by Sue | Apr 3, 2021 | 2021 Olympia Bills to Watch, 2021-2022 Clallam Co. BOCC
A list of all of the new taxes and fees that are part of the “Forward Washington” transportation proposal.
There will be a public hearing next Tuesday, April 6th at 8:30 am in the Senate Transportation Committee. Sign in to let your voice be heard if you can.

by Sue | Dec 10, 2020 | 2021-2022 Clallam Co. BOCC
by Sue Forde, Chair
The Clallam County Home Rule Charter Commission (HRC) is recommending that the Board of Clallam County Commissioners’ pass a resolution “calling on the state legislature to pass legislation, which would enable the county (and other jurisdictions in the state) to adopt Ranked-Choice Voting for local elections, if they so choose.”
This was attempted in 2007 through the Home Rule Charter when I served on that commission. It went to the ballot and failed by a strong majority of the voters. Testimony by proponents disclosed that to change our voting machines and system to an Instant Runoff Voting (IRV) system would be very expensive to the taxpayers. It is also a complicated system. It effectively removes the “one man, one vote” premise upon which our nation was founded.
The Board of Clallam County Commissioners’ (BOCC) work session to be held on Dec. 14, 2020, commissioners will be presented with a resolution for consideration to promote the idea of Instant Runoff Voting (IRV), otherwise known as “Ranked-Choice Voting.”
I’ve written a comprehensive article for the Citizen Review, which you can read here.
Please consider taking action in (a) writing to the Commissioners with your thoughts after educating yourself on this issue; (b) showing up online to testify.
Be sure to let your county commissioners know what you think about passing the Resolution – and also consider:
If we are so concerned about elections, shouldn’t we (1) first be sure the voter rolls are cleared up every 30 days as required by law; (2) Make sure only legal citizens are voting; (3) and perhaps return to regular polling places where identity can be ascertained by photo ID; and (4) get rid of ballot harvesting?
The BOCC work session can be viewed on a live stream at this link:
If you would like to participate in the meeting by phone call 408-419-1715 and join with Meeting ID: 875 561 784.
If you would like to participate via video conference visit and join with Meeting ID: 875 561 784.
Citizens are encouraged to make public comment by phone, video or in writing.
Citizens with comments or questions can be directed to the Clerk at or 360-417-2256. Here’s the official notice of the work session meeting. (See Notice)