Voices Without a Vote – a Must-see
This is a video prepared by high school students about the importance of this election.
This is a video prepared by high school students about the importance of this election.
Posted 10/3/2012
A grassroots organization of Skagit citizens, farmers and landowners working for cooperative, sustainable water resource policy in the Skagit River watershed is trying to educate folks about what’s happening in their county . Twenty years of back-room agreements intentionally excluding farmers and rural landowners have left their community without a long-range water resource plan. The Skagit watershed is a precious public trust that a select few are trying to control, according to the organization.
“We demand representation for rural landowners and farmers on the Skagit River Flow Management Committee (SRFMC), the self-appointed body that controls water resource policy in the Skagit River watershed without public input or scrutiny,” they say.
For more details, visit us at www.justwateralliance.org.
Posted 9/26/2012
We are fortunate to have two space experts here is Clallam County, one with expertise on the Launch and operations aspects, and one on the development, maintenance and design aspects of programs like Apollo, Shuttle, Space Station, and deep space/Mars Landers. These two have offered to present a four hour long class where they will go through their experiences on the inside of these programs, their successes and less than successes, and with ample opportunities to ask questions. Donations of $20 suggested to cover materials for this fund raiser. Anyone interested please call ahead, 457-1672 or email odonnell@q.com. Location is 2194 West 4th Street, Port Angeles. (more…)
West’s comments speak for themselves…
Non-partisan voting records > HERE
Video Voters’ Guide from candidates + measure debates > HERE
WA’s 2012 General Election Fact Sheet > HERE