We’re getting requests about how to check to be sure your ballot has been received.  Here are the online steps you can do to verify that it has been received:

Go to: https://voter.votewa.gov/WhereToVote.aspx

Enter your name and birthdate.

Click “SUBMIT”

On the left hand side of the page, Click on “MY BALLOT” to drop down a menu.  (If the menu is already showing, you can go right to the next step.)


If the status shows:

Ballot Returned Date: (with no date) – your ballot has not yet been received and logged in.

If “Ballot Returned Date”: shows a date, your ballot has been received.

Ballot Status:  Will either show “Sent” (which means they have not yet received your ballot back yet),

or Ballot Status will show “Received”, which means your ballot has been received and will be counted.

There are circumstances when your ballot may be rejected for some reason (a signature that doesn’t match, etc.).  If that’s the case, you will get a notice from the Elections Division to remedy the situation.