Romney’s 5 Point Plan

Go to www.MITTROMNEY.COM for information on Romney’s 5 point plan.

The Federal Reserve’s announcement of a third round of quantitative easing is further confirmation that President Obama’s policies have not worked.
After 4 years of stagnant growth, falling incomes, rising costs, and persistently high unemployment, the American economy doesn’t need more artificial and ineffective measures.
We should be creating wealth, not printing dollars. As president, Mitt Romney will enact bold, pro-growth policies that lead to robust job creation, higher take-home pay, and a true economic recovery.

Obama Isn’t Working

Posted 93/2012

This comes from the Michigan Republican Party – but is so true…

Today is a day for celebrating the commitment of the American worker. Nowhere is that recognition more deserved than here in Michigan. Michigan workers built the American middle class, provided a historical engine of prosperity, and literally put our nation on wheels. Unfortunately, the American middle class is struggling and more hard working Michiganders see it’s time for real change. (more…)