Brig. Gen. Steve Ritchie
Brig. Gen. Steve Ritchie and the Rescue of Roger Locher
Approx. 8 minute video – highly recommended, spell-binding story of a rescue of a downed pilot in North Vietnam and how it was done.
Brig. Gen. Steve Ritchie and the Rescue of Roger Locher
Approx. 8 minute video – highly recommended, spell-binding story of a rescue of a downed pilot in North Vietnam and how it was done.
The GOP State Convention was held from May 19 – 21, 2016. Clallam County sent 24 delegates and 6 alternates. All of the alternates were raised to delegate status due to several elected delegates who could not attend. It was a long and thoughtful event, with very good results. An excellent state platform was produced and passed; 44 delegates to national convention elected, all of which were “constitutional conservatives”, and many of the statewide candidates for various offices spoke. Special kudos go to Kaj Ahlburg, who served on the state platform committee. That committee spent MANY hours in producing an excellent platform. Sue Forde served on the Rules committee. Dick Pilling was the chair of the delegation, and Dan Shotthafer served as vice-chair.
Here are some photos.
Former Clallam County Commissioner Jim McEntire
George Mason of Virginia, our most unheralded founding father, wrote in the 1776 Virginia Declaration of Rights that it is desirable from time to time for those who serve in public office “… be reduced to a private station, [and] return into that body from which they were originally taken …” So it is with your former public servant.
It is equally desirable and customary for a recently retired elected official to write a retrospective on his time in office, adding up the successes along with his disappointments. But I would rather look forward, putting my past time in office in perspective of the future. I continue to see Clallam County in a situation similar to many communities in America: on the cusp of one of two possibilities – becoming a vibrant self-sustaining community; or become a government (mostly Federal) dependency.
It is no secret that there is an employment and household wealth crisis in Clallam County. Sobering trends can be seen in these charts:
Workforce participation rates are declining. Median household income, adjusted for inflation, is down 4.6% since the end of the recession in 2003. Folks are feeling pretty strapped, and with good reason.
As others so rightly put it, “Our main export should not be our children.” However, other than at election time or with regard to school bond rhetoric, the subject gets scant attention. This is why I am very proud of three accomplishments in office: making a decision and getting the Carlsborg sewer system underway; standing up the Composite Recycling Technology Center (CRTC); and the formation of the Timber Trust Lands Advisory Committee (TLAC). However, if any of these things are going to have lasting impact, they must be viewed a starting point, and not as end solutions in themselves.
Every piece of public economic infrastructure developed in the county should lead to more business. I was very happy to hear that our Port of Port Angeles people were having success in convincing Shell Oil to use Port Angeles as its base of operations for vessels supporting its drilling operations, looking beyond the one-time docking of their rig here. While it is unfortunate that the opportunity didn’t pan out, the work of the whole community in welcoming the Shell personnel is noteworthy. Image what we could accomplish if we were equally welcoming to the Navy, or to other maritime businesses at our splendid deepwater port.
There is something more fundamental we should be doing to grow business here. We should always be looking to grow more complex forms of business along the same lines. Recent discussions on producing and marketing engineered wood products falls into this approach: in addition to our historic dimensional lumber industry, using lesser quality wood, coupled with greater intellectual (engineered) content increases the value, hence price of the product per unit of labor or materials consumed. Perhaps the TLAC can help move his proposal along from talk to action. But this is made more difficult unless State government through the Board of Natural Resources provides for better timber harvest levels from public lands. One can readily see the relationship between supply and increasing demand from lumber and engineered wood product mills.
Likewise, CRTC should be viewed as an opportunity to grow from making piece parts to assemblies and eventually to entire subsystems. That goal could be off in the distance, but as we move beyond the current first steps to the future, the engineering content, hence job and pay value, of our products rises considerably.
How does this happen? It is clear that we need a concerted effort envision and sell opportunities that I alluded to. There is no place for turf wars or assuming it’s someone else’s job. We need leadership. That is why I am also quite proud of my work to revitalize the Economic Development Council as the integration point for these efforts. We can’t just look to the EDC, however. Much leadership must be forthcoming from the County Commissioners, City Councils, and Port Commissioners to rally the citizens to support development of specific business lines. Then we can see the benefits of the initiatives it was my privilege to help start.
A few other specific things to look for in the future:
Cost of County Government: All eight union contracts end in December, 2017. Since personnel costs consume more than seventy percent of general government spending, actions the commissioners take in setting wages and salaries substantially drive the course of the County budget. The U.S. Supreme Court will be deciding a case by June that will tremendously effect these negotiations – the court could very well rule unconstitutional the clause in all the County’s labor contracts requiring union membership (and therefore union dues) as a condition of employment. The effect of that on union membership levels is hard to predict, but these negotiations could be an inflection point for a different relationship between government and employees.
County Fiscal Policy: County government cannot and must not overstress family budgets by causing tax levels to grow too fast, especially since Sequim School District has, and Port Angeles School District likely will have, capital construction levies in front of voters. As always, the best way to increase local government revenues is for the County’s economy to move faster. Clallam’s general government property tax levy has outpaced inflation over the last 10 years; but the property tax levy for roads has not.
That’s enough for now – It has been a privilege to have served you in elected office for these past eight years, and I am everlastingly grateful that you gave me these opportunities. My best wishes to you and yours for the great year of 2016!
11 Oct 2015 at 23:00,
by Andrew Orlowski
for the UK Register
Interview The life of physicist Freeman Dyson spans advising bomber command in World War II; working at the Institute for Advanced Study, in Princeton, New Jersey, as a contemporary of Einstein; and providing advice to the US government on a wide range of scientific and technical issues.
He is a rare public intellectual who writes prolifically for a wide audience. He has also campaigned against nuclear weapons proliferation.
At America’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Dyson was looking at the climate system before it became a hot political issue, over 25 years ago. He provides a robust foreword to a report written by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change cofounder Indur Goklany on CO2 – a report published [PDF] today by the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF).
An Obama supporter who describes himself as “100 per cent Democrat,” Dyson says he is disappointed that the President “chose the wrong side.” Increasing CO2 in the atmosphere does more good than harm, he argues, and humanity doesn’t face an existential crisis. Climate change, he tells us, “is not a scientific mystery but a human mystery. How does it happen that a whole generation of scientific experts is blind to obvious facts?”
We invited Dyson to talk about climate change and other matters, including a question from your correspondent’s kids – how will we do interstellar travel? READ MORE >>>
Gene Far presented information about “Climate Change”. Watch the video:
from the UK Register, posted on Oct. 11, 2015
The life of physicist Freeman Dyson spans advising bomber command in World War II; working at the Institute for Advanced Study, in Princeton, New Jersey, as a contemporary of Einstein; and providing advice to the US government on a wide range of scientific and technical issues.
He is a rare public intellectual who writes prolifically for a wide audience. He has also campaigned against nuclear weapons proliferation.
At America’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Dyson was looking at the climate system before it became a hot political issue, over 25 years ago. He provides a robust foreword to a report written by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change cofounder Indur Goklany on CO2 – a report published [PDF] today by the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF).
An Obama supporter who describes himself as “100 per cent Democrat,” Dyson says he is disappointed that the President “chose the wrong side.” Increasing CO2 in the atmosphere does more good than harm, he argues, and humanity doesn’t face an existential crisis. Climate change, he tells us, “is not a scientific mystery but a human mystery. How does it happen that a whole generation of scientific experts is blind to obvious facts?”
We invited Dyson to talk about climate change and other matters, including a question from your correspondent’s kids – how will we do interstellar travel? READ MORE >>>
SEE ALSO: “What They Haven’t Told You About Climate Change” – at Prager U – CLICK HERE
Climate Change Facts
Posted 12/8/2015
from Gene Farr, former GOP Chair, Jefferson County
Since Jerry Brown in California, Jay Inslee in Washington and all the Climate Chicken Littles continue to scream from the rooftops that Global Warming (AKA Climate Change) is causing droughts, this data from NOAA is worth repeating. The actual facts show that drought conditions in the 1930s and 1950s were worse than the current national drought conditions and that the slight warming the earth experienced from 1975 to 1998 has not caused worse drought conditions.