Important Alert!  We have 19 School Board positions open for election in Clallam County, 3 or 4 in every district.. We have 10 City Council positions also open, 3-4 in each City.  There are other offices, Fire Districts, Water Districts and more. This is such a chance for influence in our community!  Candidates must file by May 19th, filing is only open May 15-19.  Is it possible you should consider running?  Do you know someone conservative minded and of good character that you could ask?

Could you team up with someone and both run?  These are non-partisan positions, but the Clallam Republicans have resources to walk candidates through the process and have a forum for them to speak. Do we dare let any of these positions be filed unopposed?  No!  The democrats certainly won’t.  We want to support good candidates and have some Wins this year! Contact me or for more info.

Don’t be fooled! Many still say “we just can’t win” “it’s rigged” “we have no money” and such things.  Well, part of that is true, I wish we had more money, the “rigged” has not been abandoned as a concern, we are working on fundraising and election integrity,  but the “we just can’t win” is not true.  In the past month there has been much behind the scenes work to increase our influence in Clallam County.

Community Engagement will be key to our success – even in small ways.  Decide where you will pitch in. More to say, but that will come at the Central Committee Meeting: May 11, 6:30, guests are welcome.

 I am working diligently and praying for the well-being of our County. I look forward to working with you!

 Pam Blakeman, Chair
Clallam County Republicans