Party Leadership

The leadership of the Clallam County Republican Party (CCRP) are drawn from those individuals elected by the citizens of Clallam County.  The chair, vice chair, state committeeman and state committeewoman are elected by the elected Precinct Committee Officers (PCOs), who in turn have been elected as representatives to the Central Committee by the voters in each precinct.  We invite you to get to know us – and to join other active Republicans here in Clallam County, to make a difference at our local, state and national levels of government.


New officers were elected in December 2024.

Chair – Matthew Roberson

Vice Chair – Cathy Walde

State Committeeman:  Patrick Day

State Committeewoman:  Anita Reynolds

From the Chair


The Clallam County Republican Party Officers are elected at the annual Organization meeting by the elected Precinct Committee Officers.

Matthew Roberson

Vice Chairman
Cathy Walde

State Committeewomen
Anita Reynolds

State Committeeman
Patrick Day

District 1 Board Member
Patrick Murphy

District 2 Board Members
Alan Lynn
Lisa Milar

District 3 Board Members
Terry Golden

Anita Reynolds

Christine Charters

Party Officials can be reached through the Party office. Office hours are M-F from 11 – 2.

Phone (360) 452-6537 (if you call outside of office hours, please leave a message, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible).

Washington State Republican Party –

Republican National Committee –

Precinct Committee Officers (PCOs) for 2025-2026


The following individuals were elected in August 2024 as PCOS for the next two years, beginning December 2024.

A reorganizational committee meeting will be held in December to elect new officers.  Once a new chair is elected, he or she may appoint PCOs or precinct captains (PCs) to serve those precincts without one.  If you are interested in serving as a PCO or PC, contact us, and you will be contacted after the first of the year.

If you don’t know how to contact your PCO, let us know and we’ll put you in touch with him/her.  Email us at

PRECINCTPCO / Precinct CaptainPrecinct #District
Bell Hill2071
BelleviewAlan Lynn2052
Black Diamond2083
Blue MountainJudy Ann Williams2092
BluffsChuck (Doc) Beaudette2102
Clallam BayCathy Walde2153
ClarkDebby Fuson2162
ClineEric Fehrmann2171
CoyoteSharon Laska2181
Deer Park2202
Diamond Point2211
Dry CreekMatthew Roberson2243
Dungeness EastJim McEntire2221
Dungeness West2231
ElwhaTerry Golden2303
Forks 301Janice Barrera3013
Forks 302Annette "Nettie" Grant3023
Freshwater Bay2333
Happy ValleyChristine Charters2371
JoyceJodi Dotson2413
Lost MountainLisa Millar2451
MacleayGlen Parker2471
Madison CreekCaroly J Gray2483
Miller Peninsula2461
MonterraLyn Wheeler2492
Mount Angeles2502
Mount Pleasant2512
Neah Bay2523
O'BrienStan Williams2532
Port Angeles 101Kim Butler1012
Port Angeles 1021022
Port Angeles 1031032
Port Angeles 104David Swan1042
Port Angeles 1051052
Port Angeles 1061062
Port Angeles 107Richard Swan1072
Port Angeles 1081083
Port Angeles 1091093
Port Angeles 110John Madden1103
Port Angeles 1111113
Port Angeles 112Coya Erickson1123
Port Angeles 1131133
Port WilliamsGary Smith2581
Prairie North2591
Prairie SouthJayna Lehmer2601
Robin Hill2662
Sequim 401Kevin Hanley4011
Sequim 402Patrick D Murphy4021
Sequim 403Sarah Kincaid4031
Sequim 404MJ (Jodi) Best Jones4041
Sequim 4054051
Sequim 406Stephanie Day4061
Sunland North2701
Sunland South2711
What is a PCO and how can I serve?

PCOs, or precinct committee officers, are the building block of the Republican Party. They are the grassroots organizing base for all of our activities.

PCOs are elected officials of the Republican Party; they are the Republican representative for their precinct. A precinct can be as small as a section of a neighborhood or as large as a historical township, but precincts usually contain approximately 500-1,100 registered voters.

Each PCO is elected from within the precinct in which they live.  The term of office is two years, beginning December 1 in the year they were elected, through November 30 two years thereafter.  (New PCOs were elected in 2024, and will begin their two-year term in Dec. 2024, for 2025-2026.)  Since the precincts have been reduced in number, that means there will be more voters in each precinct, making volunteers to assist the PCOs in each precinct very important.

PCOs are essential to Party work, because they personally communicate the Republican Party message to people in each neighborhood across the state, and report issues important to voters in their preceints to the local GOP. It’s “grassroots” work at its best.  PCOs also are responsible for electing the leadership of their local Republican County and Legislative District organizations, as well as representatives to the state Republican Party.

Leading their Precinct Caucus every four years is another important role of PCOs.  The next one will be held in 2024.

If you missed the PCO election but would still like to serve, there are options for you.

If there is no PCO for the precinct where you live, the party chair can appoint you to serve as an “Appointed PCO.”  Contact the Chair for an interview. or click here to contact us for more information.

If your precinct already has a PCO and you want to get involved, there are ways that you can help. The Clallam County Chair can appoint you as an “Precinct Captain” for a precinct other than the one in which you reside. You might also want to help the PCO in your own precinct. Contact your PCO and offer to help them canvass the precinct, make phone calls, organize house parties, etc.  A current list of PCOs is shown above.

Some PCOs recruit a volunteer for every few blocks, so that when literature needs to be distributed or phone calls need to be made, the work is divided among many. Our goal is to have every precinct represented be a PCO, so it is essential that we have volunteers step up now to serve as acting and appointed PCOs in precincts that did not elect a PCO in the last election cycle.

The most recent election of PCOs was held in August 2024. You must fill out a declaration of candidacy to run for election as a PCO.  The next election for PCOs will be held in 2026. 

Are you interested in serving as a PCO for your precinct?  Check the list above, and if your precinct does not have a PCO, contact the Chair to be considered for the position.  Do you live in a precinct where there’s a PCO, but would still like to serve?  Contact your PCO and help him or her in your precinct.  You can serve as an assistant to the PCO.

Duties and Responsibilities of Precinct Committee Officers (PCOs)

A Precinct Committee Officer (PCO) is elected by his precinct voters every two years. (Must run for election.) If the precinct does not have an elected PCO, the county Chair can appoint one. The individual must live in the precinct for which he/she is appointed.  A PCO represents the Republican voters in his or her precinct at the Central Committee meetings.  Only elected and appointed PCOs and Precinct Captains can vote in the Central Committee.

Following are the duties of a PCO:

Stay informed on current issues and candidates; review and be able to communicate the party platforms (county, state & national).

Attend Central Committee meetings on a regular basis and actively participate in Party events and activities.

Obtain lists of registered voters from the County Auditor’s office or headquarters.

Canvass your precinct and get to know your voting neighbors.

Build a record of eligible voters and party members within your precinct and provide a list of identified Republicans to headquarters.

Develop contact with the voters in your precinct and keep them apprised of current issues; obtain their input and relay that input to the Central Committee.

Encourage voter registration within your precinct.

Distribute party election materials during election campaigns.

Encourage voters to send in their ballots.

Hold precinct caucuses at certain selected times for the purpose of adopting resolutions and selecting delegates to legislative, county and state conventions (next conventions will be held in 2020).

Serve as a delegate to the County Convention.

2020 will be the next year for caucuses and the county and state conventions.  To learn more about what a PCO does, along with tips for becoming successful in that role, read “More Information” below.

The Secretary of State’s Website has links for verifying whether you are registered and for registering online. Go to

Would you consider serving as a PCO?

A great opportunity to be involved with the GOP in a positive way and reach others with our great message and platform!

About Elected PCOs (next election will be held in 2026)

Precinct Committee Officers (PCOs) are elected every two years by the registered voters within their precincts.  The term for the current list of elected PCOs will expire in December 2026.    Elections took place in the primary election in August 2024 to elect PCOs for the next term (2025-2026).  If someone runs unopposed, their name will not appear on the ballot: they will be automatically elected.  Click here to download the new form to submit as a candidate. Declaration of Candidacy-PCO.  PCOs serve for a two-year term.  Next election will be held in 2026.


Clallam County Republican
Party Headquarters

509 S. Lincoln Street
Port Angeles, WA 98362

(Send mail to: P. O. Box 808
Port Angeles, WA 98362)

(360) 452-6537

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11 am - 2 pm
Monday - Friday

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