I don’t know if you have noticed, but our universities are, by and large, dominated by lefty liberals… a bunch of progressive panderers preaching propagandist pap. And I believe the reason for this is a result of the Viet Nam era of the 60’s.

You see, those who wished to avoid military service sought the safety of college campuses where they were able to avoid military service for at least four years.  Even more if they opted for advanced degrees.

Trouble is, not all of those draft dodgers flooding into colleges were actually cut out for higher education much less advanced degrees.  Many saw mathematics as a mystery and science a secret and so, therefore, were not destined to be engineers or doctors or accountants or, indeed, practitioners of any profession requiring real thinking and actual abilities.

The universities, sensing a hitherto unexploited profit center, began to cater to these intellectual incapables by developing courses that did not require any real aptitude but merely a physical presence and, of course, money… usually provided by parents.  Suddenly, Fine Arts, Literature, Afro-American Studies, Gender Studies, Female Studies, and other similarly unchallenging programs –  leading to dumbed-down degrees relying upon “feeling” rather than “thinking” – were prominently featured in their catalogs and were seized upon by the less-than-patriotic effete in order to avoid Uncle Sam’s attention.

Trouble is, once they graduated, they had no marketable skills.  Face it, how on earth do you exploit a degree in Gender Studies, for gosh sakes?   What does it prepare you to do?  Not much except teaching other ability-challenged students wishing to pursue non-essential academic endeavors.

So, once they finished their so-called education and were, unfortunately, totally ill-equipped to support themselves with these degraded degrees, they stayed at the universities and became teachers, professors and, later, administrators presiding over legions of students that are taught to “feel” rather than “think”.

So… if you have a “feeling” that our universities are turning out educated incompetents, I “think” you are right…

~Dick Pilling, Chair