by Susan Shotthafer

While the MAT clinic and corona virus monopolized the attention of many local residents, below, you will find an example of last week’s Democrat destruction to Washington State, traditional American values, and our Judeo-Christian culture.  This is a partial list of over 200 proposed, quite reasonable, but rejected Republican amendments to the Comprehensive Sex Education (CSE) Bill. The Washington Votes website  reports Republicans submitted over 200 amendments to this CSE bill that passed on a 56-40 party line vote.

If you need documentation to believe Democrat intend to indoctrinate their agenda or doubt their totalitarian nature, I believe no doubt will remain after reviewing this list.

Parents may opt their children out of the CSE, but many parents are insufficiently unaware of the harmful CSE perversion and indoctrination. Rep. Jim Walsh’s Leg. Assistant checked and said the requirement for parents to attend an HIV session before opting out children does not currently exist, but might be added to SB5395 at last minute or school district could require this.

Click here to read the final bill.

Partial List of Attempted Amendments to CSE Legislation, SB5395

Allows parents and guardians to attend their children’s class during planned instruction in comprehensive sexual health education.

Specifies that all sexual health information, instruction, and materials must use clinical terminology

Makes the comprehensive sexual health education requirements subject to eighty percent of students in the school’s district being proficient and meeting state standards for mathematics, English language arts, and science.

Provides that the requirements on public schools are subject to a majority approval vote by each school district board of directors.

 Limits who can provide instruction in sexual health education or comprehensive sexual health education to only persons who have received special training in teaching sensitive materials and in mental health counseling.

(1) Requires schools, following the provision of comprehensive sexual health education, to hold parent meetings to discuss the classroom instruction and solicit parental feedback. (2) Requires districts to survey students three times before the parent meetings occur to assess student perspectives regarding the instruction. (3) Requires the collected parent and student information to be provided to the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction and posted on its web site.

Requires comprehensive sexual health education curricula on the list developed by the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction to be reviewed and approved by a panel of individuals with specified qualifications. Specifies that the panel must review all curricula and determine what age it is appropriate for and when it should be taught.Requires school district boards of directors, no later than the 2021-2022 school year, to consult with parents and guardians of students and local communities. Prohibits the persons consulted from being family of, or related to, school board members or school staff.

Specifies that comprehensive sexual health education curriculum, materials, and instruction may be included only in the formal classroom instruction for comprehensive sexual health education and may not be integrated into other classes, courses, or subject matter

Specifies that nothing requires, or may be construed as requiring, a teacher to provide instruction in comprehensive sexual health education if he or she requests to be excused from providing the instruction

Exempts charter schools from the comprehensive sexual health education requirements.

Prohibits the curriculum, instruction, and materials used to provide sexual health instruction or comprehensive sexual health instruction from including or otherwise requiring role playing.

Requires abstinence to be discussed as a lifestyle that fosters skills and the ability to make the commitment of fidelity later in life and marriage.

Prohibits a child in grades K-4 from participating in any planned instruction in comprehensive sexual health education without the written consent of the child’s parent or legal guardian.

Requires schools to convene public meetings with display and description of instructional materials at least one month prior to classroom instruction. Requires that school calendars and school newsletters list days of classroom instruction. Requires written notice of and written consent for a child’s participation in classroom instruction.

Requires that comprehensive sexual health education for all students include information about how to recognize the danger signs and signals of online predators and sex traffickers, and how to avoid and report suspected attempts by and incidents involving online predators and sex traffickers.

Requires schools to make instructional materials available for review in each building.

Requires public schools to translate the chosen curriculum and related materials into languages spoken by non-English speaking populations, and to provide translations to all parents and guardians prior to any instruction.

Requires public schools to provide teachers and other school employees with an opportunity to opt out of providing instruction in comprehensive sexual health education. Prohibits public schools from discriminating against teachers and other school employees who opt out. Specifies that teachers and school employees who believe they have been discriminated against may bring an action for appropriate relief in superior court.

Specifies that if comprehensive sexual health education curriculum includes instruction related to abortions, the classroom instruction must include information about the medical procedures used to perform abortions at each stage of fetal development.