The $50 Lesson


Recently, while I was working in the flower beds in the front yard, my neighbors stopped to chat as they returned home from walking their dog.

During our friendly conversation, I asked their 12 year old daughter what she wanted to be when she grows up. She said she wanted to be President someday.

Both of her parents – liberal Democrats – were standing there, so I asked her, “If you were President what would be the first thing you would do?” (more…)

Quietly, Obama begins ‘regionalizing’ America

Posted 8/18/2013



Stanley Kurtz at National Review Online writes about San Francisco’s new Plan Bay Area–a “regional” plan for San Francisco and the surrounding cities that is ostensibly aimed at making sure minorities can afford the local housing market, but which is actually aimed at forcing Americans to live in denser urban areas as part of state and federal initiatives aimed at slowing global warming by restraining suburban growth.

The background to Plan Bay Area, which is, Kurtz writes, essentially being imposed on local residents with help from the Obama administration, is an activist agenda from the 1990s aimed at redistributing the wealth of the suburbs into failing, Democrat-run cities. One of Barack Obama’s community organizing mentors, Mike Kruglik, is involved in the effort, and Obama was once involved (together with Bill Ayers) in funding it. (more…)

CA Republican wins seat in district with 60% Hispanics, 22-pt. Dem. advantage

A Republican in California won a state Senate seat on Wednesday in a District in which Democrats have a 22-point advantage and that is 60% Hispanic.

by Tony Lee

Posted 8/18/2013

Andy Vidak, the Republican farmer, won the special election runoff for the 16th District Senate seat when his opponent, Democrat Leticia Perez, a Kern County Supervisor, conceded on Wednesday, a day after voters cast their ballots. Vidak had 54% of the vote to Perez’s 46%.

Perez had initially conceded two months ago when the special election was held. But a recount put Vidak under the 50% threshold that was needed to avoid a runoff, and Perez took back her concession nearly a week after the initial election. The seat became vacant when the Democrat, who won the seat in 2010 by 21 points, resigned to work for Chevron. Democrats thought, especially with a Hispanic female candidate, the seat would be a shoo-in for them. The veto-proof supermajority Democrats have in the state Senate is now imperiled with Vidak’s victory. (more…)

Washington State Republican Party Chair Election Set for August 24

posted 8/2/2013

BELLEVUE, WA – WSRP interim-Chair Luanne Van Werven released the following statement on the election of a permanent chair for the Washington State Republican Party:


“The election for our next Washington State Republican Party chair will be held at the regularly scheduled state committee meeting during the weekend of August 23-24 in Spokane. In order for us to be a strong and healthy Party, we must establish who will be our leader not only in the 2014 elections, but also during this November’s important election as well. We have consulted with our legal counsel, and concluded that we are well within our bylaws to hold this election at our previously scheduled meeting.”


The Washington State Republican Party chair is elected by the 117-member state committee, which consists of three representatives from each of Washington’s 39 counties. If any press has interest in attending the election, please contact Keith Schipper either by email or at 425-460-0570 so that we may work on setting up accommodations.

Interim-WSRP Chair Luanne Van Werven Excited to Get to Work

Posted 7/30/2013


BELLEVUE, WA – Former Vice-Chair Luanne Van Werven released the following statement regarding her new role as Chair of the Washington State Republican Party:


“I want to wish Kirby Wilbur all the best in his future position at the Young America’s Foundation. He has served this Party and the state of Washington well as he championed conservative principles for more than 40 years.


“I am excited to step up and get to work with the great WSRP staff to ensure a seamless transition. Continuity for the Party is essential to ensuring big victories in 2013. This year, the Washington State Republican Party plans on adding one more member to the Majority Coalition Caucus by electing Rep. Jan Angel in November’s special election, along with many Republicans in local races across the state. Working toward a Republican majority in both chambers of the Legislature will be my goal, as it was my predecessor’s. I can’t wait to work with all the great Republicans across this state as we seek to reform state government so that it once again works for Washington’s families.”


Luanne Van Werven lives in Whatcom County, and was elected to the position of Vice-Chair for the Washington State Republican Party this past January. She served as Chair of the Whatcom County Republican Party for 4 years, and was elected as the Republican State Committeewoman for Whatcom County in December 2012.