County Board to join ICLEI promoting UN Agenda 21 – again?

County Board to join ICLEI promoting UN Agenda 21 – again?

by Sue Forde

Posted Dec. 6. 2019

Clallam County is moving toward rejoining ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability (a subset of Agenda 21-Sustainable Development). At its worksession on Dec. 2, 2019, Commissioner Mark Ozias (D) suggested joining in order to take advantage of a computer program which would “monitor greenhouse gas inventories” in Clallam County.  According to the agreement to be signed, however, the scope is far more encompassing than the use of a computer program. The agreement to join incorporates the document by ICLEI titled “Global Challenge, Local Action”.  Under “How We Work – Five Pathways”, it states:  “Scale up and expand the model of Sustainable Cities and Regions”, and “Undertake a Collective Effort for Global Change Across all Sectors and levels of Government”.

This despite the fact that in 2011, the County terminated its dues-paying relationship with ICLEI after citizens objected to it because it in effect relinquishes control of our government to a global government – the United Nations. ICLEI, according to its document submitted as part of the agreement for Clallam County, states, “ICLEI is the leading global network of more than 1,750 cities, towns and regions committed to building a sustainable future.”  Further, it states, “ICLEI is the leading local government network dedicated to sustainability and climate action.  For 30 years, we’ve represented the voice of cities and counties on the global stage.” (emphasis added) (more…)

Democrats sue the voters over passage of $30 car tabs

Democrats sue the voters over passage of $30 car tabs

State Initiative I-976 – the $30 car tabs – passed by 55% – a strong majority.  Washingtonians came out in full force to reject Democrats and their out of touch, tax and spend approach to government and 2020 is going to be a rude awakening for Jay Inslee, Bob Ferguson, and the rest of the Democrat elitists who continue to disrespect and neglect the will of the people.

Instead of listening to the voters, Governor Inslee and the Democrats are working to punish them.

Our elected officials should represent the will of the voters – plain and simple. Today’s Democratic leadership and Governor Inslee are more interested in forcing their ideology on the voters than listening to them. It’s time for change.

Sign the petition at the WSRP website:

(from the WSRP website)

Raising taxes for more land preservation?

Raising taxes for more land preservation?

Commentary by Dick Pilling

Hey County Commissioners!  What the heck are ya thinking?  You gonna’ raise my taxes?  To create a “Conservation Futures Fund”?  And purchase land to preserve for agricultural purposes.  To sustain the nation’s food supply?  Really?

Do you not know that in the 1800’s, fully 90% of the population lived and worked on farms but that today, this figure has decreased to about 1% and, therefore, the arable land in Clallam County makes a minimal contribution to our food supply? 

A farmer should be allowed to sell his land as he sees fit but don’t use my tax dollars to subsidize him so that he can place his property in a status that is not the highest and best possible use of the land.   Which, likely, is not agriculture. 

And, incidentally, this plan will further reduce the land available for housing which further increases housing prices thereby placing homeownership further out of reach for many of our citizens and, consequently, further intensifying the homeless problem…

So really, this whole deal is to extort money from me that I really don’t want to give you and that you really don’t need in order to address a farming problem that we really  don’t have and thereby further exacerbate the homeless situation that we really  do have and, for good measure, add to our budget deficit. 

I know that you are trying to do the right thing but, in this case, you are merely trying…  Very trying…

LTE published PDN 11/22/19

ALERT!  Property Tax Increase – Public Hearing – Please Show up or Contact the County Commissioners by Tuesday, Nov. 12th, 2019!

ALERT!  Property Tax Increase – Public Hearing – Please Show up or Contact the County Commissioners by Tuesday, Nov. 12th, 2019!

See Action to Take – Questions to Ask – and Background Info below.


1.  Show up on Tuesday, November 12, 2019 at 10:30, at the Clallam County Commissioner’s Meeting at the Clallam County Courthouse for the public hearing.  Sign up and voice your opinion, or be there to support others who do.

2.  Telephone the county commissioners and express your objection and/or questions about the Conservation Futures Fund NEW TAX.

3.  Email the Board of County Commissioners (see information below) to let them know your thoughts and/or ask questions about the plan to add more tax to your property (if you are a tenant, it will probably raise the rate of your rent to cover the additional expense of the property).

4.  Tell your friends and neighbors or forward this Alert to them, to get out the word. (more…)

County Board to join ICLEI promoting UN Agenda 21 – again?

ICLEI is back – City and county should not be part of a United Nations program

by Kaj Ahlburg

RE: Proposed plan aims for carbon-neutral Port Angeles by 2030 

“The only direct cost related to this project is a $600 membership in International Council for Local Environment Initiatives (ICLEI),” Dubuc said in his memo to the council.

“ICLEI membership provides tools for future research, data collection and planning activities. It is widely used as the standard for collecting greenhouse gas emissions data and a tool that both Clallam County and Jefferson County have used.”

Eight years ago we were successful in making Clallam County and the City of Sequim withdraw from ICLEI.  See my attached 2011 comment letter (Ahlburg letter re ICLEI) and this article: .  Now the City of Port Angeles wants to join ICLEI, which openly avows pursuing Agenda 2030 (formerly Agenda 21): .  I suspect many people are not fully aware of everything ICLEI stands for.

“By committing to this vision, local and regional governments are leading the way towards a fossil fuel free era…”

Perhaps we should let the City Council and the Planning Commission know that that not all of the people of Port Angeles share the goals of ICLEI.

(Note: Here is current link to the Vancouver Declaration on Human Settlements referenced in the Citizen Review Online article.)
Read more about ICLEI, Sustainable Development and the UN’s plans here: