Indoor restaurant and bar patrons must show proof of COVID-19 vaccination

Indoor restaurant and bar patrons must show proof of COVID-19 vaccination

Posted 9/2/2021

The press release from Allison Berry, health officer for Clallam and Jefferson counties, was released today requiring vax “passports” and/or other “acceptable proof” of vaccination.

Whether or not you choose to receive the vax should be your own decision, based on your knowledge of your own health conditions. 

For example, a new report from a Harvard epidemiologist states, in part: ” “The natural immune protection that develops after a SARS-CoV-2 infection offers considerably more of a shield against the Delta variant of the pandemic coronavirus than two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, according to a large Israeli study …. ” So, the question is, if you’ve already had COVID, why would you be under coercion to take a vaccine?  If you have the antibodies, why would be you coerced to take a vaccine that so far has had dire effects and in some cases death.

Article I Section 1 of the Washington State Constitution says: “All political power in inherent in the people, and government derives its just power from the consent of the governed, and is established to protect and maintain individual rights.” 

Coercion is not consent!

There are two sides to every story, but the mainstream media is telling only one side.  It’s easy enough to learn about the “other” side of this issue by researching it on the internet.  America’s Frontline Doctors is a good place to start. (

The Washington State GOP State Committee just passed a Resolution in opposition to any mandatory vaccine policies at our recent meeting in August.

There will be a public meeting tomorrow morning (Friday, Sept. 3, 2021) at the county courthouse.  There will be a protest against the MANDATED VAX and the VAX PASSPORTS (by whatever name it is being called).  This is the time to stand up for freedom and our God-given rights.  The meeting starts at 10 a.m.; people will be showing up earlier with signs of protest.  There should also be opportunity to testify.  Please be there by 9 a.m. if you can join us.

As Edmund Burke so famously said, “All that is necessary for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.”

Education opportunities for the whole family

Education opportunities for the whole family

Are you frustrated at the education system and are looking for alternatives for your children or grandchildren?  Many parents have already removed their children and teenagers from the public school system and have found other methods of teaching them – from homeschooling to private schools.  It’s one reason the Republican Party is such an advocate for school choice, where the money follows the child – to get the best education for each individual child!

Hillsdale College is a unique in that it takes no funding from the government, and is one – if not THE – best in the country.  If you have a student preparing to attend college, be sure to check them out! 

Hillsdale College has been in the forefront in helping to educate children and teens – in fact, people of all ages – about our nation’s history and government with their FREE online courses.  It’s well-known for its Constitution 101 course (FREE), and many other courses it offers, free of charge.  The monthly newsletter, Imprimis, is also offered free to the recipient, funded by donors from across the country.

Now, Hillsdale is offering a new course, “The Great American Story: A Land of Hope Study Group” – and again, it’s a FREE course of study.

Here’s the description on their website:


Special Six-Week Session of “The Great American Story”


Election Integrity: Let your Congressional members know your thoughts

Election Integrity: Let your Congressional members know your thoughts

If you’ve been observing any of the hearings around the country, in which poll watchers and other experts have been testifying in various states where vote fraud is suspected, you may come to the conclusion that there is a real issue with mail-in voting, especially where it’s been used last year for the first time.  There are too many different challenges to the ballots to go into here.  People who have stepped forward to tell what they have witnessed have been bullied and sometimes lost their jobs as a result.  The electors’ votes from around the nation will be counted on January 6, 2021.  There are several Congressional members who have stated they will object to certain states’ votes being counted due to the testimonies of many witnesses and affidavits put forth to show evidence that election integrity has been compromised in those states.


I-1698 – the “Heartbeat” Initiative – is back!

I-1698 – the “Heartbeat” Initiative – is back!

Initiative I-1698 – the “Heartbeat” Initiative is back after having been slowed down in the courts for some minor changes.   After a hearing before the judge in Thurston County Court, the initiative has been approved to move forward in a slightly different form (although the body of it remains basically the same).  The clock has started ticking, and even though the governor has a “stay at home” order, we can still gather signatures, and hit the ground running when the order is lifted (hopefully soon!).

Permission has been given to print out the initiative on 8-1/2 x 11″ paper (be sure to print it double-sided) instead of the usually-required 11 x 17.  Please download and print out a copy for everyone in your household to sign and mail in as soon as possible. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD.

I-1698 states: Every living human being has a right to life, including unborn human beings. We know that life ends when the heart permanently ceases to function conversely life has begun when the heart begins to function. Therefore unborn human beings have an right to life when their HEART BEATS!

If you know of a business that is considered “essential” who would like to place initiatives for signature, let us know and we can get some to them.

There’s not much time to gather signatures, so please help however you can! 


With 600 new pages, the USMCA has “radically changed” from Pres. Trump’s original agreement

Washington, D.C. – Jan. 29, 2020

from American Policy Center

Nancy Pelosi and her corrupt partners in the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives completely changed the USMCA agreement that President Trump negotiated.

The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, or USMCA, will replace the current NAFTA agreement that governs trade in North America. The trade agreement has been negotiated by the governments of The United States, Mexico and Canada, but still must be ratified be certain groups within these governments.

They added 600 new pages to the agreement. (more…)

Bills to Watch – Week of Jan. 27, 2020

Bills to Watch – Week of Jan. 27, 2020

From Ruth Peterson

Legislation to follow for the week of 1-27-2020. This is not a complete list. I will add to it and update for next week. As I’ve stated before, try to find an organization that focuses on your interests and who provides a newsletter like this for that area. I am barely skimming the surface because of lack of time. There are subjects I’m not even touching upon here. There are lots of bills that will damage different businesses.


HB 1068 & SB 5062 – both ban “high capacity” magazines – neither have moved through the legislative process at all since session began.

HB 1010 – Allowing the WSP to destroy firearms that have been confiscated. It has been passed off the floor of the House (party line vote) and will now be considered in the Senate. Bill report here – (more…)