Indoor restaurant and bar patrons must show proof of COVID-19 vaccination

Indoor restaurant and bar patrons must show proof of COVID-19 vaccination

Posted 9/2/2021

The press release from Allison Berry, health officer for Clallam and Jefferson counties, was released today requiring vax “passports” and/or other “acceptable proof” of vaccination.

Whether or not you choose to receive the vax should be your own decision, based on your knowledge of your own health conditions. 

For example, a new report from a Harvard epidemiologist states, in part: ” “The natural immune protection that develops after a SARS-CoV-2 infection offers considerably more of a shield against the Delta variant of the pandemic coronavirus than two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, according to a large Israeli study …. ” So, the question is, if you’ve already had COVID, why would you be under coercion to take a vaccine?  If you have the antibodies, why would be you coerced to take a vaccine that so far has had dire effects and in some cases death.

Article I Section 1 of the Washington State Constitution says: “All political power in inherent in the people, and government derives its just power from the consent of the governed, and is established to protect and maintain individual rights.” 

Coercion is not consent!

There are two sides to every story, but the mainstream media is telling only one side.  It’s easy enough to learn about the “other” side of this issue by researching it on the internet.  America’s Frontline Doctors is a good place to start. (

The Washington State GOP State Committee just passed a Resolution in opposition to any mandatory vaccine policies at our recent meeting in August.

There will be a public meeting tomorrow morning (Friday, Sept. 3, 2021) at the county courthouse.  There will be a protest against the MANDATED VAX and the VAX PASSPORTS (by whatever name it is being called).  This is the time to stand up for freedom and our God-given rights.  The meeting starts at 10 a.m.; people will be showing up earlier with signs of protest.  There should also be opportunity to testify.  Please be there by 9 a.m. if you can join us.

As Edmund Burke so famously said, “All that is necessary for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.”

Republican leaders call for special session to fix confusing, controversial police reform bills

Republican leaders call for special session to fix confusing, controversial police reform bills

Olympia, WA – August 12, 2021 – Senate Republican Leader John Braun, R-Centralia, and House Republican Leader J.T. Wilcox, R-Yelm, issued the following statement in response to continued Democrat  insistence in the press that law enforcement and legislators are overreacting to controversial new laws on policing that lack clarity and endanger the public, police and first responders.

“Our offices have received emails from people who are not just concerned about the effects of House Bills 1310 and 1054, but are seriously afraid for their safety and the well-being of their family members. We have also heard from local government officials who have questions about the ambiguous and conflicting language of the legislation. It’s telling that Democrats are dismissing the concerns and feedback from those with a lifetime of law enforcement experience who are being honest and forthcoming in their assessment of the current situation. (more…)

Invitation to our Lincoln Day Luncheon on July 24th!

Lincoln Day Luncheon 2021

Get your tickets now! Don’t Miss this Great Event!

Saturday, July 24, 2021 – Starts at 11 a.m.

Keynote Speaker – GLEN MORGAN

Glen is currently the Executive Director of the Citizens Alliance for Property Rights. Glen Morgan was the Grassroots Director and the Property Rights Director at the Freedom Foundation from 2011 until 2015. He enjoys creating videos documenting Big Government’s abuses of citizens – particularly on property rights issues.

He is a frequent writer and speaker on property rights, the environmental movement, Big Government, and the importance of citizen activism. In 2014, Bill Whittle called Glen, “The ascended high master of political messaging.” Glen doesn’t consider himself a high master of anything, but he enjoys exploring policy issues in local government and exposing government corruption and incompetence which impacts everyone. Most recently, he has been working on Election Integrity in Washington State.  Read more about Glen here: We The Governed – Glen Morgan Short Bio

Special Guest  – State Rep. Jim Walsh

Special Appearance by

US Congressional Candidate Elizabeth Kreiselmaier


BBQ Luncheon catered by Coyote Grill

Special Music – Proud to be an American – honoring our Vets – and God Bless America

Meet the Candidates running for office.


Held on the gorgeous grounds of the George Washington Inn overlooking the Strait!

Geroge Washington Inn, Photo By Daniel A. Abbott

(Bring and hat and suntan lotion – enjoy the beautiful weather and meet new friends!)


Purchase your Tickets Now!  Deadline is July 16th 


Download and share the Flyer with your friends!
Lincoln Day Luncheon 2021 flyer

Juneteenth Celebration

Juneteenth Celebration

by Brian Pruiett, vice chair, Clallam County Republican Party
June 15, 2021 – The Clallam County Republican Party has issued a statement supporting the recognition of Juneteenth day by a law signed by Washington’s Governor.   The tragic tradition of slavery harmed our nation for centuries.  Those politicians who supported slavery incited attacks against our republic and incited a civil war, formerly known as the War of The Rebellion.
Recognition of the injustice incurred on both those in slavery and the federal forces who lost their lives or sacrificed their physical health to fight for freedom should remain in our conscience in perpetuity.    Any political party with a legacy of supporting slavery should  be conscious of their liability to those who were subjected to slavery, but this legacy is not one for Clallam County.
Those who gave so much in fighting against slavery as members of the Grand Army of the Republic, came to Port Angeles and their families are still with us.  Our families paid the price in blood and flesh for the freedom of all.   Any who tear open those long-healed wounds with demands for reparations are not in consonance with the American way of life.
The Clallam County Republican Party condemns slavery in all forms, including  human trafficking which is still ongoing.  Our official statement follows:
On June 19th, 1865, United States Army General Gordon Granger announced to the people of Texas that all former slaves in Texas were no longer slaves but had been set free by Executive Proclamation known as the Emancipation Declaration. Starting the very next year in Texas and expanding to other states over the years, Juneteenth rapidly became the anniversary celebration of the liberation of slaves in the United States, the most immediate outcome of the U.S. Civil War.
The Clallam County Republican Party supports official designation of Juneteenth as a Washington State and Federal holiday. Several officially recognized holidays celebrate wars of liberation fought by citizen soldiers of the United States against tyranny, such as Memorial Day and Veterans Day. Even July 4th commemorates a war of independence. One could even argue that Christmas and Easter celebrate liberation over sin and death, and therefore, all American holidays celebrate liberation.
Thus, it is fitting that the Civil War in the United States has its own holiday. Since Juneteenth has been in place for 155 years in various forms and locations, and since the date is anchored in a historic fact that symbolizes the liberation accomplished in that war, we believe that Juneteenth should be honored as a state and national holiday and celebrated as such.
Republican abolitionists were at the forefront of movement to liberate slaves freed by the civil war. Republican lawmakers passed the Constitutional Amendments which corrected the institutionalization of slavery. Republican lawmakers passed the Civil Rights Acts which abolished the practice of unequal treatment of persons based on race. Juneteenth celebrates the historic sacrifice of Republicans at all levels to further the cause of liberty in America and across the world.
We fully support Juneteenth as a day to reflect and learn from this and other struggles in the cause of liberty.
Passed by the Clallam County Republican Party Central Committee on May 6, 2021.

State Party Chairman Caleb Heimlich shared thoughts about the celebration of Juneteenth as a holiday.  Here’s what he says:

Juneteenth, also known as Freedom Day, Jubilee Day, Liberation Day and Emancipation Day is the newest official American holiday, celebrated annually on the 19th of June in the United States to commemorate Union army general Gordon Granger’s reading of federal orders in the city of Galveston, Texas, on June 19th, 1865, proclaiming all slaves in Texas were now free. Slavery had legally ended with the emancipation proclamation in 1863 but news didn’t reached Galveston until 1865. Starting in 1866, there were community celebrations held to celebrate this day, many led by Black Republicans first in Texas then spreading across the country.

Today is an appropriate day to remember the rich history of the Republican Party in fighting for equal opportunity for all:

The Republican Party was founded in 1854 to abolish slavery. Our first Republican President, Abraham Lincoln, issued the Emancipation Proclamation to free the slaves at the height of the Civil War leading to the defeat of the Confederacy and reunification of the nation.

Republicans passed the 13th Amendment to the Constitution permanently abolishing slavery. Republicans passed the 14th Amendment granting citizenship and voting rights to black men. Republicans passed the 19th Amendment giving all women the right to vote.

Republicans in the US House and Senate, in far greater percentages than Democrats, passed the 1964 and 1968 Civil Rights Acts.The first 23 black members of Congress were all Republicans.

Washington State’s first African American legislator, Republican William Owen Bush, introduced the legislation that led to the creation of Washington State University.

Charles Stokes, another Republican, was the first African American elected to the Legislature from King County and later became a judge.

The Republican Party was founded on the principles of freedom and opportunity for all. We will continue to carry that legacy now and into the future as we strive to create a more perfect Union. God Bless America!

Long-Term Care Payroll Tax will Begin in Jan – You must work fast to opt out

Long-Term Care Payroll Tax will Begin in Jan – You must work fast to opt out

Olympia, WA – May 3, 2021 – There is a new government program, and you will have taxes taken out of your paycheck from 2022 until you are no longer working. You have a limited time to opt out -by November 1st – so please look into your options.

Background. In 2019, in a vote that was almost strictly along party lines, the WA State Legislature created a new program to help pay for long term care for people who may need it. It sounds like a great program, but there are some drawbacks. (more…)