and occupation tax deduction for certain amounts received by zoological facilities

Introduced by Rep. Gael Tarleton (Seattle) (D) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1312: Requiring the department of social and health services to collect and publicly report information on the safe surrender of newborn children

Introduced by Rep. Drew Stokesbary (Auburn) (R) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1314: Concerning health care authority auditing practices

Introduced by Rep. Michelle Caldier (Port Orchard) (R) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1315: Creating a preferred alternative for the placement, sale, and public notice of impounded livestock

Introduced by Rep. Michelle Caldier (Port Orchard) (R) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1317: Concerning the public disclosure of global positioning system data corresponding to residential addresses of public employees and volunteers

Introduced by Rep. Joan McBride (Kirkland) (D) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1318: Addressing credit unions’ capital

Introduced by Rep. Cindy Ryu (Shoreline) (D) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1319: Concerning the frequency of evaluations for certain educators

Introduced by Rep. Bob McCaslin Jr. (Spokane Valley) (R) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1320: Concerning certain gold star license plate qualified applicants and recipients

Introduced by Rep. Kristine Reeves (Algona) (D) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1321: Concerning certain public facilities district’s authorization to acquire, construct, own, remodel, maintain, equip, reequip, repair, finance, and operate one or more recreational facilities other than a ski area with voter approval

Introduced by Rep. William (Bill) Jenkin (R) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1322: Reducing training requirements for developmental disability respite providers working three hundred hours or less in any calendar year

Introduced by Rep. Christine Kilduff (University Place) (D) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1323: Concerning loss prevention reviews by state agencies

Introduced by Rep. Sharon Wylie (Vancouver) (D) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1324: Concerning the financing of local infrastructure

Introduced by Rep. Steve Tharinger (Sequim) (D) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1325: Concerning the evaluation and prioritization of capital budget projects at the public two-year and four-year institutions of higher education

Introduced by Rep. Steve Tharinger (Sequim) (D) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1326: Addressing examinations under oath when a person claims a loss under an insurance contract

Introduced by Rep. Steve Kirby (Tacoma) (D) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1327: Changing provisions relating to presidential electors

Introduced by Rep. Matt Shea (Spokane Valley) (R) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1328: Directing the department of ecology to consider alternatives to rule making

Introduced by Rep. Matt Shea (Spokane Valley) (R) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1329: Modifying monetary penalties imposed for infractions relating to mobile and manufactured home installation

Introduced by Rep. Gina R. McCabe (Goldendale) (R) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1330: Extending the business and occupation tax exemption for amounts received as credits against contracts with or funds provided by the Bonneville power administration and used for low-income ratepayer assistance

Introduced by Rep. Matt Manweller (Ellensburg) (R) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1331: Concerning ferry district authority

Introduced by Rep. Christine Kilduff (University Place) (D) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1332: Concerning dangerous objects on county roads and bridges

Introduced by Rep. Jake Fey (Tacoma) (D) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1333: Requiring establishment of a systemwide credit policy regarding AP exams

Introduced by Rep. Melanie Stambaugh (Puyallup) (R) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1334: Concerning the energy independence act

Introduced by Rep. Gael Tarleton (Seattle) (D) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1335: Concerning the electrification of transportation infrastructure

Introduced by Rep. Gael Tarleton (Seattle) (D) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Bill 1336: Restricting the social security offset to disability compensation

Introduced by Rep. Steve Kirby (Tacoma) (D) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Joint Memorial 4004: Condemning the boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement

Introduced by Rep. Matt Shea (Spokane Valley) (R) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

House Joint Memorial 4005: Urging members of the United States congress to propose the parental rights amendment to the states for ratification

Introduced by Rep. Matt Shea (Spokane Valley) (R) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5206: Providing for career and technical education opportunities for elementary school students

Introduced by Sen. Maralyn Chase (Edmonds) (D) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5207: Concerning the public disclosure of global positioning system data corresponding to residential addresses of public employees and volunteers

Introduced by Sen. Patty Kuderer (Bellevue) (D) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5208: Creating the Washington rural jobs act

Introduced by Sen. Judy Warnick (Grant) (R) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5209: Concerning certain gold star license plate qualified applicants and recipients

Introduced by Sen. Steve O’Ban (Pierce County) (R) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5210: Establishing a student loan bill of rights

Introduced by Sen. Marko Liias (Mukilteo) (D) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5211: Addressing adjudicative proceedings by state agencies

Introduced by Sen. Lynda Wilson (Clark County) (R) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5212: Concerning the scope of land use control ordinances for purposes of vesting

Introduced by Sen. Lynda Wilson (Clark County) (R) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5213: Concerning the award of fees for limited license legal technicians in certain domestic violence cases

Introduced by Sen. Lynda Wilson (Clark County) (R) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5214: Adding responsibilities to the duties of the joint administrative rules review committee

Introduced by Sen. Lynda Wilson (Clark County) (R) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5215: Encouraging the annexation of unincorporated urban growth areas

Introduced by Sen. Steve Conway (South Tacoma) (D) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5216: Requiring the superintendent of public instruction to develop an elective firearms safety and hunter education course for high school students

Introduced by Sen. Steve O’Ban (Pierce County) (R) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5217: Changing explicit alternative routes to teacher certification program requirements to expectations for program outcomes

Introduced by Sen. Hans Zeiger (Puyallup) (R) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5218: Requiring notification to law enforcement of persons with an arrest warrant who are on public agency property

Introduced by Sen. Hans Zeiger (Puyallup) (R) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5219: Increasing transparency of contributions by creating the Washington state DISCLOSE act of 2017

Introduced by Sen. Andy Billig (Spokane) (D) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5220: Concerning the excise taxation of martial arts

Introduced by Sen. Judy Warnick (Grant) (R) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5221: Creating the interstate medical licensure compact

Introduced by Sen. Joe Fain (Auburn) (R) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



Senate Bill 5222: Requiring prime contractors to bond the subcontractors portion of retainage upon request

Introduced by Sen. Bob Hasegawa (Renton) (D) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



Senate Bill 5223: Concerning safe injection sites in Washington state

Introduced by Sen. Mark Miloscia (Algona) (R) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



Senate Bill 5224: Establishing the practice of dental therapy

Introduced by Sen. David Frockt (Seattle) (D) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.

Senate Bill 5225: Directing the completion of a study of certain environmental impacts, including ultrafine particulate emissions, associated with aircraft traffic in areas impacted by airport operations

Introduced by Sen. Karen Keiser (Kent) (D) on January 17, 2017   Official Text and Analysis.



“You’re Teaching My Child WHAT?!” 

The FLASH curriculum originated in King County, WA, and was written by Elizabeth “Beth” Reis  According to her “LinkedIn” page (https://www.linkedin.com/in/beth-reis-0715077), she is also affiliated with Safe Schools Coalition (http://www.safeschoolscoalition.org/) a public-private partnership in support of “gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender queer and questioning youth”, whose member organizations include: http://www.safeschoolscoalition.org/about_us.html#OurMemberOrganizations and is well-known for her activism toward gay marriage in Washington State.

According to http://www.zoominfo.com/p/Beth-Reis/5825114, she is co-chair of Safe Schools Coalition.  (She was formerly employed by Planned Parenthood.)  Falling under the somewhat interesting title of “Family Life and Sexual Health,”  it starts at the 4th grade level, covering sexual abuse and sexual exploitation, includes adult definitions of various parts of the body and how they work, and defines “gender roles,” in addition to “self-esteem”.

As a note to the parents, the introduction to the curriculum states:  “Sexuality education is a lifelong process of acquiring information and forming attitudes, beliefs, and values about identity, relationships, and intimacy. It encompasses sexual development, reproductive health, interpersonal relationships, affection, intimacy, body image, and gender roles.” (Scroll down on that page for some interesting topics.)

An overview of some of the curriculum is posted on the King County website.

Sample lessons can be seen here: www.etr.org/flash/about-flash/sample-lessons/, and although the paragraphs offered seem rather innocuous, if you click into the links, and then the links on the documents that come up, you will begin to see why many parents are concerned.  For instance, take a look at  Reproductive System, Day 2 – for 4th graders .

Under the section Middle School, here is a sample of what is taught: http://www.etr.org/flash/f/middle-school/facts-about-stds/

For a sample of what high school students learn, click on High School Lesson 9 Sample, and then click on the “script” under Activity 2.

Does your school district use the FLASH curriculum?  Check out page 38 on this document to see  (Port Angeles School District is not listed, as they just passed it in late 2016): (This document is from 2007 – how many schools have been added since then?) http://www.prochoicewashington.org/assets/bin/pdfs/healthyyouthalliancereport.pdf

To learn more about the dangers of this type of curriculum, read the following article: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/ontarios-dangerous-sex-ed-is-indoctrination-not-science-says-u.s.-psychiatr, then watch Dr. Miriam Grossman’s video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0IeKSCHXs-0

and read the article below for some further insights about the effects of this curriculum.

Under the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) of 1978, sometimes referred to as the Hatch Amendment, all sexual education instructional materials must be available for parent inspection. Parents have the right to exempt their child from sexual education instruction at any time.  Have you been notified by the school of this right, and offered the opportunity to review the curriculum and class lessons your child will be taught?  If you wish to opt your child, you might review the website “Show and Tell for Parents.

If you determine that you have concerns about the FLASH curriculum (or any other curriculum being taught, for that matter), consider getting involved with your local school district, by running for the position of a school board member.


Abstinence vs. Family Life and Sexual Health, FLASH

by Susan Shotthafer,
elected school board member, Port Angeles School District

December 2016

I examined 3 levels of curriculum for Family Life and Sexual Health known as FLASH. I found the middle school FLASH approach considerably different than the high school approach, more thoughtful and conscientious, likely because of differences in authors.

I think a much of the middle school curriculum is appropriate, but it lacks sufficient deterrence to premature sex. Without wise proactive parental guidance, I think this program could leave middle school students confused and unconvinced to decide on abstinence.

High School FLASH, claiming to be age appropriate, uses the same curriculum for 9th through 12th grades.  Don’t maturity differences exist from 9th through 12th grade?

Flash, risk-reduction not risk avoidance, incorporates National Health Education Standards. We must use all of the curriculum, after approval. (more…)

Candidates’ website 2016

You can view the election results from Clallam County here: http://results.vote.wa.gov/results/current/clallam/

You can view the election results from Washington State here: http://results.vote.wa.gov/results/current/

Trump RallyFor President/Vice President – Donald J. Trump / Mike Pence – https://www.donaldjtrump.com/

For U. S. Senate – Chris Vance – https://chrisvanceforsenate.com/

For Governor – Bill Bryant – http://www.billbryantforgovernor.com/

For Lt. Governor – Marty McClendon – http://www.electmarty.com/

For Secretary of State – Kim Wyman – http://www.kimwyman.com/


For State Treasurer – Duane Davidson – http://www.duanedavidson.org/

For State Treasurer – Michael Waite – https://hiremichaelwaite.com/

For State Auditor – Mark Miloschia – http://www.markmiloscia.com/

For State Attorney General – There are no Republicans running for this position.

For Commissioner of Public Lands – Steve McLaughlin – http://www.mac4lands.org/

Superintendent of Public Schools is a nonpartisan position.  Read about the top two candidates, and make your choice.  They are: Chris Reykdal – www.chrisreykdal.com/ and Erin Jones –  www.erinjones2016.org  (Erin Jones is a strong advocate for common core; Chris Reykdal is not.)

For Insurance Commissioner – Richard Schrock – Click here for information

For State Senator – Danille Turissini – https://danilleforsenate.com/

For State Legislature – District 24, Pos. 1 – George Vrable – Click here for information

For State Legislature – District 24, Pos. 2 – John D. Alger – http://electjohndalger.com/

The Washington State Republican Party has endorsed the following for
State Supreme Court:

For Justice Position 5 – Greg Zempel – http://zempelforjustice.org/

For Justice Position 1 – David DeWolf – https://www.dewolfforjustice.org/about/

For Justice Position 6 – Dave Larson – https://www.larsonforjustice.org/

Initiatives that will be on the November ballot – read here:  www.clallamrepublicans.org/2016-ballot-initiatives/

2016 Ballot Initiatives

Initiatives on the Ballot and the Clallam County Republican Party’s recommendations:

Initiative 1433 – Concerns Labor Standards – NO.
(State mandated minimum wage increase to $13.50.)

This would increase the state minimum wage to $13.50 by 2020. Read about this bad idea here: https://shiftwa.org/category/war-on-jobs/  As a person who runs a small business, I can tell you a minimum wage increase would close the door to many entry-level employees, and force some small businesses to reduce staff in order to keep their doors open.  The effect, in my opinion, would be even more unemployment.  (Also opposed by the Association of Washington Businesses).

If passed, the initiative will only lead to fewer jobs for those it pretends to help and cause higher prices for the poorer people who use the services of the businesses employing these low skilled workers.

Read the Washington Policy Citizen’s Guide on this issue – click here.


Initiative 1464 – Concerns Campaign Finance Laws and Lobbyists – NO.
(Uses taxpayer money to finance campaigns you may not agree with.)

It would create a campaign-finance system allowing residents to direct state funds to qualifying candidates, repeal the non-resident sales-tax exemption, restrict employment of former public employees and lobbying, and revise campaign-finance laws.  Read about this bad idea here: https://shiftwa.org/liberals-want-tax-dollars-campaigns/   (Also opposed by the Association of Washington Businesses).

Read the Washington Policy Citizen’s Guide on this issue – click here.

from former GOP Chair of Jefferson County, Gene Farr:

“There are many reasons to vote NO on I-1464.
“The first 7 pages of this 23 page initiative would impose tight constraints on lobbyists and government contractors, but none on government service employees and their unions.  These are the Unions that are buying legislatures to have them provide overly generous wage and benefit packages for their union members.

“The next 16 pages define a bureaucratic swamp that uses taxpayer dollars to hire a contractor to administer this financing process and control the funding of political campaigns. There are two other fatal flaws in this portion of the Initiative.

“An “eligible Individual”, who can direct the use of taxpayer dollars, is defined at the beginning as being a person registered to vote in Washington State.  Then 7 pages later, the “commission” is required to allow others, who are not allowed to register to vote in Washington State, to also direct the state taxpayer funds.

“Also this Citizen Financing of Elections system to direct funds to campaigns is designed to be web based.  That means the system discriminates against elderly people who are not computer and electronic device savvy.”


Initiative 1491 – Concerns Court-Issued Extreme Risk Protection Orders Temporarily Preventing Access to Firearms – NO.
(Makes it easy to confiscate guns and is poorly written.)

It would inappropriately allow non-professionals to institute procedures to restrict access to firearms.

It would authorize courts to issue extreme risk protection orders to remove an individual from access to firearms. Read about this bad idea here: https://www.nraila.org/articles/20160906/washington-vote-no-on-1491-ballot-initiative-will-selectively-target-gun-owners


Initiative 1501 – Concerns Seniors and Vulnerable Individuals – NO
(Initiated by SEIU to keep workers in the dark about dues.)

This would increase criminal identity-theft penalties and expand civil liability for consumer fraud targeting seniors and vulnerable individuals. It would exempt certain information regarding vulnerable individuals and in-home caregivers from public disclosure.  From Washington Policy Center:

“This fall, voters will decide on whether to pass Initiative 1501, a statewide measure that supporters say would increase penalties for identity theft and fraud targeting seniors and people with disabilities. On the surface the proposal seems to ban fraud activities that are already illegal.

“A closer look reveals the measure is about much more than fighting illegal theft and fraud. The measure is an attempt by organized labor to change the state’s public records law to strengthen a union’s monopoly access to the contact information of Washington’s in-home caregivers. The effect of Initiative 1501 would be to prevent any non-union group from informing care-givers of their right not to pay union dues or agency fees if they do not want to.

“This Citizens Guide summarizes the ballot proposal and describes how the policy changes it would require, under the guise of protecting society’s most vulnerable, would benefit organized labor and make it harder for in-home caregivers to learn about their right to not pay union dues or fees.

Read the Washington Policy Citizen’s Guide on this issue – click here.

Download the Citizens Guide to Initiative 1501


Initiative 732 – Concerns Taxes – NO
(Will impose a carbon tax.)

This would impose a carbon emission tax on certain fossil fuels and fossil-fuel-generated electricity.  First and foremost, we are taxed enough already!  Government needs to cover the constitutionally-mandated items, and reduce spending in unnecessary areas, just like American families have to do.  Secondly, this would be the only state in the union to place such a tax for “carbon”, to supposedly help reduce “manmade” climate change /global warming – ridiculous on its face.  See why a “carbon tax” is a bad idea: https://www.myheritage.org/news/4-reasons-why-a-carbon-tax-is-a-terrible-idea/


Initiative 735 – Concerns a Proposed Amendment to the Federal Constitution – NO
(Amends US Constitution to eliminate corporate contributions (but not union contributions).)

This would urge a federal constitutional amendment that limits constitutional rights to people, not corporations. .It would deny corporations (but not Unions) the right to contribute to election campaigns. This in not in the public interest.

(Note:  Advisory votes are just that – “advisory”.  They probably won’t make a different to the legislators who passed the bills.)

Report on WSSDA

Report on Washington State School Directors Association’s

 2016-2017 Legislative Priorities

by Susan Shotthafer,
Elected Port Angeles School Board Member

Posted 9/25/2016

2016 Current WASSDA Priorities for WA Legislature

On September 19th, 168 school leaders representing 82 districts attended WSSDA’s annual Legislative Assembly. The Assembly approved 39 new positions, added nine Standing Legislative Positions, amended six, and eliminated seven.  Then, the districts in attendance voted for their top 10 legislative priorities. Results of the vote will be considered by the Legislative Committee in October, and a “short list” of top priorities for 2016 will be adopted by the Board of Directors in November

  1. Simple Majority for Bonds in November General Elections WSSDA supports legislation to allow passage of bonds with a simple majority vote in November general elections. (Introduced 2015)
  2. School Construction (SLP 7.1.16) WSSDA supports “ample provision” for school construction through state policies that:
