And the bad bills just keep coming…

And the bad bills just keep coming…

Myriads of bills were introduced this first of two sessions of the Washington State Legislature.  Many are in committees, and some will die there, others will be passed out to the floor of the House and/or Senate for debate and to possibly become the law of the land.  Many are unfavorable (to say the least) to Washington citizens.

The State Legislature, consisting of the House and the Senate, both have a Democrat majority.  With the governor also a Democrat, it gives a trifecta to the State Legislature, where there is no stopping the bills without great public input from passing.  Many of them are not citizen-friendly.

The easiest way to get your information to your elected representatives is to call the toll free number – 800-562-6000 and tell them which bill numbers you oppose and/or approve.  You can give them a whole list of them.  They will ask for your name and address, to determine who your representatives are, and will get the information to them from you.

There are several excellent organizations and websites following the bills as they make their way through the Legislature.  You can participate with hundreds and sometimes thousands of other concerned citizens in voicing your view to your elected representatives.  Here are just a few (bookmark these and check in daily, if you can, and they take action by weighing in on the bills, both bad and good).

Conservative Ladies of Washington – Legislative Action Center

Washington Policy Center (scroll down for good information about current proposed legislation)

Nancy Churchill is following bills closely and writing about them here:

If you’d like to participate and help with following bills, and/or learn about how to Influence Olympia, sign up for their excellent short course here:

Washington State GOP Olympia Watch

Washington State Senate GOP Caucus– check out the latest bills and read about how they will affect your lives

Washington State House GOP Caucus – check out the latest bills and read about how they will affect your lives

Get actively involved to make a positive difference in your life and in the lives of your family, friends, neighbors, and Washingtonians!

Here are some primary bills making their way through the Legislature, from Conservative Ladies of Washington:

HB 1031: Mitigating the impact of rising school facility temperatures resulting from climate change. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
HB 1032: Concerning school district elections. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
HB 1285: Making financial education instruction a graduation requirement in public schools. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
HB 1296: Promoting a safe and supportive public education system. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
HB 1590: Supporting student success through instruction in self-resiliency skills. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
HB 1634: Providing school districts and public schools with assistance to coordinate comprehensive behavioral health supports for students. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
HB 1767: Concerning school enrollments for enrichment funding. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
HB 1855: Expanding protections for certain students to promote inclusivity in public schools. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
SB 5003: Establishing the school security and preparedness infrastructure grant program. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
SB 5004: Updating emergency response systems in public schools including panic or alert buttons. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
SB 5007: Supporting students who are chronically absent and at risk for not graduating high school. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
SB 5012: Concerning the organization of interscholastic athletics. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
SB 5030: Improving access to educational services by reducing barriers to obtaining vital records and allowing alternative forms of documentation. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
SB 5123: Expanding protections for certain students to promote inclusivity in public schools. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
SB 5126: Establishing a statewide network for student mental and behavioral health. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
SB 5134: Requiring public schools to commemorate the contributions of Chinese Americans and Americans of Chinese descent. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
SB 5135: Concerning school districts’ authority to establish their curriculum. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
SB 5136: Protecting the rights of parents and guardians by using students’ given names in public schools. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
SB 5137: Requiring parental or legal guardian approval before a child participates in comprehensive sexual health education. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
SB 5177: Considering the experiences of historically marginalized and underrepresented groups when identifying professional development resources on certain topics. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
SB 5179: Establishing a complaint process to address noncompliance with certain state education laws. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
SB 5180: Securing the rights of students to have a safe, civil, and respectful learning community. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
SB 5181: Amending the parents rights initiative to bring it into alignment with existing law. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
SB 5186: Concerning school district elections. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
SB 5189: Supporting the implementation of competency-based education. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
SB 5271: Requiring school districts of the first class to employ a school nurse. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
SB 5369: Enhancing youth mental health and well-being through advanced training and expansion of the workforce in schools. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
SB 5442: Establishing a college promise pilot program. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
SB 5666: Establishing a public school-based mental health internship grant program. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
SJR 8200: Amending the Constitution to allow 55 percent of voters voting to authorize school district bonds. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
Housing & Local Government
HB 1044: Concerning county fees for administration of the real estate excise tax. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
HB 1217: Improving housing stability for tenants subject to the residential landlord-tenant act and the manufactured/mobile home landlord-tenant act by limiting rent and fee increases, requiring notice of rent and fee increases, limiting fees and deposits, establishing a landlord resource center and associated services, authorizing tenant lease termination, creating parity between lease types, and providing for attorney general enforcement. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
HB 1696: Modifying the covenant homeownership program. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
HB 1763: Providing state funding for essential affordable housing programs. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
SB 5576: Providing state funding for essential affordable housing programs. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
Public Safety/Law & Justice
HB 1052: Clarifying a hate crime offense. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
HB 1056: Concerning law enforcement and local corrections agency misconduct through investigations and legal actions. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
HB 1095: Incentivizing cities and counties to attract and retain commissioned law enforcement officers. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
HB 1125: Providing judicial discretion to modify sentences in the interest of justice. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
HB 1132: Enhancing public safety by limiting bulk purchases and transfers of firearms and ammunition. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
HB 1163: Enhancing requirements relating to the purchase, transfer, and possession of firearms. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
HB 1386: Imposing a new tax on firearms, firearm parts, and ammunition. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
HB 1504: Enhancing public safety by requiring financial responsibility to purchase or possess a firearm or operate a firearm range. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
HB 1512: Improving traffic safety. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
HB 1811: Enhancing crisis response services through co-response integration and support. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
SB 5022: Concerning law enforcement agency and prosecutor offices hiring. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
SB 5038: Clarifying a hate crime offense. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
SB 5066: Concerning law enforcement and local corrections agency misconduct through investigations and legal actions. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
SB 5068: Concerning agencies, firefighters, prosecutors, and general or limited authority law enforcement, extending eligibility for employment to all United States citizens or persons legally authorized to work in the United States under federal law. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
SB 5098: Restricting the possession of weapons on the premises of state or local public buildings, parks or playground facilities where children are likely to be present, and county fairs and county fair facilities. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
SB 5101: Expanding access to leave and safety accommodations to include workers who are victims of hate crimes or bias incidents. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
Health Care
HB 1072: Preserving access to protected health care services. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
HB 1129: Concerning health plan coverage of fertility-related services. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
HB 1176: Concerning greater consistency in the provision of health care services for minors under the age of 17. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
HB 1445: Developing the Washington health trust. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
HB 1482: Assuring equity in health coverage. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
HB 1560: Funding health care access by imposing an excise tax on the annual compensation paid to certain highly compensated hospital employees. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
SB 5112: Establishing a prescribing psychologist certification in Washington state. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
SB 5121: Concerning health plan coverage of fertility-related services. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
SB 5321: Concerning access at public postsecondary educational institutions to medication abortion. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
Human Services
HB 1092: Maintaining the safety of children. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
HB 1845: Concerning payment standards for cash assistance programs. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
State Government & Elections
HB 1146: Improving access and removing barriers to voting in jails and state hospitals. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
HB 1147: Supporting civic engagement for incarcerated and institutionalized individuals in state custody to promote inclusion and rehabilitation. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
HB 1262: Updating the governor’s interagency coordinating council on health disparities. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
HB 1434: Establishing Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha as state holidays. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
HB 1448: Increasing representation and voter participation in local elections. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
HB 1531: Preserving the ability of public officials to address communicable diseases. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
HB 1713: Concerning automatic voter registration for tribal members. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
SB 5077: Concerning expansion of voter registration services by government agencies. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
SB 5106: Establishing Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha as state holidays. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
SB 5228: Updating the governor’s interagency coordinating council on health disparities. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
HB 1181: Concerning labor standards and the Washington minimum wage act. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
HB 1284: Eliminating the investment income business and occupation tax deduction for corporations and other business entities. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
Energy, Environment, Climate, Technology
HB 1303: Increasing environmental justice by improving government decisions. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
HB 1517: Providing a revenue stream to fund digital equity programs. | 2025-2026 Regular Session  
HB 1321: Concerning the governor’s authority to limit outside militia activities within the state. | 2025-2026 Regular Session
Opportunity to make a difference – run for a local office!

Opportunity to make a difference – run for a local office!

Important Alert!  We have 19 School Board positions open for election in Clallam County, 3 or 4 in every district.. We have 10 City Council positions also open, 3-4 in each City.  There are other offices, Fire Districts, Water Districts and more. This is such a chance for influence in our community!  Candidates must file by May 19th, filing is only open May 15-19.  Is it possible you should consider running?  Do you know someone conservative minded and of good character that you could ask?

Could you team up with someone and both run?  These are non-partisan positions, but the Clallam Republicans have resources to walk candidates through the process and have a forum for them to speak. Do we dare let any of these positions be filed unopposed?  No!  The democrats certainly won’t.  We want to support good candidates and have some Wins this year! Contact me or for more info.

Don’t be fooled! Many still say “we just can’t win” “it’s rigged” “we have no money” and such things.  Well, part of that is true, I wish we had more money, the “rigged” has not been abandoned as a concern, we are working on fundraising and election integrity,  but the “we just can’t win” is not true.  In the past month there has been much behind the scenes work to increase our influence in Clallam County.

Community Engagement will be key to our success – even in small ways.  Decide where you will pitch in. More to say, but that will come at the Central Committee Meeting: May 11, 6:30, guests are welcome.

 I am working diligently and praying for the well-being of our County. I look forward to working with you!

 Pam Blakeman, Chair
Clallam County Republicans

Bills open for Public Hearing April 1, 9 am

(reposted from the 24th GOP Legislative District Committee)


Public Hearing
  1. HB 1851 – Implementing the first approach skills training program. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify
  2. ESB 5015 – Reestablishing the productivity board. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify
  3. 2SSB 5048 – Eliminating college in the high school fees. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify
  4. SB 5084 – Creating a separate fund for the purposes of self-insured pensions and assessments. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify
  5. ESSB 5102 – Concerning school library information and technology programs. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify
  6. 2SSB 5103 – Concerning payment to acute care hospitals for difficult to discharge medicaid patients. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify
  7. 2SSB 5128 – Concerning jury diversity. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify
  8. ESB 5130 – Concerning assisted outpatient treatment. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify
  9. 2SSB 5134 – Concerning reentry services and supports. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify
  10. 2SSB 5225 – Increasing access to the working connections child care program. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify
  11. SSB 5238 – Expanding collective bargaining for employees who are enrolled in academic programs at public institutions of higher education. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify
  12. E2SSB 5243 – Concerning high school and beyond planning. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify
  13. 2SSB 5263 – Concerning access to psilocybin services by individuals 21 years of age and older. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify
  14. 2SSB 5269 – Concerning Washington state manufacturing. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify
  15. E2SSB 5278 – Implementing audit recommendations to reduce barriers to home care aide certification. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify
  16. 2SSB 5290 – Concerning consolidating local permit review processes. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify
  17. E2SSB 5311 – Concerning special education funding formula. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify
  18. E2SSB 5315 – Concerning nonpublic agencies operating special education programs for students with disabilities. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify
  19. SB 5316 – Concerning background check and licensing fees for programs administered by the department of children, youth, and families. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify
  20. SSB 5318 – Limiting estate recovery. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify
  21. ESB 5355 – Mandating instruction on sex trafficking prevention and identification for students in grades seven through 12. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify
  22. SB 5369 – Reassessing standards for polychlorinated biphenyls in consumer products. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify
  23. SSB 5388 – Concerning improving diversity in clinical trials. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify
  24. SSB 5415 – Concerning public defense services for persons committed as not guilty by reason of insanity. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify
  25. 2SSB 5425 – Concerning fire protection sprinkler system contractors. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify
  26. 2SSB 5438 – Facilitating supportive relationships with family and significant individuals within the behavioral health system. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify
  27. E2SSB 5440 – Providing timely competency evaluations and restoration services to persons suffering from behavioral health disorders. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify
  28. 2SSB 5454 – Concerning industrial insurance coverage for posttraumatic stress disorders affecting registered nurses. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify
  29. SSB 5499 – Concerning the multistate nurse licensure compact. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify
  30. 2SSB 5502 – Ensuring access to substance use disorder treatment. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify
  31. ESSB 5515 – Protecting children from child abuse and neglect. (REVISED FOR ENGROSSED: Protecting children from child abuse and neglect at residential facilities and residential private schools.) (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify
  32. 2SSB 5518 – Concerning cybersecurity. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify
  33. SSB 5523 – Addressing the forensic pathologist shortage. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify
  34. 2SSB 5532 – Providing enhanced payment to low volume, small rural hospitals. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify
  35. ESB 5534 – Concerning workforce education investment accountability and oversight board staffing changes. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify
  36. E2SSB 5536 – Concerning controlled substances, counterfeit substances, and legend drug possession and treatment. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify
  37. 2SSB 5555 – Creating the profession of certified peer specialists. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify
  38. E2SSB 5580 – Improving maternal health outcomes. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify
  39. E2SSB 5582 – Reducing barriers and expanding educational opportunities to increase the supply of nurses in Washington. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify
  40. SB 5683 – Concerning child-specific foster care licenses for placement of Indian children. (Remote Testimony Available). – Testify
Possible Executive Session
  1. 2SSB 5046 – Concerning postconviction access to counsel.
  2. SB 5066 – Concerning health care benefit managers.
  3. E2SSB 5080 – Expanding and improving the social equity in cannabis program.
  4. SB 5131 – Concerning money received by the department of corrections on behalf of inmates from family or other outside sources for the purchase of commissary items.
  5. SSB 5358 – Expanding veterans’ services and programs.
  6. SSB 5386 – Reducing administrative complexity by increasing transparency of revenue flows for activities funded by document recording fees.
  7. ESB 5592 – Requiring semiautomatic external defibrillator at fitness centers.
  8. SSB 5687 – Creating and supporting postsecondary wrestling grant programs.


And the bad bills just keep coming…

Time to voice your opinion about the state budget!!

from Influencing Olympia

3/20 Influencer Updates: 
Time to Testify!

The Capital Budget is on today’s list for today at 4pm in the Senate Ways and Means Committee. 

You may not be a budget expert, but I believe that the Senators need to hear about three issues as they consider the budgets:

1) Taxpayers are hurting from inflation and we need taxes reduced. We have a record budget surplus projected – reduce taxes!

2) Across the board, our government institutions are failing, and should be de-funded. If they can’t deliver on their primary mission, they should not be rewarded with taxpayer funding.

3) Government regulations are a CAUSE of our problems, not the solution. Any budget funding a regulatory agency should be reduced until regulations are reduced. 


What is the Capital Budget?

The capital budget is how your local projects are funded… and your elected representatives will feel that they have a duty to “bring home the bacon” for hurting communities.  

Please remind them that you support conservative choices and smaller government.

The most important way to bring home the bacon is to reduce taxation overall for everyone. 


The capital budget has been broken down into five sections, so you’ll have 5 opportunities to speak your mind. 

Speak up! Provide your OneClick and Written testimony before 3 pm! 

Login at

in order to access the master spreadsheet! 


2023 legislative session: Good and bad House bills

This links to a list of bills from the House Republicans! 

Important bills that need your voice – March 20, 2023

Important bills that need your voice – March 20, 2023

UPDATE:  For March 22, 2023:

Here’s another bad bill that need to be stopped. If you are short of time, simply make a list of all the bill numbers, call the Legislative Hotline – 800 562 6000. They will ask your name and address, and then what you want to say: Tell them to vote “NO” on these bill numbers. If you can weigh in on each bill below, that would be better!!

(from Kathleen Keehn – updated 3/222/2023)

SB 5459 affects transparency in our right to vote

We MUST STOP SB 5459! The Legislature is attempting to remove yet another vital RIGHT of We the People. The House hearing was just scheduled yesterday after passing the Senate with BI-PARTISAN support!

We need to have everyone sign in CON by 12:30 today!! IF PASSED WE will never again be able to hold them accountable for cheating in our elections!

There is a hearing on March 22, 2023 at the Capitol on SB 5459 at 1:30. They intend to repeal all standards for election data reporting and to take away the peoples’ right to request public records to verify OUR elections are transparent, secure and verifiable. They are attempting to prevent you from seeing:

any security audits, risk assessments, or security test results, relating to physical security or cybersecurity of election operations or infrastructure. These records are exempt from disclosure in their entirety; the systems, software, and networks that support the election process, any ballot or ballot image etc (which cannot be connected to the voter)

It will take less than 30 secs for you to click this link and sign in as CON for this bill showing there are people who are paying attention and do not consent to this. This does not sign you up to testify, it only to shows you are against this bill.


from Judith Billings

Special thanks to Judy Billings for getting this information out.


Weigh in on the Bills moving forward in Olympia!


from Judith Billings

Please take a few moments to OPPOSE this REALLY BAD bill by March 23, 7am. It has a hearing in the Senate Committee on Law & Justice that day.

BILL# HB1240

TITLE: Establishing firearms-related safety measures to increase public safety.


Assault weapon” is a made-up term by anti-gun politicians and activists. They have created a long list of firearms that they want to ban the sale of in Washington state. This bill is unconstitutional and will undoubtedly face challenges in court if it is passed. There are currently other cases pending that would set precedence for shutting down this legislation altogether.

But it won’t come without expense to the taxpayers of Washington, so we need to stop it NOW before it is passed.

PLEASE CHOOSE ANY OR ALL of the options listed below to voice your OPPOSITION of this bill.

OPTION 1 CLICK HERE to state your position on this bill. This will not sign you up to testify. Enter your position as CON.. Fill in the other required information, click the box that you are not a robot, and submit Registration. This option takes less than one minute.

OPTION 2 CLICK HERE to submit written testimony. Enter your position as CON. Fill in the other required information, click the box that you are not a robot, and submit Registration. You may use the summary paragraph above or simply state you oppose this bill. This option holds more weight.

OPTION 3 CLICK HERE to testify remotely by Zoom. Enter your position as CON. Enter “NO” to testifying as a panel. Fill in the other required information, click the box that you are not a robot, and submit Registration. This option holds the most weight. You will be emailed a Zoom link for the meeting which meets March 23, 8am.


STOP HB1143 by 7 am 3/23 Anti gun legislation



Please take a few moments to OPPOSE this REALLY BAD bill by March 23, 7am.

It has a hearing in the Senate Committee on Law & Justice that day.

BILL# HB1143

TITLE: Concerning requirements for the purchase or transfer of firearms.


Under this bill, a dealer may not transfer any firearm to a purchaser or transferee until: completion of a background check indicating the person is eligible to possess a firearm; and 10 business days have elapsed since the dealer requested the background check. In addition, a dealer may not transfer any firearm to a purchaser or transferee unless the person produces proof of completion of a recognized firearms safety training program within the last five years, or proof of an exemption from the training requirement. The training program must include instruction on components currently required for firearms safety training for semiautomatic assault rifle purchase and in addition must include instruction on: state laws pertaining to the use of deadly force
for self-defense; and techniques for avoiding a criminal attack and how to manage a violent confrontation. Proof of training must be in the form of a certification stating under penalty of perjury that the training included the minimum requirements.

PLEASE CHOOSE ANY OR ALL of the options listed below to voice your OPPOSITION of this bill.

OPTION 1 CLICK HERE to state your position on this bill. This will not sign you up to testify. Enter your position as CON.. Fill in the other required information, click the box that you are not a robot, and submit Registration. This option takes less than one minute.

OPTION 2 CLICK HERE to submit written testimony. Enter your position as CON. Fill in the other required information, click the box that you are not a robot, and submit Registration. You may use the summary paragraph above or simply state you oppose this bill. This option holds more weight.

OPTION 3 CLICK HERE to testify remotely by Zoom. Enter your position as CON. Enter “NO” to testifying as a panel. Fill in the other required information, click the box that you are not a robot, and submit Registration. This option holds the most weight. You will be emailed a Zoom link for the meeting which meets March 23, 8am.


STOP SB 5599 by 12:30 p 3/22: Sex change of minors bill

Please take a few moments to OPPOSE this REALLY BAD bill by March 22, 12:30pm.

It has a hearing in the House Committee on Human Services, Youth, & Early Learning that day.

BILL# HB5599

TITLE: Supporting youth and young adults seeking protected health care services.


This bill would allow minor children access to “protected health care services,” a deceptive name for abortion and gender transition
surgeries, hormones and drugs. The bill operates as a “homeless youth” bill, but ANY minor child seeking these “protected health care services” would be able to get shelter and services without parental consent as this is deemed a “compelling reason” not to tell parents based on the language in the bill.

This bill strips parents of the ability to protect their child, it legalizes the kidnapping of children and allows for the harboring of minors.

When it was heard in the Senate committee, this bill received thousands of “CON” votes and testimony, but it passed anyway. We need to double down and let the House committee know that we disapprove.

Testify in writing or on zoom if you can.

PLEASE CHOOSE ANY OR ALL of the options listed below to voice your OPPOSITION of this bill.

OPTION 1 CLICK HERE to state your position on this bill. This will not sign you up to testify. Enter your position as CON.. Fill in the other required information, click the box that you are not a robot, and submit Registration. This option takes less than one minute.

OPTION 2 CLICK HERE to submit written testimony. Enter your position as CON. Fill in the other required information, click the box that you are not a robot, and submit Registration. You may use the summary paragraph above or simply state you oppose this bill. This option holds more weight.

OPTION 3 CLICK HERE to testify remotely by Zoom. Enter your position as CON. Enter “NO” to testifying as a panel. Fill in the other required information, click the box that you are not a robot, and submit Registration. This option holds the most weight. You will be emailed a Zoom link for the meeting which meets March 22, 1:30pm.


STOP HB 5077.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE—this is the hill we die on!!


Please take a few moments to OPPOSE this REALLY BAD bill by March 21, 9:30am.  It has a hearing in the House Committee on Civil Rights & Judiciary at 10:30 AM that day.    

BILL#      SB5077                                                                                                                                         

TITLE:   Concerning the uniform commercial code.


This is a very confusing bill.  The bill is 134 pages long, and will amend 84 existing RCWs.  This bill amends the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) to re-define money.  If enacted, it will make it very easy for CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) to replace our current monetary system. 

THAT MEANS THE GOVERNMENT, NOT YOU, WILL CONTROL YOUR FINANCIAL ASSETS.  Banks will be able to track your money, your spending and decide what you can and cannot do.  It could lead to a global dictatorship.    

Sec 101 (24) has the following definition of money: “”Money” means a medium of exchange that is currently  authorized or adopted by a domestic or foreign government. The term  includes a monetary unit of account established by an  intergovernmental organization or by agreement between two or more  countries.

The term does not include an electronic record that is a  medium of exchange recorded and transferable in a system that existed  and operated for the medium of exchange BEFORE the medium of exchange was authorized or adopted by the government.” 

THAT MEANS CURRENT CRYPTOCURRENCIES, SUCH AS BITCOIN AND OTHERS, will be excluded from the definition of “money”, presumably to pave the road for the ultimate form of digital currency officials are planning, which is CBDC. 

Scroll past the “Click and Send” below for more detailed information and links on this horrible bill.


PLEASE CHOOSE ANY OR ALL of the options listed below to voice your OPPOSITION of this bill. 

OPTION 1  CLICK HERE to state your position on this billThis will not sign you up to testify.  Enter your position as CON..  Fill in the other required information, click the box that you are not a robot, and submit Registration.  This option takes less than one minute. 

OPTION 2  CLICK HERE to submit written testimony.  Enter your position as CON. Fill in the other required information, click the box that you are not a robot, and submit Registration.  You may use the summary paragraph above or simply state you oppose this bill.  This option holds more weight. 

OPTION 3  CLICK HERE to testify remotely by Zoom.  Enter your position as CON. Enter “NO” to testifying as a panel.  Fill in the other required information, click the box that you are not a robot, and submit Registration.  This option holds the most weight.   You will be emailed a Zoom link for the meeting which meets March 21, 10:30am.  



 Action Alert – List of States Where “Money” Is Being Redefined and Non Govt Issued Cryptocurrency Is Being Banned  

March 14, 2023 | Sundance | 371 Comments  

Last week, South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem broadcast a warning on the Tucker Carlson show about a bill that passed her State House and Senate that she was forced to veto because it changed the definition of money and banned non-govt-issued cryptocurrency like Bitcoin.

{Broadcast Warning Here} (this link  is a Tucker Carlson interview with Governor Kristi Noem)

The bill stems from the generally innocuous Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), which Daniel Horowitz describes as, “a set of standards to facilitate interstate sales and commercial transactions such that all definitions pertaining to such commerce are uniform and clearly understood.”  It looks like Horowitz was the first to transmit the public warning, as identified by two members of the South Dakota House Freedom Caucus, and then Kristi Noem became aware – thus the veto.

Governor Noem warned that the bill was already passing through several states, and if you look at the UCC Amendment tracking page [DATA HERE], she is correct.  The states in green on the map below are states where the UCC revision bill has already been introduced.

As Daniel Horowitz notes in his initial warning dated March 2, 2023:

“The revisions to Article I are very clear now that Bitcoin will not be money, because even though the definition provides for electronic money … it says that an asset that is adopted by a government as its medium of exchange will not qualify as money … if the electronic asset, such as Bitcoin, existed before it was adopted by the government. So Bitcoin, of course, exists today; it existed before El Salvador adopted it as its currency … so it will never be money for UCC purposes. The same for other kinds of crypto currencies.” So there you have it. Officials clearly mean to pave the way for CBDC while explicitly barring all competition. (more)




The Good and Bad Bills – The House Republican Caucus has a listing – you can read them here: