How well do you understand our Constitution?

from Hillsdale College

Posted 3/17/2014

The Constitution Minute is a series of brief, informative radio messages designed to improve your understanding of the meaning and history of the U.S. Constitution. Each Minute features Dr. Larry Arnn or another Hillsdale faculty member—the same ones who teach our students on campus—explaining one key constitutional principle.

All of the Constitution Minutes are available through the links below. If you are interested in learning more about the Constitution,  sign up for a free online course from Hillsdale College. Register now for this free, ten-week, online course.

List of Minutes:

  1. How did America’s Founders understand the words, “All men are created equal”?
  2. What is the difference between natural rights and entitlements?
  3. Did America’s Founders intend to create a separation between church and state?
  4. Why does the Constitution limit government?
  5. President Larry Arnn discusses bureaucratic despotism.
  6. The continuing relevance of the Constitution.
  7. What is the Relationship of the Three Branches of Government Under the Constitution?
  8. Why is Federalism crucial to free government?
  9. President Larry Arnn discusses the presidential oath of office.

March 7, 2014 Report from Jim McEntire

2013 Year End Report to District I Citizens

Clallam County Commissioner Jim McEntire (R)

Clallam County Commissioner Jim McEntire

Clallam County Commissioner Jim McEntire

My sincerest hope that everyone had a wonderful Christmas season!  I’m a little tardy with this 2013 report because I injured two fingers in January and am just now getting back my typing speed.

Carlsborg wastewater system:  proceeds at a quickening pace.  I expect we’ll be ready to solicit bids for construction within this year.  The cost numbers are settling as I expected, and contain no surprises.  Budgeted sums are sufficient and I had long thought, it is very much more cost effective to move effluent to Sequim for treatment at the City sewage plant.  Wastewater utility costs for those in the Carlsborg urban growth area will be reasonable.  Common sense has won the day in this instance, and I’m glad of it.  (more…)

Dec. 17, 2012 Report from Jim McEntire

December 17, 2012

My sincerest wish to everyone is for a Merry Christmas and a prosperous and happy 2013!

Lots of learning this year for your new Commissioner, chiefly in two areas:  how the interpersonal dynamics work for Mike Doherty, Mike Chapman, and me; and rapid learning in two policy areas (water law and public works vs. the Growth Management Act, with respect to the wastewater infrastructure in Carlsborg).

I won’t dwell on the Carlsborg topic except to say that after at least 15 years, we seem to be moving fairly quickly toward construction.  This project is driven by legal requirements of the Growth Management Act.  From the data I’ve seen, we are not at a crisis point for groundwater contamination in Carlsborg, but this project will ensure that that doesn’t happen.  I’m happy to say that my efforts to arrive at a common-sense and less expensive solution have paid off, and the County, the PUD, and the City of Sequim are in partnership – PUD and the County will work the infrastructure in Carlsborg, and pipe the sewage to the Sequim sewer system for treatment.  This takes advantage of the large amount of capacity the Sequim’s plant has, and also takes advantage of public dollars already spent.
