“So, it was our Republican Party that gave me a political home. When I signed up for duty, I didn’t have to check my principles at the door. And I soon found out that the desire for victory did not overcome our devotion to ideals. And what ideals those have been. Our party speaks for human freedom – for the sweep of liberties that are at the core of our existence. We do not shirk from our duties to preserve freedom so it can unfold across the world for yearning millions.” – President Ronald Reagan, 1988


(from the Clallam County Republican Party Platform)

Recognizing that constitutionally limited government and moral integrity are essential to the preservation of individual liberty and social responsibility, OUR MISSION is to:

A. Influence our national, state, and local governments to adhere to the principles set forth in the Declaration of Independence and the limits established for government by the Constitution of the United States of America, the Constitution of the State of Washington, and the Clallam County Home Rule Charter;

B. Reduce the burden of government on individual citizens, families, and the economy by spending and regulatory reforms that reduce government’s size and cost and regulatory oversight; and

C. Encourage citizens of good character who share the goals and principles stated in this platform to seek elected office, actively support their candidacies, continue to support and encourage them once they take office, and actively participate in the public process to influence government policies.

I Am A Republican Because…
I BELIEVE the greatness of our nation lies within the people, not the government, and that we must staunchly defend individual liberties.
I BELIEVE a free market, capitalist economy has brought this nation unparalleled opportunity and prosperity.
I BELIEVE in equal rights, justice, and opportunity for all Americans.
I BELIEVE America is an exceptional nation, founded on sound ideas, expressed best in the words of the Declaration of Independence.
I BELIEVE government must practice fiscal responsibility, while preforming their legitimate duties to benefit the people.
I BELIEVE a limited government, driven by the people, should work in conjunction with private entities to produce the best outcome for society.
I BELIEVE America has made, and will make mistakes, but that overall, we are a force for good in the world.
I BELIEVE Republican policies are most likely to preserve and promote these principles, keep America prosperous, and provide opportunities for success to future generations.

If you agree with us, or want more information about the Clallam County Republican Party, please contact us at (360) 452-6537 or email us at info@clallamrepublicans.org.

About the Clallam County Republican Party…

As Republicans, we are your neighbors, your relatives and your friends.  We believe in smaller, more accountable government of, by and for the people, not of, by and for the bureaucrats.

If you are tired of paying more in taxes and fees, in being regulated to the point that you believe you are losing your freedoms, please come and join us to bring more common sense back to our government.  Contact us today!

Our Purposes

Three goals of the Clallam County Republican Party (CCRP) are to:

1) elect Republicans to public office;

2) attract voters and volunteers to the Republican Party; and

3) establish a Republican Party organization that is an effective vehicle for setting public policy.

We Are Republicans Because:

  • We believe the strength of our nation lies with the individual and that each person’s dignity, freedom, ability, and responsibility must be honored.
  • We believe in equal rights, equal justice, and equal opportunity for all, regardless of race, creed, sex, age, or disability.
  • We believe free enterprise and encouraging individual initiative have brought this nation opportunity, economic growth, and prosperity.
  • We believe government must practice fiscal responsibility and allow individuals to keep more of the money they earn.
  • We believe the most effective, responsible, and responsive government is the government closest to the people.
  • We believe Americans value and should preserve our national strength and pride while working to extend peace, freedom, and human rights throughout the world.
  • We believe the Republican Party is the best vehicle for translating theses ideals into positive and successful principles of government.
  • We believe the proper role of government is to provide for the people only those critical functions that cannot be performed by individuals or private organizations and that the best government is that which governs least.
  • We believe Americans must retain the principles that have made us strong while developing new and innovative ideas to meet the challenges of changing times.

Consider where we stand. And if you agree, join us as we work toward a better tomorrow for all Washingtonians.

Contact us for more information

Read Our Platforms

Read the County, State and National Republican Platforms.
These are where we stand on issues.

You may find that you are a Republican, too!

Republican Platform 2024

Party Leadership & More Information


Here’s why:  GOP v DEM scorecard

(Download a copy and share with your friends!)


What we Stand For: 2024 Party Platform and Issues Comparison

(Download a copy and share with your friends!)

Don’t Miss an Issue!


Sign up here for our GOP Newsletter.  It will help keep you up-to-date with upcoming events, issues and other good information! (Please be sure to include your mailing address and phone # in the message area.  Thank you!

Sign Me Up for the Newsletter!

6 + 7 =

Our Bylaws


The Bylaws are how we run our county party.  It’s how we elect officers, and run our convention, as well as other information.

The following amended bylaws to the Clallam County Republican Party’s Central Committee were voted upon and passed on November 7, 2024 at the regular Central Committee meeting, held at GOP Headquarters, 509 So. Lincoln, Port Angeles, WA.

2024 Bylaws  – Click here for downloadable pdf version

Republican Women of Clallam County

One of the clubs that supports the Clallam County Republican Party is the RWCC (Republican Women of Clallam County).

If you are interested in joining, please visit their website.

Some History of the GOP

Interested in knowing about the history of the Republican Party?  Click for a timeline and stories.

In Memory Of...

Remembering those who have passed,
who were an integral part of our Party
and offered inspiration and leadership.

Previous Events

Check out some of the previous events held by the local Party over the years.

What Republicans are saying


Clallam County Republican
Party Headquarters

509 S. Lincoln Street
Port Angeles, WA 98362

(Send mail to: P. O. Box 808
Port Angeles, WA 98362)

(360) 452-6537

Contact Us

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Join the Clallam County GOP
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11 am - 2 pm
Monday - Friday

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