Central Committee passes resolution advising rejection of 2020 Port Angeles School District Levy

Central Committee passes resolution advising rejection of 2020 Port Angeles School District Levy

Port Angeles, WA – Jan. 2, 2020 – At the regular meeting of the Clallam County Republican Party’s (CCRP) Central Committee meeting, a Resolution was passed by a strong majority advising the rejection of the 2020 Port Angeles School District (PASD) $52 million capital levy, which will be on the ballot for that District in a Special Election to be held February 11, 2020.  Ballots will be mailed on January 22, 2020, and voters can accept or reject the levy with a 51% vote.

The CCRP Central Committee agrees with Citizens for Affordable Schools, the levy’s opponents, who states that the levy would be

  • a 175% property tax increase for PASD residents, and
  • that the PASD School Board should use the least costly, common sense solutions to remedy PASD school building deficiencies.
  • PASD’s school board should replace old electrical, plumbing and heating systems, and flooring (if needed) instead of wastefully demolishing and replacing several Stevens Middle School’s buildings.


Pay-per-mile and many more bad bills headed your way from Olympia

Pay-per-mile and many more bad bills headed your way from Olympia

Democrats are busy in Olympia for the next 60 days passing laws that will hurt taxpayers and constituents.  They hold the majority in both houses and the governor’s mansion.  There is no balance there, and folks are stuck (for now) with what is passed as law.  Here are a few on the table moving forward to become law by the Democrat majority.  Let YOUR voice be heard – follow and contact the state “representatives” to let them know what you think.  They are “supposed” to be working FOR us, not against us.  Work HARD for Republican candidates to change (term limit by voting) those who are not truly representing you. 

What Democats want for you:

  • Restaurants closing because of requirements for “predictable scheduling,”
  • pay-per-mile tax on our cars,
  • income tax,
  • gun restrictions,
  • sexual education (including teaching gender fluidity) in kindergarten,
  • making restaurants offer only water, milk, or low-cal milk alternative on a kids menu;
  • making sure there are no independent contractors (no more freelance journalists, no more independent hairdressers, no more independent contractors in construction, etc).
  • Ignoring the voter’s wishes for $30 tabs.

There are many more.  Stay tuned as we get word out about upcoming bills and how to contact representatives and senators in Olympia.

Pay-per-mile and many more bad bills headed your way from Olympia

Legislative Alert 2020 – SPECIAL NEWS ON SEX ED BILL – SB 5395 !

This just in from Sharon Hanek: 
SB 5395 – yes the one we thought was done is getting a second life!

Senator Wilson plans to put this bill up for a vote by the full Senate as early as Wednesday at 10:00  or Friday at 10:00.  After confirming with members of the Senate Rules committee we may have a better idea which day.

Start calling your Senators NOW to vote NO on SB 5395 !

Remind them – this was stopped because of its aggressive efforts to put ALL public schools into a one-size-fits-all Comprehensive Sex Education curriculum and it goes down to kindergarten. 

This bill includes “skills-based instruction” on abstinence (condom demonstration), sexual violent behavior, and how to give affirmative consent, to name a few examples.

There does not need to have a hearing for this in a Senate – this is a vote of all Senators so call and email your Senator. (All of them if you have time.)

Hotline  1-800-562-6000


Attached is a list of Senators and their phone numbers.

Don’t forget Hearing on HB 2184 (new sex ed bill) Thursday 8:00 am John OBrien bldg Room A

NOTE:   2020 Freedom Rally is being rescheduled due to weather conflicts on speakers and friends from afar.  We will still host a Lobby Day – meet at noon Capitol bldg.  (11:30 for prayer time)

If you are in Olympia Wednesday visit the Senate Galley at 10:00 to frown on our Senators as they take the vote on SB 5395.

Glen Morgan talks about  Washington State’s Top 2 Primary

Glen Morgan talks about  Washington State’s Top 2 Primary

Glen Morgan talks about  Washington State’s Top 2 Primary (sometimes called a Jungle Primary) system for elections. As the first state to adopt this election system for primaries, and with only one other state using it (California).  Learn more at Glen’s website, wethegoverned.com.

Glen will be our featured speaker at our Lincoln Day Luncheon on April 18, 2020.  Click here to learn more and for reservations.

Rep. Jim Walsh prefiles bill to reduce state property taxes

Rep. Jim Walsh prefiles bill to reduce state property taxes

December 17, 2019

News Release

Rep. Jim Walsh, R-Aberdeen, prefiled legislation for the upcoming 2020 session that would reduce property taxes. The measure would gradually lower the state’s portion of property taxes up to 35 percent over the next few years.

The 19th District lawmaker says the amount of the reduction was designed to reflect increased revenue being realized by the state due to higher assessed property values statewide. Walsh believes the excess monies should be returned to taxpayers. (more…)