Tax Reduction Day…

The FOURTH of July used to be one of my favorite holidays but now no more!!

My new favorite holiday is the FIRST of July which will forever be enshrined in my memory as TAX REDUCTION DAY.  Because, effective that date and for the first time in Clallam County history, a tax will actually be reduced.  Can you believe it???    A tax cut… a decrease… a smaller government hand in your wallet…   Really!!

And this unheard of event… this totally unprecedented happening… this unique occurrence is all due to the actions of the Clallam County Board of Commissioners as spearheaded by Clallam County Commissioner Jim McEntire.  Way to go Commissioners!  And a special atta boy to Jim!

It seems that that they had this crazy idea that, just because they had some extra money in the till, there was no real reason to figure out new ways to spend it.   Or even keep it.  Why not send some back where it came from?  Why not give it back to the taxpayers?  What a concept!  Makes you wonder if they are really politicians.  Like who ever heard of an elected official actually giving money back to the citizens?

Of course, a mere .2% reduction is sales tax is not a huge decrease but it is certainly a step in the right direction.  And especially noteworthy at a time when the spendaholics in Olympia are scrabbling around trying to raise taxes or, as they like to say, “increasing revenues”.

It was a real fight though… convincing Olympia bureau-rats to lower taxes is like trying to get pigs to slaughter themselves…

Until next time…
