Don’t look now but the government has its hand in your wallet.  And… no surprise… it’s a “left” hand, of course.

Yes, Olympia is at it again.  Or, rather, the democrats in Olympia.  According to Freedom Foundation’s list of big spenders, the top 20 spendthrifts in the House – all democrats – pushed through new or increased spending bills that, over the next ten years, will put Washington’s tax payers on the hook for over 64 Billion dollars.  That’s “B” for billion…  And yes, both Steve Tharinger at number 6 and Kevin Van De Wege at number 12 are among these top 20 profligates…

To put that in perspective, all remaining House members are responsible for a paltry 3 Billion.  Can you imagine… the top 20 spends over 20 times as much as the other 78 house members COMBINED!!!

We see a similar picture in the Senate whereby the top 15 spenders –all democrats but one – are burning through over 67 Billion dollars whereas the remaining 34 senators account for a measly 6 Billion.  Do you get that… the bottom 34 Senators account for less than 10% of total projected expenditures.  And yes, Senator Jim Hargrove is in that top echelon – number 8, in fact – accounting for over a Billion dollars which, compared to Senator Maralyn Chase’s 11 Billion, is peanuts but still a healthy chunk of change.

Of course, we have to remember that all politicians spend money.  Lots of it, too.  You see, it is really easy to spend other people’s money.  Because if you don’t work for it… if you don’t sweat for it… if it isn’t your hard-earned cash, it is easy come, easy go.  Especially the “go” part…

But this tendency to spend and I mean really spend big – the term “drunken sailor” comes to mind – seems to be a particularly democrat trait.  Like, if spending money was a contest, the democrats would win every time.  And easily too.

And the only way to stop it is with your vote.  So fill in your ballot and take ‘em out of your wallet.

~Dick Pilling, Chair