by Sue | Oct 2, 2013 | GOP Commentary
Posted 10/2/2013
The Washington Examiner is running a series of stories entitled “With the Stroke of a Pen: How Obama abuses executive power to make the law of the land.”
As a backgrounder, here is what the article series is about:
From the Post:
“On Nov. 16, 2010, just days after voters gave Republicans control of the House of Representatives, the progressive think tank Center for American Progress published a report titled “The Power of the President.”
Obama-Biden Transition Project Chairman John Podesta introduced the report, writing that “in the aftermath of this month’s midterm congressional elections, pundits and politicians across the ideological spectrum are focusing on how difficult it will be for President Barack Obama to advance his policy priorities through Congress.”
“Some debate whether the administration should tack to the center and compromise with the new House leadership,” Podesta continued.
“As a former White House chief of staff, I believe those to be the wrong preoccupations. President Obama’s ability to govern the country as chief executive presents an opportunity to demonstrate strength, resolve, and a capacity to get things done,” Podesta said.
Not only did Obama almost immediately embrace the report’s call for maximizing executive power to achieve progressive ends without Congress, it even branded the effort “We Can’t Wait,” thus advertising the fact that Obama had abandoned all pretense of following the U.S. Constitution’s carefully drawn separation-of-powers doctrine.
In this Washington Examiner series, Senior Writer Conn Carroll documents the many times Obama has flagrantly abused executive authority to advance his liberal agenda without congressional approval.
The top 10 instances will be examined over the next two weeks, and more will come later.
You can read them here:
by Sue | Oct 2, 2013 | GOP Commentary
from Mary Katherine Ham article
Posted 10/1/2013
An employee of Minnesota’s Obamacare exchange, MNsure, sent an unencrypted file to the wrong person and left 2,400 people’s private information at the mercy of a nearby insurance agent.
One exchange staffer’s simple mistake gave insurance broker Jim Koester access to an Excel document of Social Security numbers, names, addresses and other personal data for whole a list of insurance agents. Luckily for the 2,400, Koester was cooperative — and unnerved.
“The more I thought about it, the more troubled I was,” Koester told the Minnesota Star Tribune. “What if this had fallen into the wrong hands? It’s scary. If this is happening now, how can clients of MNsure be confident their data is safe?” (more…)
by Sue | Sep 17, 2013 | GOP Commentary
Government has no business in business. By the same token, business has no business in government. These two enterprises have opposite rules, goals and types of people. Business is about making a profit. Government is about spending other people’s money. Those two things define the people in each. Putting those two enterprises under one roof, leads later, if not sooner, to corruption.
~Marv Chastain
by Sue | Sep 17, 2013 | GOP Commentary
Posted on April 11, 2011
‘What Would Reagan Do?’ Videos Launched
Ronald Reagan’s son Michael Reagan is hosting a new series of videos that explore how the 40th president of the United States would deal with today’s issues — “What Would Reagan Do?”
One video focuses on the labor strife pitting Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker against the state’s public employees unions, and references how President Reagan handled the strike by air traffic controllers during his administration — he terminated them.
Other videos focus on the unrest in Libya, and the “Federal Pay Gap.” (more…)
by Sue | Sep 17, 2013 | GOP Commentary
This 1948 Cartoon tells in an excellent way why we need to be aware of socialism / communism / Marxism and how it creeps into our own government if we are not vigilant.