If you’ve been observing any of the hearings around the country, in which poll watchers and other experts have been testifying in various states where vote fraud is suspected, you may come to the conclusion that there is a real issue with mail-in voting, especially where it’s been used last year for the first time.  There are too many different challenges to the ballots to go into here.  People who have stepped forward to tell what they have witnessed have been bullied and sometimes lost their jobs as a result.  The electors’ votes from around the nation will be counted on January 6, 2021.  There are several Congressional members who have stated they will object to certain states’ votes being counted due to the testimonies of many witnesses and affidavits put forth to show evidence that election integrity has been compromised in those states.

If you think there has been election fraud or any state election laws were not followed per the US Constitution, please contact your representatives in the Congress and Senate and urge them NOT TO ACCEPT THE ELECTORAL COUNTS FROM the states of GA, PA, WI, MI, AZ, NV on January 6th.  These are the states with clear evidence of a lack of election integrity.  A compromised election in one state compromises us all. 
We are needed to stand up NOW and fight for our beloved country.  This is a non partisan issue!  Both parties need to hear from their constituents now. Please take just a few minutes to contact your representatives in the Congress and Senate regarding the count of electoral votes on January 6th.  Just a couple sentences is all that is needed.  
The email for Senator Maria Cantwell is: maria_cantwell@cantwell.senate.gov
The email for Senator Patty Murray is: http://www.murray.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/contactme
and the email for U.S. Representative Derek Kilmer is: https://kilmer.house.gov/contact
God Bless America!