from Influencing Olympia 3/20 Influencer Updates: |
The Capital Budget is on today’s list for today at 4pm in the Senate Ways and Means Committee. You may not be a budget expert, but I believe that the Senators need to hear about three issues as they consider the budgets: 1) Taxpayers are hurting from inflation and we need taxes reduced. We have a record budget surplus projected – reduce taxes! 2) Across the board, our government institutions are failing, and should be de-funded. If they can’t deliver on their primary mission, they should not be rewarded with taxpayer funding. 3) Government regulations are a CAUSE of our problems, not the solution. Any budget funding a regulatory agency should be reduced until regulations are reduced.
What is the Capital Budget? The capital budget is how your local projects are funded… and your elected representatives will feel that they have a duty to “bring home the bacon” for hurting communities. Please remind them that you support conservative choices and smaller government. The most important way to bring home the bacon is to reduce taxation overall for everyone. FIVE CHANCES TO TESTIFY! The capital budget has been broken down into five sections, so you’ll have 5 opportunities to speak your mind. Speak up! Provide your OneClick and Written testimony before 3 pm! |
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2023 legislative session: Good and bad House bills This links to a list of bills from the House Republicans! |