The 2nd “Proud to be an American” and 5th Annual Fall Roundup was held on October 19, 2019 at the Clallam County Fairgrounds from noon to 4 p.m.  The event featured State Representative Jim Walsh, who gave an inspirational and educational speech about his work in Olympia at the State Legislature, and what we can expect in 2020 from the Democrat-controlled House, Senate and Governor. 

Anton Sakharov, candidate for Washington State governor, made a guest appearance and spoke about his candidacy, emphasizing his strong opposition to socialism, and a main theme of “No State Income Tax.”

Sue Forde, CCRP chair, welcomed the approximately 100 people who were present, and introduced David Lotzgesell, who served as emcee.  Melannie Jackson and Bill Wolfe provided special inspirational music with a tribute to our veterans and those who serve in the military, performing “Proud to be an American”, and “God Bless America” – with veterans called forward to hold a huge U.S. flag and be acknowledged for their service to our country.

The social / lunch / fundraiser included lunch and a Silent Auction to help raise money for our candidates and cover operating expenses for the local Party.

A great time was had by all who attended.  Here are a few photos of the event: