June 13, 2012 Report from Jim McEntire

I’m glad to provide this brief report for my (almost) six months in office as your County Commissioner:

I’ve been climbing the learning curve, which has been considerable, and enjoying my chance to learn many new things.  I’m astounded at the many ways the Federal government spends money on local government issues.  I’m struck by the fact that as federal spending levels fall (as they must when we have a president that understands the extreme dangers to our economy posed by massive levels of federal debt) we will have to tighten our belts accordingly – there is simply no money to be had at the local level to provide a backfill.  I’ll be spending lots of time in the coming months to close the County’s spending gap, and bring it in line with existing local and State revenues.


5/16/2011 – Report from Jim McEntire

From Jim’s website – May 16, 2011, when running for County Commissioner: “Voters have the opportunity to elect a Thoughtful, Fair-minded, Sensible, Conservative Leader who will position our County’s economy for a brighter future. “Job One” is to promote policies that will get the private sector economy growing again. That will be my major focus, should you elect me to the County Commission. I stand for two other things: fiscal responsibility and common sense environmental regulation. I support time-tested American civic values of self-reliance, liberty, private enterprise, and families and communities taking care of each other.”