Important News about the County Commissioner Race

News Release from Shoona Riggs, Clallam County Auditor

July 23, 2019

Primary ballots for the Clallam County Commissioner District No. 1 race were inadvertently sent to voters without information relating to the candidates’ party preferences.

On Wednesday, July 24, 2019, a notice will be mailed to all voters in Clallam County Commissioner District No. 1. This notice provides the party preference information as it should have been stated on the ballot. A copy of the notice has been sent with this press release.

Prior to sending the notice, Clallam County Auditor Shoona Riggs and staff met with the impacted candidates and representatives of the Republican and Democratic Parties. At the meeting, all present discussed why updated ballots could not be sent out after ballot processing has begun at the Auditor’s Office. Pursuant to RCW 29A.40.070 and WAC 434-250-080, no additional ballot may be issued to a voter whose ballot has already been accepted. It was agreed that sending a notice to voters was the best course of action to address this unfortunate error. (more…)

Longtime, Active Republican Lorraine Ross passes at 100 – (1919 – 2019)

Long-time Republican and Clallam County resident Lorraine Ross, passed away in July 2019.  Born to Eugene and Gunda Wicox in 1919, in Minot, North Dakota. Lorraine was the third of eight children. The family moved to Montana for a short time, then on to Washington, were they settled at Alderwood Manor, now Wilcox Park, in Lynnwood. Lorraine graduated from Seattle Business College, in 1939.

Lorraine married Earl Meyer, in 1939, and had three children, Kathleen, Richard and Kristy. They divorced in 1950.

In 1951, she moved to Port Angeles and married Malcolm “Sandy” Ross, the love of her life. They had a son, Malcolm “Mac.” They spent 23 years together until “Sandy” was killed in a logging accident in 1974. She never married again.

Once settled in Port Angeles, she began by working at Rayonier, Inc. She soon began writing; working at the local paper and selling display ads. She wrote for the tourism guide, promoting the Olympic Peninsula and was Editor of Clallam County Shopper, among other writing endeavors throughout the years. Up until recently, you could find her opinions and views printed among the “Letters to the Editor” section of the paper. She always loved to write and has (more…)

Fireworks: Preserve American History, Culture, and Liberty

Fireworks: Preserve American History, Culture, and Liberty

by Susan Shotthafer

Those who would give up essential Liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety ~ Ben Franklin

 Will our posterity celebrate their holidays in the United States Socialist Democracy of Amerika?

Happily, this year, our county commissioners did follow through with a fireworks ban proposed last year. Wherever America’s patriots still celebrate Independence Day, fireworks remind us of sacrifice and our heritage. Dazzling, sky-rocketing, crackling, thunderous fireworks embody liberty’s spirit. (more…)

$27 BILLION in new State Taxes – who’s getting hit?

In the dead of night, the last day of the State legislature, the State Democrats passed 11 NEW TAXES to the tune of $27 BILLION over the next 10 years, with little or no public input.
Here’s a breakdown of the new taxes.
 * New payroll taxes (HB 1087): $8,036,110,541 
 * New property sales taxes (REET – SB 5998): $1,747,300,000
 * New fuel taxes (MTCA – SB 5993): $2,760,000,000
 * New taxes on bank customers (SB 6016):  $367,900,000
 * New taxes on bank customers (HB 2167):  $1,035,700,000
 * New taxes on border business customers (SB 5997): $311,759,000
 * New taxes on travel agent customers (SB 6004): $30,100,000
 * New taxes on vaping customers (HB 1873): $207,135,000
 * New taxes on online buyers (SB 5581): $1,039,261,000
 * New taxes on service business customers (SB 2158): $3,097,600,000
 * New property taxes (SB 5313): $8,661,000,000 
Total:  $27,293,865,541
These are all the tax hikes I-1648 will kill off if passed.  Initiative 1648 is the “Sunsets/Expires all 2019 Tax Hikes” Initiative sponsored by Tim Eyman’s group and the citizens of Washington.
Initiative 1648 — “Term Limits on New Taxes” — sunsets/expires all tax hikes not approved by voters at the ballot box. For tax hikes imposed in 2019, the initiative requires they expire on December 5. For tax hikes imposed in 2020 and thereafter, the initiative puts a one-year time limit on them. The “single subject” of I-1648 is putting term limits on legislatively imposed tax increases.
Initiative 1648 needs 320,000 signatures by July 5 to qualify for the ballot. 

Initiative Measure No. 1648 concerns state taxes. This measure would require state tax increases to expire after one year unless approved by a majority vote of the people, and immediately terminate any tax increases imposed in 2019 without such approval. Should this measure be enacted into law?

The Washington State Republican Party (WSRP) passed the following in support of the Initiative:
Resolution in Support of Signature Gathering for I-1648
WHEREAS, the Party has consistently supported initiatives that make it tougher to raise taxes,
WHEREAS, during the 2019 legislative session, Governor Inslee and the Democrats imposed,
despite unified opposition from Republican legislators, 11 tax increases (costing taxpayers
$27 billion over the next 10 years) with extremely limited public participation or public
BE IT RESOLVED: that the Washington State Republican Party supports term limits on new
taxes and calls on voters across the state of Washington to sign petitions and gather
signatures for Initiative 1648 before the July 5 deadline.
To learn more about the initiative or to download petitions, visit
You can sign or pick up initiatives at
Clallam County Republican Party headquarters, 509 S. Lincoln, Port Angeles or
at The Master Locksmith, 445 W. Washington, Sequim, WA.


How much are illegal aliens costing Washington State citizens?

How much are illegal aliens costing Washington State citizens?

According to a report entitled “The Fiscal Burden of Illegal Immigration on Washingtonians” FAIR 2011, Washington State taxpayers are supporting ILLEGAL aliens to the tune of $2.5 BILLION each year. 

An estimated 275,000 illegal aliens live in Washington State. Illegal aliens cost taxpayers $2.7 BILLION in state and local costs, but they only pay an estimated $203 million in taxes collected by the state; leaving a burden of more than $2.5 BILLION for Washington taxpayers.

Taxpayers support illegal aliens in education by $1.6 BILLION; in healthcare, $508 MILLION; in justice and law enforcement, $176 MILLION; in public assistance, $143 MILLION; and in general government services $325 MILLION.

According to,

  • In 2017, the total cost of illegal immigration for the United States – at the federal, state, and local levels – was approximately $116 billion.
  • FAIR arrived at this number by subtracting the tax revenue paid by illegal aliens – about $19 billion – from the total economic impact of illegal migration, $134.9 billion.
  • In 2013, the estimated total cost of illegal migration was approximately $113 billion. So, in under four years, the cost has risen nearly $3 billion.
  • Evidence shows that the tax payments made by illegal aliens fail to cover the costs of the many services they consume.
  • A large percentage of illegal aliens who work in the underground economy frequently avoid paying any income tax at all.
  • Many illegal aliens actually receive a net cash profit through refundable tax credit programs.

Click here for a downloadable chart.