Weigh in on bills in Olympia
In support of our police:
One of the worst ones is HB 1310. It mainly concerns permissible use of force by law enforcement. It also seeks to remove the “good faith” rules and qualified immunity for officers. I briefly read through parts of the bill, and it would essentially deter officers from even responding to calls where a use of force would be likely. And if necessary force is used, it would open officers to legal and civil litigation, regardless of justification.
Sanctity of Human Life (Oppose)
HB 1009– D – https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=1019&Initiative=false&Year=2021 This bill adds abortion coverage to student health plans.
Call and email your House Representative and tell them to Vote NO on HB 1009. We do not need to subject more people or force people to be a party to the violence and devastation of abortion.
HB 1141– See above list. Increasing access to the Death with Dignity act & increasing state-sanctioned suicide.
Currently in the House Rules Committee and can move to the House floor for a vote at any time.
Call and email your House members and tell them to Not Expand State-Sanctioned Suicide.
Sanctity of Human Life (Support)
HB 1031– D – https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=1031&Initiative=false&Year=2021 Provides a certificate of birth and death after a stillbirth and recognizes that there was a live human being. Currently in the House Rules Committee and can move to the House floor for a vote at any time. Call and email your House members and tell them to Vote YES.
HB 1074– D – https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=1074&Initiative=false&Year=2021 Review suicide and overdose deaths to find ways of preventing them.
Currently in the House Rules Committee and can move to the House floor for a vote at any time.
Call and email your House members and tell them to Vote YES.
Religious Freedom (Support)
HB 1042 – D – https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=1042&Initiative=false&Year=2021 Protecting families from facing the death penalty in foreign countries due to their religion or other factors. The House voted to pass this bill to the Senate. This bill is currently in the Senate Law & Justice Committee and is awaiting a hearing. Call and email the Senate Committee members and ask for a hearing.
SB 5009– R – https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=5009&Initiative=false&Year=2021 Protects freedom of all speech, expression, and assembly. The Senate Law & Justice Committee will vote on whether to move it forward on 2/4/21 @ 10:30 AM. Call and email the Committee and tell them to move it forward. Call and email your Senatorand tell them to vote Yes.
Parental Rights (Support)
HB 1215 – R – https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=1215&Initiative=false&Year=2021 Providing parents and their children with more choices for a quality education through the K-12 education scholarship program. Call and email your House membersand the Chair and Co-Chair of the House Education Committee and ASK FOR A HEARING.
SB 5053 – R – https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=5053&Initiative=false&Year=2021 Notification of the parents or guardians of a minor in cases of abortion (will notify parents if their young daughter has an abortion). Call and email your Senator and the Chair and Co-Chair of the Senate Law & Justice Committee and ASK FOR A HEARING.
SB 5233 – R – https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=5233&Initiative=false&Year=2021 Expanding the pool of qualified persons to conduct home studies and pre-adoption studies for foster care and adoptions to people trained by, but not employed by the state or court. This would increase adoptions. Call and email your Senator and the Chair and Co-Chair of the Senate Human Services, Reentry & Rehabilitation Committee and ASK FOR A HEARING.
Parental Rights (Oppose)
SB 5030– D – https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=5030&Initiative=false&Year=2021 Creating a comprehensive School Counseling program. SB 5030 is currently in the Senate Rules Committee. It could be voted on at any time. Call and email your Senator and ask them to Vote NO on SB 5030.
Christian Social Justice (Oppose)
ESSB 5044 – See above – Concerning Professional learning, equity, cultural competency and dismantling institutional racism in the K-12 public schools. ESSB was voted on by the Senate and was passed by a 30 – 19 vote.
It is now in the House Education Committee. Call and email your House members and the House Committee members and ask them to Vote No.
SB 5227 – See above – Requiring diversity, equity, inclusion, and antiracism training and assessments at institutions of higher education. Currently scheduled to be voted on by the Senate Committee on Higher Education and Workforce Development on 2/4/21 @ 1:30 PM. Call and email your Senator and the Senate Committee members and ask them to vote NO.
Talking points for ESSB 5044 and SB 5227:
- Forcing students & teachers to focus on outside appearances rather than inward character will only increase division and hatred.
- Assuming that every person with a certain color of skin is either inherently racist or inherently oppressed will only lead to resentment between people – not unity.
SB 5229 – D – https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=5229&Initiative=false&Year=2021 Concerning health equity continuing education for health care professionals. Requires the same type of CRT training for health care workers. This bill may force health care workers to be a part of dangerous transgender therapies and surgeries against their will. The public hearing was on 1/29/21.
Currently not scheduled for a Senate Committee vote. Call your Senator and the members of the Senate Health & Long Term Care Committee and tell them to vote NO.
SB 5313 – D – https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=5313&Initiative=false&Year=2021 Concerning health insurance discrimination. This bill would not allow health care insurers to deny coverage for gender mutilation surgeries. The public hearing for this bill is 2/3/21 @ 8:00 AM
Sign-in to the Senate Health and Long Term Care Committee hearing here and state your OPPOSITION to this bill. You can choose to testify, submit your written testimony, or simply state whether you are PRO or CON. Follow these simple instructions or watch this video for assistance.
SSB 5052 – See above – Health Equity Zones (will force racial segregation within our health care system). Currently in the Senate Ways & Means Committee. Call and email the Committee members and your Senator and tell them to Vote NO; health should not be forced to be racially segregated.
SHB 1019– D – https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=1019&Initiative=false&Year=2021 Allowing residential marijuana growing. The House Committee passed this bill to the House Appropriations Committee. Call and email your House members and the House Committee Members and tell them to Vote NO on HB 1019.
While there are several bills written by Republican legislators to rein in the power of the governor, meanwhile, the Democrat majority voted party line for extended powers:
2021 Senate Concurrent Resolution 8402: Extending certain gubernatorial orders issued in response to the COVID-19 state of emergency
See who voted for this: https://www.washingtonvotes.org/RollCall.aspx?ID=816328
Here’s what the Senate Republican Caucus leader, John Braun had to say about this: https://src.wastateleg.org/blog/surprise-majority-looks-abdicate-basic-role-legislative-branch/
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Simply call the Legislative HOTLINE and give your information.
CALL THE HOTLINE AT 800-562-6000.
The simplest method about finding / tracking and learning more about a particular bill is through Washington Votes.org.
The list below was developed by the Legislative Information Center. It includes resources that can help you navigate the Washington State Legislature’s remote 2021 Legislative Session.
Understanding the process
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- Legislative Process (Video)
- How a Bill Becomes a Law (text)
- Overview of Legislative Process (text)
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- Glossary of Legislative Terms
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- Citizen’s Guide to Effective Legislative Participation
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Track Legislation
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- Bill Tracking Video
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- House Floor Activity Calendar
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- Committee Schedules
Contacting Your Legislator
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